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Vivint Recap On Solar Power

Every month when the electric bill comes I get instantly annoyed because typically is it higher than I would like.  It also doesn’t help knowing there are alternative energy sources like solar available that we aren’t utilizing that we could be and that would help us save a ton of cash.

I started looking into solar and found Vivint Solar and learned a few things that I didn’t know.

Vivint Solar has a power purchase agreement.  What that means is they retain ownership of your system, but agree to design, install, and maintain your system for free and you agree to purchase the power your panels generate from them.   A PPA ensures you can enjoy the benefits of clean, renewable solar energy without having to recoup your investment over 10 to 20 years. A PPA helps you enjoy the benefits of solar without a large, up-front investment as well as offers you stable electric rates by allowing you to lock in your rate for the next 20 years.

I have looked at the solar option in the past and the costs have been crazy expensive but Vivint makes solor affordable for everyone.  They walk you through the whole process step by step from the initial process to obtain all necessary permits and completing the installation.

Solar is really that easy and can be installed in one day.  Crazy.

Technology has come such a far way and has really become affordable for almost every one

Vivint is more than just solar and they are  dedicated to enhancing security, convenience and energy efficiency.

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