The biggest social butterflies in the world have trouble making the “ask” for their causes. Asking your neighbors, acquaintances, and fellow parents to support your kids’ athletic teams, school clubs, and community groups isn’t always as easy as it seems.
Just one rejection can reverberate throughout your social circle, feeding a cycle of misunderstandings and hurt feelings that can really set back your relationships.
While these tips won’t totally eliminate the awkwardness of making the ask, they do take off some of the social pressure. And they’re sure to reduce your workload, freeing up your (very) limited time and resources for more important parenting duties.
Table at Community Events
Getting a public permit isn’t as hard as you might think. Once your fundraising campaign is in full swing, set up shop at community events like holiday parades, high school sporting events, neighborhood festivals, and the like. Wherever you expect to see a critical mass of fellow parents and sympathetic neighbors, your organization needs to have a presence.
Host a Signature Themed Event
When in doubt, create your own event. According to the experts at ABC Fundraising, a signature event like a pancake breakfast or themed evening party can dramatically increase your fundraising impact without significantly increasing your input costs. Poll fellow fundraisers or team parents and settle on an event that suits you all.
Camp Out in the Grocery Store Parking Lot
The grocery store parking lot is a popular spot for fundraising of all sorts, from the Salvation Army during the winter holidays to veterans’ groups around Memorial Day. Why not add your voice to the mix? Ask the store owner or manager for permission to set up a table in a designated, out-of-the-way area for an agreed-upon window of time, then work your persuasive magic. You’ll want to have colorful signs, flyers, and other informational materials about your group on hand for skeptics and low-information prospects.
Ask Deep-Pocketed Donors to Match Donations
Approach local businesses and kind-hearted individuals about matching donations on a given day. If they hesitate, cap the match at an amount with which they’re comfortable. You’ll still double your money!
Spin Up a Campaign Website
Even if you’re raising funds in a small geographical area, a campaign or team website can really help boost your visibility. Set one up, and don’t forget to add an email newsletter to keep prospective and current donors appraised of your progress.
Publicly Track Your Progress
Speaking of progress: a donation thermometer in your town square may be overkill (and may contravene local ordinances anyway), but that shouldn’t stop you from announcing key fundraising milestones on social media or your campaign website. Let the public celebrate along with you!
What’s Your Fundraising Secret?
If you haven’t yet tried any of the tips on this list, don’t feel bad. There’s no “right” or “wrong” way to run a fundraiser for your kid’s sports team, club, or community group. Whatever gets you to your fundraising goal without encroaching too much on your already-packed schedule is probably worth the effort. With a little luck, you’ll soon be in a position to share your fundraising secrets with your friends and neighbors.