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Don’t Ignore This Advice If You Want Healthy Kids!

Who doesn’t want healthy kids? Kids soak up things like a sponge when they are younger, and many of us don’t realize just how much the things we say and do affect them. If we say things we shouldn’t about their eating habits for instance, even in jest, it can affect them later on in life. If you want to make sure you’re raising happy, healthy children, you shouldn’t ignore this advice…

Set An Example

The first thing you need to acknowledge is that kids take your lead. If you’re constantly on a diet or talking down about yourself, they are going to see this as the norm. If you want your kids to be healthy and happy, you must first make yourself healthy and happy. Learning to love yourself and eating a balanced diet will go a long way. It doesn’t matter what you are telling them, if your words don’t match your actions then it just isn’t going to stick.

Don’t Talk About Weight At All

One mistake parents make is talking about weight too much. It doesn’t matter if it’s your weight, their weight, or somebody on the TVs weight. Our value should never be attached to a number on the scale. Sure, we need to be healthy weights to thrive, but you and your child can achieve that without ridiculing people for being ‘too fat/too thin’. Don’t mention their weight at all. Tell them how amazing they are instead!


Let Them Try New Foods In Their Own Time

Kids are naturally going to dislike foods that they haven’t tried before. It’s normal. You can’t force them to eat something that they don’t want to. You shouldn’t put too much emphasis on this or turn it into a bigger deal than it needs to be. They may need to see something a number of times before they finally decide that they want to try it. Let them do it in their own time. If you tell them off or try to force them, chances are they will feel more inclined to stick rigidly to their habits. As long as you’re serving your kids healthy food, you don’t need to force it down their throats. If you really think there’s an issue, the next step is to consult a professional so you know how to handle the situation.

Plan Dinners A Few Days In Advance

Plan dinners a few days in advance so your kids know what’s coming up. You could even let them contribute. This should make them more inclined to eat what you put in front of them. Not only that, it’ll make shopping for food and cooking far more effective!

Keep Them Satiated

Your kids need to be satiated. You shouldn’t leave it too long without giving them food and drink. Usually, they should eat every 2-3 hours. You should also ensure they have a drink at all times. They might not want to eat if they’re having too much fun with their friends, for example, but you should make sure you offer them something.

Cook And Eat Dinner Together

Research shows that families who cook and eat dinner together are healthier. Not only that, you’ll all feel closer. It’s a great bonding exercise where you all stay away from electronics and other distractions, even if it’s just for a short while. If you get your kids involved properly, you could even teach them some valuable skills! Make sure you invest in safe cookware to use with them, as well as aprons and other things that could help.


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Try Sugar And Dips For Fruit And Veggies

Getting your kids to eat their fruits and veggies can be a little tricky, but it’s important. When they start eating these early on, they’ll be more inclined to eat them as adults. They are the healthiest things that any of us can eat. If your kids struggle to eat theirs, try giving them different dips to try. Maybe even sprinkle with some sugar for extra sweetness. It might not be ideal, but at least they are eating them!

Allow Treats For A Balanced Lifestyle

You shouldn’t deny your kids treats if you want them to lead a balanced lifestyle. This is key to a healthy life, mind and body! It’s what they put into their bodies overtime that matters, so as long as they are not eating too much junk, they’ll be OK. Make sure you monitor treats to ensure they’re not eating too many additives, sugars, or other nasty stuff. Feel free to treat them to ice cream occasionally, or even take them out for food!

Reward With Praise

Some parents tend to reward their children with food – you need to remember that they aren’t pets! If you teach your children that they deserve food whenever they accomplish something or do something good, they could get into some bad habits later on. Reward your kids with praise instead.



Increase Their Self Esteem

Kids with high self esteem aren’t going to have issues in decision making, making friends, body confidence, or any of the other problems we most commonly see these days. Here are a number of different ways you can help them raise their self esteem:

  • Give responsibility with household chores.
  • Let them make choices.
  • Don’t do everything for them.
  • Don’t overpraise them as this can do more harm than good.
  • Encourage your kids to take on tasks they are interested in.
  • Offer praise where appropriate.
  • Encourage failure and healthy risks.

Get Active Together

Getting active together can teach your kids to love exercise and the endorphins that come along with it. Kids are usually active anyway, but doing it together can help you become closer as a family! It’s also a good way to get them off the sofa, and into the fresh air. It isn’t healthy for kids to be staring at screens all day long!

If you want healthy kids, make sure you bear this advice in mind. It’ll take you far!