Today was not only Thanksgiving but it was also my birthday. And it has been a great birthday indeed! It all started last weekend for a Girlfriends Getaway Weekend with me and my best friend Stacy and finished today with my family gathering together for Turkey Day.

sorry for the blurriness, taken from a cellphone
Rob is terrible at keeping a secret so he tends to shop RIGHT before my birthday. He came home with a familiar golden bag and beloved red coffee cup. I assumed the bag contained my 3 mother’s rings that have been at the jeweler getting serviced/cleaned/inspected/tightened. He surprised floored me with a gift of diamond earrings. I’ve been asking for them for 10 years and he just realized I actually do deserved them.
The kids gave me this lovely skeleton key necklace from Etsy (I even wrote about it here) and a collection of handmade clay figurines and trinkets.
I’m a lucky girl to be surrounded by people that love me! Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!