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Where can I drop them off?

My kids that is. We are about a month into summer vacation and I’m spent. They have literally broken me down so that I just say WHATEVER to anything they ask.

Mom can we have s’mores for breakfast?
Mom, can you pick up my friends from their houses and then drive us all to the mall?
Mom, can I get a Mohawk again?
Mom, can you tell Shaun to stop biting his lip, it’s annoying me.

This is all day. I’m not exaggerating. By 9am one of them is crying, another is banished to their room and the other is getting backlash just for being in my line of sight. I try to take a breathe, calm down and engage them in something exciting or new or fun. I take them to special lunches, we do activities and crafts, we play games but it’s never enough. It doesn’t matter. They are just trying to suck me dry. Each day I daydream about running getting away. I research discount car rentals, little cottages on the beach and fancy new umbrella drinks, anything that will get me away from the chaos. Then I wake up look around and see they they’ve transformed into sweet cuddly mini-me’s just craving attention. I love my babies, no matter how big they get but damn I can’t wait for school to start.

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