Reading is an important way to keep kids sharp and focused until the school bell rings again. Our weekly trips to the library often start with requests to get on the computers or play with the toys but I encourage the kids to first pick out the books that they want to borrow then we play. In our home reading is done 1st thing in the morning before the day gets hectic and the tv turns on. Summer mornings work best for us because we haven’t started on other activities yet but nighttime in the winter.
PBS Kids and IVillage have teamed up to bring you the Summer Reading Community Challenge officially started June 18th. To kick it off the kids and I set up all the goodies we were sent outside where we could include the kids in the neighborhood.

that’s Cooper, too young to read but he makes a mighty fine Cat in the Hat
The iVillage PBS Kids summer Reading Community Challenge is designed to keep kids reading and building literacy over the summer months. i’m guilty of just letting the kids do whatever they want some days during the summer. Schedules are still hectic and full and sometimes it’s easier to let them watch a movie instead of productive and quality activities. This reading program give me and the kids a little bit of accountability by having them fill out a Reading Progress Chart. I’m allowing for some laziness throughout the day and of course outside play and swimming but we are focused on keeping hold of what was learned throughout the school year.
Our exploration of the materials sent included books, how to track time spent reading, activity sheets, fill in the blank stories, tattoos, DVD of Super Why and markers and notebooks. I’m going to say the notebooks and markers were the hit. There is something about doodling that excites kids and I’m happy to oblige. I also had each child complete a little questionnaire about their love of reading. I think this made them feel a little grown up. Some were able to write on their own, some needed help but everyone tried.
There is still time to sign up for the iVillage PBS Kids Summer Reading Community Challenge. How will you encourage your kids to slow the brain drain this summer? Â Also join in the fun and celebrate reading for a chance to win $1,000!