Hallmark is there. I’ve had the pleasure of visiting with Hallmark events 2 in the past few weeks.
NYC’s Holiday Product Preview at the London Hotel was like a little taste of Christmas in the Summer. Hallmark went all out not just showcasing their new products and decor for the holiday season but offering holiday cookies to match the ambience.
We got to see firsthand the innovative and interactive products for home decor and children’s memories.
The Philly HallmarkTour was entirely different and I think my favorite of the 2 events. This was a chance to meet the people behind the sappy notes and creative photographs.
We had the opportunity to write own captions for photos of children. Our team didn’t win but I think we came up some great inspirational ideas. We were also given the task to write messages of encouragement for back to school time. This was something that I found hard. I have the feelings in my heart and my head but trying to get them on paper I became a blubbering mess. I wasn’t the only one though. I peered over and saw some glassy eyes From Sherry of BabyPop and Randi from SAHM’s Crazy Life.
Hallmark is a wonderful fell good brand. A company that I’ve turned to for many years for holiday ornaments, baby’s 1st birthday momentos, e-cards and more.

shae’s message to sabreena and shaun for their 1st day of school
I was lucky enough to bring home Story Buddy, Nugget. The interactive plush comments and responds along to certain messages while you read the included book to your child. I was dreading opening this because I wasn’t in the mood to “put together” a toy but he was literally ready to go once he was out of the box.
Thanks so much for the experience in both NYC and Philly.