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7 Awesome Kettlebell Benefits & How To Buy A Kettlebell

Kettlebells are one of the most beneficial exercises you can do, reports Men’s Health. The best part is that you can do these exercises in as little as five minutes a day. I found this out when I started training kettlebells. I had been working out for over 15 years and I was ready to really change something about my routine. I knew that kettlebells were beneficial, but I didn’t understand the full extent of the benefits until I started doing them.

Kettlebells are a great way to get in shape without needing to spend hours at the gym. They can be used for both strength and cardio training and offer an alternative to dumbbells or other weights. They’re also a great alternative to a cardio-focused workout, since the demand is constant rather than intermittent.

As you begin to research kettlebells, you’ll see a lot of claims about how kettlebells can help build muscle, improve balance, and increase strength. Here’s a look at some of the most common benefits and ways to get started with kettlebells.

Today I’m going to talk about the benefits of kettlebells and how we can all benefit from these wonderful training tools. Disclaimer : This article may contain affiliate links. See our disclaimer here.


If you want to change up your workout routine and add a new form of resistance training, I highly recommend adding kettlebells to your workout routine! Some people call kettlebell training a fad or say it’s a fad that will disappear over time. But I guess the people who say that have never taken kettlebell lifting seriously, because it’s not just a fad. It’s effective. It’s hard. And it really works! Kettlebell training is for people who have a very good cardio and strength base and want to take their training to the next level. I wouldn’t recommend weightlifting if you suddenly start exercising again after a 6 year hiatus. The functional side of using weights is really good, and they create a new kind of movement that your body is not used to. Before you start, you should know that weights are all about technique. If you decide to start with a heavy weight and don’t pay attention to your form, you will only hurt yourself. It seems obvious, I know, but we’re men. And that means we often want as much as possible, as soon as possible! So start slow, with small weights, and build up gradually.

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Top 7 Benefits of Kettlebell Lifting

The physical benefits of training with kettlebells are limitless. The increase in strength and overall fitness you get from training with them regularly is insane. Below are 7 benefits of kettlebell sports that we think are still there!

#1 : Full body workout

Most kettlebell exercises use hundreds of muscles at once. The days of specific exercises for the biceps and triceps are over! On the contrary, training with kettlebells allows you to do everything at once. Full body workouts are great for losing fat because the more muscle you use, the more calories you burn. No matter what exercise you do with weights, you are always working different muscle groups.

#2: Better for everyday life and improves posture

Kettlebell training is based on functional movement patterns, which means that the exercises you perform will help you improve both your daily life and your athletic or recreational performance. Many of us spend so much time at the computer at work. This can easily lead to poor posture. Kettlebell lifting helps counteract all the damage that a sedentary lifestyle does to our bodies. For me personally, functional training and its benefits are the best part of using weights. Think about your daily movements. I’m raising things. Push things. Relieving yourself of these responsibilities will only have a positive impact on your daily life.

#3: Improves cardio and fitness

The kettlebell lift is a very dynamic and functional exercise that gets your heart rate up quickly. This way you get a complete cardio workout in addition to building muscle and strength. With kettlebell training, there is no need to do kettlebell exercises one day and cardio the next. You can do it all in one solid workout!

#4: Can be used from anywhere and takes up very little space

Gym membership? This is no longer necessary. Why spend money on a gym membership when you can invest a smaller amount and buy your own equipment. Kettlebell workouts are similar to strength training in that they can be performed in a small space. You just need enough room to swing your arms and move around a bit.

#5 : Quick workouts that reduce total training time

The days of hour-long training sessions are over. Time is money, and you really don’t need to train for an hour when you can achieve the same results in 20 minutes! One of the benefits of kettlebell training is that you can switch from one exercise to another without having to put the kettlebells down. The ability to switch from one exercise to another without having to change the weight of the kettlebell makes for a much faster workout. Often in 20 minutes or less!

#6. Only one weight is required

You don’t have to break the bank and buy different weights. You can use one weight at a time, and that’s all you need to improve your strength and fitness. You can adapt and change the exercises and workouts to make them more challenging, while using the same weights.

#7. You never have to miss a training session

We all know how busy people are these days and that sometimes it is very difficult to find time to go to the gym. With kettlebells, you can train anywhere. In your local park, at the beach, outdoors or indoors, anytime, giving you the freedom to workout anytime, anywhere. But it also means you have no excuse to skip a workout!

