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The 6/12/25 Program For Bigger, Stronger Legs!

“At first, I was like, ‘No way, those numbers make no sense. I’m not doing that.’ But, I went ahead and did exactly what they said.”  If I had to choose only one exercise for leg development, it would be the squat. Not only does it help build the strongest legs possible, but it’s also one of the simplest exercises you can do. At its core, the squat is a leg extension, but by using momentum from the knees and hips, you can create a lot of resistance.

By following the 6/12/25 formula, you will be able to achieve a noticeable increase in muscular size and strength. By completing this program you will not only improve your leg strength, but you will also be able to attain a better level of muscular development, and with it, greater strength and size. By following the 6/12/25 formula, you will be able to achieve a noticeable increase in muscular size and strength. By completing this program you will not only improve your leg strength, but you will also be able to attain a better level of muscular development, and with it, greater strength and size.

You haven’t seen a pair of muscle legs like these since before the war. These are big, strong, and mean. If you want to look like this hero, you need to be ready for the workout of your life. You need to have the body of a superhero. You need to have the legs of the most powerful man alive. You need to have the thighs of Thor. You need to be able to pick up a car and toss it across a room. You need to be able to squat with a truck.



word-image-11176 The 6/12/25 program is one of the simplest and most effective hypertrophy training methods ever invented. The 6/12/25 program is a special kind of tri-set where you perform 3 exercises for the same body part in succession, with 10 seconds of rest between sets. Your goal is to perform 6 reps for the first exercise, 12 reps for the second exercise and 25 reps for the third exercise. This is the exact protocol: Training minutes 6/12/25

  • Perform 6 repetitions of exercise 1, then rest for 10 seconds.
  • Perform 12 reps of exercise # 2, then rest for 10 seconds.
  • Perform 25 reps of exercise #3, then rest for 2-4 minutes and repeat the set!

The 6/12/25 program is so effective at building muscle mass because it maximizes the three biological triggers of muscle hypertrophy:

  • Mechanical load
  • Muscle injuries
  • Metabolic fatigue

For the first exercise, you can load the muscles with a relatively heavy set of 6 reps. This stimulates the growth of muscle fibers that contract rapidly and produce significant mechanical tension in the muscle. On the other hand, the second and third exercises are perfect for causing a lot of muscle damage and metabolic fatigue. By the end of the 25-round approach to the third exercise, you’ll have one of the best push-ups you’ve ever had. You will literally feel like your muscles are about to explode! In my experience, the 6/12/25 method is especially effective for training the lower body. The quadriceps and hamstrings are two muscle groups that respond very well to a wider variety of repetition ranges and higher repetition ranges. These muscles have slower feeling muscle fibers and grow like weeds at higher repetition ranges. If you’ve never done 20 or more reps for your quads or hamstrings, you’re missing out on serious results! In my experience, it is very important to choose the right exercises for the 6/12/25 tri sets. This is especially true for leg training. Here’s a quadriceps exercise you can follow:

  • Exercise 1: Any type of squat (front squat, back squat, barbell squat with insurance).
  • Exercise 2: Any complex exercise on an exercise machine (leg press, weighted squats).
  • Exercise 3: All exercises that relieve the lower back (leg stretches, lunges)

And here’s a hamstring exercise you might want to follow:

  • Exercise 1: Any kind of leg extension (lying leg extension, sitting leg extension)
  • Exercise 2: Any complex hip extension exercise (hello, stump leg raise, back extension).
  • Exercise 3: Any complex hip extension exercise (hello, stump leg raise, back extension).

The order in which you perform these exercises is very important. They are chosen to give you a very intense quadriceps and hamstring workout and stimulate muscle growth without stressing your joints or risking injury. Bodybuilding coach John Meadows has talked a lot about how to organize exercises into your routine to build more muscle and avoid injury, and he’s absolutely right. Now let’s look at a few examples of 6/12/25 leg exercises you can do today to get big, strong legs. Message: If you have trouble reading the programs presented here, check out this article on how to read an exercise program. Look at this: 6-12-25 Squat

  • A1 : Squat (center position/wheels up), 3-4 x 6, 4/0/X/0, 10 seconds rest
  • A2 : Leg press at 45 degrees, 3-4 x 12, 3/0/X/0, 10 seconds rest.
  • A3: squats, 3-4 x 25, 2/0/1/0, 180 seconds rest
  • B1: bilateral squats (Polikin/neutral leg method), 3-4 x 6, 4/0/X/0, 10 seconds rest
  • B2: stretch back in 45 degrees, 3-4 x 12, 3/0/X/0, 10 seconds rest
  • B3: trunk lift with stiff legs, 3-4 x 25, 2/0/1/0, 10 seconds rest

