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We Have A Slight Addiction

Melinda and I are addicted to magazines and when I say addicted I am not kidding. Between the two of us we probably get at least 10 magazines a month and those are just the ones that get delivered to the house. That number doesn’t include the one off magazine we buy when we take a trip to Barnes and Noble or Target.

There was a time when we were easily getting 20 magazines on a weekly and monthly basis but once we starting blogging we cut back on our subscriptions because there was just too much to read.

Recently I was told about a place called All Magazine Prices where you can go to compare magazines. At first I thought it was a website where I could buy magazines at a discount but it is strictly a compare site. Considering we read a TON of magazines this will be a site that I will be visiting first so that I can be sure I am getting the best subscription price available.

Even though you can buy most magazines via a digital format I still prefer a magazine that I can hold in my hand. I am not sure why because I read books on my iPad but for some reason magazines are just different. The kids are just like me and prefer the old fashion magazine to the digital version and when you buy Shaun or Shae a magazine they look at it about a hundred times before recycling it. LOL.

Do you read a lot of magazines? What are a few of your favorites?

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