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Breakfast for Dinner #KidsintheKitchen

I’ve been getting better with meal planning which in turns makes for efficient shopping trips. But you know there all always hiccups in the schedule and time when the best thought out plans fall through. When this happens we rely on old faithful, breakfast for dinner. My kids hear this and they go nuts. They love breakfast food so when they can have it two times in one day I’m the greatest mother in the world.

kids in the kitchen, meme. #kidsinthekitchen

Since they love it so much I like to get them involved in getting dinner on the table. It doesn’t have to be difficult or dangerous. Mixing, measuring or setting the table all counts as helping in the kitchen.

Shae helping with eggs.

kids in the kitchen, weekly series, #kidsinthekitchen

sticky wet eggy fingers
kids in the kitchen, #kidsinthekitchen,
dinner is served
breakfast for dinner, #kidsinthekitchen, kid in the kitchen series

Do you have a story to share about your kids favorite food or a recipe they’ve created because you were out of milk that one day? I would love for you to join me and my co-hosts, Paula at Frosted Fingers and Sara at Sensibly Sara, each week linking up a post, new or old, that feature the theme Kids in the Kitchen. It doesn’t matter what you are doing as long as you are doing it together and enjoying it and learning something.

  • preparing healthy snacks
  • having a tea party
  • counting skills with m&ms
  • pouring from measuring cups
  • discovering a local restaurant that your kids love
  • creating new family friendly recipes

Don’t have a blog, then share a photo you uploaded to Facebook or Twitter.  Share whatever you have, we want to see it.

Linky Rules

1.  Link up only your kid friendly recipes, stories, pictures or cooking lessons here.(No Etsy stores or giveaways please).

2.  Link directly to a specific post, update or tweet not your homepage.

3. Please add a Kids in the Kitchen button or link on your site or blog post or share through social media so readers know you are participating.

banner size

button size

4.  Click through and comment, pin, like, tweet or share with other participants.  We love to share inspiration and ideas with each other, don’t link and run.

5. Follow the hosts of this feature,Paula at Frosted FingersSara at Sensibly Sara and me, Melinda at LookWhatMomFound…and Dad too

I can’t wait to see all of the fun food themed ideas, excursions and photos you have to share.

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