Oral hygiene might not be the most interesting topic but Oral-B Pro-Health FOR ME makes it more fun for kids. I recently hosted a “MommyParties” with Shaun’s Cub Scout troop to talk about ways to keep the boy’s teeth and mouth clean and healthy.
Each week at the scout meeting we discuss a new topic, sometimes it’s about family, sometimes it’s about nutrition sometimes it’s about safety. I thought introducing Oral-B Pro-Health FOR ME would be a fun way to not only have my party but give the boys a little lesson. I know from experience kids don’t always follow through on proper brushing so I knew this would be a perfect chance to teach a little something to kids from a different perspective.
I started the “presentation” asking the boys if they knew how long they were supposed to brush their teeth or how often they were supposed to floss. One thing I loved was that some of them knew to use a song like Happy Birthday or Twinkle Twinkle Little Star to ensure they brushed their teeth long enough. The whole thing ended up being a very educational experience for the boys and a very entertaining with the unique answers they were giving. It wasn’t at all boring, we made it fun with balloons and a cute smile craft and a sample of Cars II Gummy Vitamins.
Toothbrushes and toothpaste might not sound like a fun gift but the kids loved the gift bags provided by Oral-B Pro Health FOR ME. Each boy (and some siblings) went home with a toothbrush, full size toothpaste, pack of flossers, various coupons and a wealth of information they will hopefully us.
My own kids have been using the Oral-B Pro Health FOR ME Mouth Rinse and Flossers on a daily basis. Shaun especially seems excited to have tools just for him. No more spicy mouthwash is what he’s most grateful for.
A special thanks to MommyParties and Oral-B Stage III an Crest and Oral-B Pro Health FOR ME to allowing me to share their products and information with a great group of boys!