People are always looking for the best time to visit Europe, and that may just be the spring. Visiting in the spring avoids the cold of winter as well as the crowds of summer, and the ambience of a Paris street, for instance, in the spring rain, surrounded by flowers, can leave its own lasting impression.
Spring, with its blooming flowers and rising temperatures, is possibly the best option for tourists looking to avoid crowds. However, a tourist visiting in spring must remember that Europe, like all areas, has its own rules and those rules are not universal, especially considering that Europe is a patchwork of different regions. As such it pays to pack with some of those differences in mind, and that means packing for the weather, terrain, and toilet.

This short guide will discuss how to pack functionally for a European vacation in the shoulder season, as well as how to pick out awesome clothing to wear on your adventures around the continent.
Packing for the weather is not really that hard. A great material for travelling in spring is Merino wool because it has a number of advantages over other materials. Keep in mind that you want to pack so that you can layer your clothing so that you can easily shed clothing as the situation warrants it: Proper layering allows to be warm in the morning, cool in the afternoon, and leaves you prepared for some potentially cold evenings.
Given that merino wool also wicks away moisture as well as allowing your skin to breathe, it also means that you prepared should you get caught in a rain and that you can remain cool without as much sweat if it gets hot. In short, wool clothing keeps you prepared and fashionable no matter what the weather is.
You will also want to pack the right footwear. While there is plenty of access to vehicles you will be doing a lot of walking and proper footwear will keep you from suffering simple injuries such as sprains.
The best shoes have a stiff sole, offer great ankle support, and are comfortable; given that you will be walking pretty much everywhere and that some of the best tourist spots are well away from road access, ensuring that you will be doing plenty of hiking, making sure that you pack the right footwear is well worth investment. Make sure that you always care a first aid kit with an extra pair of socks and you should be ready for just about anything.
Given the different regional habits must-pack toiletries include packets of toilet paper, spare change, and your favourite toiletry options. Make sure to do research on any area that you plan to go through so as to minimize issues and you should be fine.
One last, but very important item to bring along is a good quality, reusable water bottle. An insulated water bottle can go along way to help ensure you stay hydrated and always have something ‘good’ to drink (perhaps something more than water). Check reviews of the best insulated water bottles to make sure that you’re buying will be able to keep up with you on your adventure!
With a little bit of preparation a springtime visit to Europe can be a great trip. Just make sure to pack for the fluctuating weather, and for regional bathroom situations, and you’re all set – Bon Voyage!