Here are the training videos: Exercise A1, Exercise A2, Exercise A3, Exercise B1, Exercise B2, Exercise B3. This is a great lower body routine that will make you grow. For the quadriceps portion of the exercise, perform squats, leg presses and leg extensions. These are classic strength training exercises that are also familiar to most beginners. Doing 25 reps on the leg extension machine will be tough, but you won’t have to worry about your lower back or balancing the weights, so you’ll be able to overcome the pain. The hamstring routine focuses on simple but effective exercises such as leg stretches in the prone position, back stretches at a 45 degree angle and dumbbell lifts with short legs. This routine will blow up your quads and hamstrings if you train with enough intensity. I recommend doing 3 to 4 of these three sets, depending on your mood of the day. If you feel better than Ron Burgundy playing the flute, go ahead and play 4 full sets of three. On the other hand, if you feel trapped in a glass cage of emotions, stick to the 3 usual 3-set exercises. Let’s look at a more advanced lower body program 6/12/25. Look at this: 6-12-25 Front squats

  • A1 : Front squat (close position / flat heel), 3-4 x 6, 4/0/X/0, rest 10 seconds
  • A2 : Squat recovery, 3-4 x 12, 3/0/X/0, 10 second rest.
  • A3 : Step lunge DB, 3-4 x 25, 2/0/1/0, rest 180 seconds
  • B1 : Bilateral leg extension (legs bent dorsally/outside), 3-4 x 6, 4/0/X/0, rest 10 seconds.
  • B2 : Morning lift, 3-4 x 12, 3/0/X/0, 10 second rest.
  • B3 : Romanian deadlift, 3-4 x 25, 2/0/1/0, 10-second break.

Here are the training videos: Exercise A1, Exercise A2, Exercise A3, Exercise B1, Exercise B2, Exercise B3. This December 25 workout features more challenging lower body exercises, including squats, dumbbell swings, dumbbell standing lunges and Roman lifts. If you are an intermediate or advanced athlete, I highly recommend you give it a try. Again, I recommend doing 3-4 approaches of three sets for quads and 3-4 approaches of three sets for hamstrings. If you’re feeling better than Ace Ventura hijacking a monster truck, take the opportunity and do 4 grueling exercises in three sets. On the other hand, if you feel like you move slower in the gym, it’s probably best to do 3 sets of three for each muscle group. With both types of training, it is very important to choose the right rest periods and the right training pace. They exist for a reason! The 6/12/25 program is one of the best lower body workouts ever invented. This works for almost anyone who is willing to force themselves to work out in the gym. If you want to turn your chicken legs into tree legs, these 6/12/25 legs are just what you need! You are the master of your own destiny. You can influence, direct and control your environment. You can live your life the way you want to. Thanks for reading and good luck with your strength training! Dr. Mike Jansen. I am the creator and owner of Revolutionary Program Design. I help advanced athletes take their training to the next level and achieve results they didn’t even know they had.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is 12 sets enough for legs?

If you’re a fitness junkie like me, you’re likely familiar with the 12-week leg building program known as the 6/12/25 program. If you have not heard of it, the basic idea is to follow a 12-week leg-building program that leads to 12-week strength-building program, and that has been proven to lead to better gains in muscle mass and strength. I’m going to go out on a limb here and actually claim that I’ve done something that the average gym goer cannot claim. I’ve completed a 12-set leg workout. Now tell me, have you used 12 sets on your legs? If you have then you’re in the very exceptional, small percentage of the population that has done so.

What is the best suggested exercise to improve his leg power?

To answer the question, the answer is: the exercises that are applicable. It’s all about what exercises you can do within your own capabilities. In the health and fitness world, the term leg day is used to describe the set of exercises that are performed on one of the four non-consecutive days of each week. There are a number of different exercises that can be performed, but for the purposes of this exercise, we’ll stick to the traditional lunge and reverse lunge.

Can you build muscle on a strength program?

Years ago, I decided that I wanted to build some muscle and become stronger. Since then, I’ve operated under the assumption that you have to work out hard and heavy to build muscle and strength, but after reading the news, I realized that not everyone agrees. Building muscle is a tough beast to tame. Most programs that claim to build serious muscle mass on the first or second try require long, grueling hours in the gym, with little to no results and a lot of frustration. While it’s hard to blame a person for getting discouraged, don’t let that stop you from trying.

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