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First Alert Onelink Environment Monitor

My family’s safety is paramount. When the kids are babies we made sure their car seats we’re properly installed. Medications are kept out of their reach. Helmets are fitted to their heads. They learned about stranger danger. Smoke detectors are checked every 6 months and the First Alert CO detector is installed and ready to alert us if dangerous levels creep into the home.

First Alert addresses threats of low-level CO with a first-of-its-kind innovation with an Apple® HomeKit-enabled Onelink Environment Monitor that provides instant updates on changing home conditions.Carbon Monoxide is often referred to as the silent killer. It’s a colorless and odorless gas, making it undetectable by sight, sound, smell or taste.  The effects of exposure can cause headaches, nausea, disorientation and even death. This is why monitoring for the presence of CO provides protection for those that mean the most to you.
The new Onelink by First Alert® Environment Monitor features advanced sensing technologies to monitor for both high and low levels of CO,both of which can be hazardous to human health. This first-of-its-kind innovation uses Apple’s revolutionary HomeKit technology to quickly notify users of any environmental changes or dangers via their connected iOS devices (iPhone, iPad and iPod touch).

The powerful monitor detects and notifies the app user whenever CO readings register at or above nine parts per million over time (compared with 30–70 parts per million for a standard CO alarm). This low-level sensing ability is particularly important in homes with newborns, pregnant women or senior citizens, who can be especially susceptible to the effects of carbon monoxide. When emergency levels of CO are detected, you are notified via the app’s push notification, the light flashes bright red and the device emits a loud, 85 decibel alarm, alerting that the area should be evacuated.
First Alert Apple® HomeKit-enabled Onelink Environment Monitor
The Onelink by First Alert Environment Monitor also features built-in temperature sensors. A multicolored LED ring on the monitor informs users at a glance regarding the status of their home’s temperature. The ring changes colors as temperatures shift. A white light glows if the room is at the programmed temperature, blue indicates the room is too cool and amber signifies it is too warm.
First Alert Apple® HomeKit-enabled Onelink Environment Monitor
As busy families we embrace new convenient technology that helps with keeping everyone safe, happy and healthy. First Alert Onelink Environment Monitor is the first in a series of of connected home devices providing simple solutions to life’s everyday issues.
For more information about the complete system, products available and how to purchase visit