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My Mom Loved To Store Food

When I was growing up there were five kids if not more in our house at any one time so my mother used our basement as a long term food storage area that she still uses to this day.

 Now you can understand why my mother would need to do this because out of the five kids there were four boys and teenage boys eat like it is going out of style.  Well, at least me and my brothers did and my mom would always say that she needed emergency food storage just in case because my brothers and I would probably starve otherwise and she was probably right, LOL.  I can remember my brothers and I eating one to two boxes of cereal every morning at breakfast and eating a pack of hotdogs after school.  Now that I think about it this may be the reason why I am not a huge hotdog fan.  That is another post for another time.  

If you are going to store food like my mother did wise food storage is essential.  She had and to this day still has a system where all cans were stacked a certain way and certain items were store with like items.  It was OCD at its finest.  Thinking back my mother used to store enough food to feed an army so there was no way my brothers and I would have ever starved.

I kind of do the same thing now but on a different level as I really don’t have the space to store a lot of extra food but I do what I can with the space I have. In our pantry I do keep multiple items on hand so that I will never run out of any one item and shop in bulk and we even have a chest freezer so we can store a lot of frozen items. Not sure why but I feel more comfortable knowing that I have extra food on hand just in case.

What does your pantry look like?  Do you have a crazy food storage system like my mom has and still has to this day?

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