How to choose the right weight

If you start training with kettlebells, it is recommended that men choose kettlebells of 12-16 kg! This may not seem like much, especially if you already consider yourself a strong man. However, if you are new to kettlebells, you should definitely start with a lower weight. This way you can be sure that your mould is 100% correct. A 12 or 16 kg weight may not be much for squats, barbell curls or bench presses, but training with kettlebells is different and you’ll probably hit muscles you didn’t even know you had! In the United States, Onnit is undoubtedly our leading brand in kettlebell training. They have really great material, so we highly recommend them. Here’s a list of the different kettlebells we recommend, depending on whether you’re a beginner, advanced or professional. If necessary, you can choose a lighter weight. These recommended weights are based solely on our experience.

Kettlebell 12 kg/26 lbs


Who should use this weight? Optimal for kettlebell beginners with minimal cardio and strength. If you are a beginner, 12 kg is a good start. Buy ONNIT now!

Kettlebell 16 kg/35 lb


Who should use this weight? Beginners with basic cardio and strength training. If you feel you are already fit enough, 16 kg is a good start. Buy ONNIT now!

Kettlebell 20kg/44lb


Who should use this weight? You have a solid foundation, you’ve been training with weights for a while, and you’ve developed a decent level of cardio and strength training. Buy ONNIT now!


Kettlebell 24 kg/53 lbs


Who should use this weight? You have been training with kettlebells for 6 months and have a solid foundation in cardio and strength training. Buy ONNIT now!

Dumbbell 28 kg/62 lbs


Who should use this weight? Experienced kettlebell user with an extremely high fitness level. Buy ONNIT now!

Kettlebell 32 kg/70 lbs


Who should use this weight? The ultimate kettlebell beast for which there are no cardio or strength limitations. Buy ONNIT now!

Primeval and zombie giri

Onnit offers innovative weights with a really cool look that you can use! They have custom weights of Primal, Zombie, and Legend. I love the way they look! So cool. They’re more expensive now, so I’m putting them here for you to see. There’s no reason why the weights listed above wouldn’t do exactly the same thing. But if you need animal weights, try the ones below! Here are a few that might interest you.

24 kg/54 lbs Ghostface Thrilla Zombie Bell


Buy ONNIT now!

30 kg/72 lbs Mega Dead Zombie Bell


Buy ONNIT now!

5 basic kettlebell exercises you need to know

Training with kettlebells is different from any other form of strength training you’ve ever tried. This is a more comprehensive form of exercise that targets multiple muscle groups at once. In addition, these exercises have a functional component that is lacking in many other types of training. This fact alone sets kettlebell training apart! Let’s take a look at five basic kettlebell exercises that you should be able to perform perfectly.

#1 : Press

The press is another basic movement that helps you build strength for other exercises like the snatch and push-up. This exercise targets the shoulder and arm muscles while training the spine for balance. You need a weight. Start standing with your elbow bent at shoulder height. Make sure your back is straight. Extend your other arm to your side. Then lift the weight above your head. Take a short break at the highest point and return to the starting position. Repeat the sequence with the other hand.

#2: Double arm swing

The two-handed swing, also called the Russian swing, is a basic movement that prepares you for more advanced exercises. It is very important to master them first. It targets the same muscles as the deadlift, but works the arms and shoulders. For this exercise you will need a kettlebell. Start like you’re doing a deadlift. Next, lean forward at the hip joint and grasp the handle of the kettlebell. Swing forward, keeping your arms straight and your knees slightly bent. Move up to chest level and allow the pendulum movement to return to your body.

#3: Hurk

The squat may not be a favorite exercise, but it certainly helps. This movement targets the thigh muscles. Since this is a large muscle group, you burn a lot of calories to fuel them. You can do this exercise with one or two weights. Stand with the kettlebell in both hands at chest height. Your feet should be thigh-width apart. Then exhale with knees bent. Make sure your back stays straight as you lower your body. Inhale and return to the starting position.

#4: Farmers’ Drive

A walk past the farmer may seem like a mundane activity, but you’ll appreciate your efforts the next time you have to deliver produce. This is a functional movement that is the hallmark of kettlebell exercises. This is a complex exercise involving more than two joints. Start with the weights on either side of you. Get on your crouch and touch each one. Stand with your back straight. Then run a certain distance or a certain number of laps. This exercise is harder than it looks, especially if you walk for a few minutes. When you perform this movement, make sure you have the right posture.

#5: Deadlift

The deadlift targets the muscles of the lower back, hips and knees. It also puts pressure on your spine and upper back. This is a basic movement that is perfect for beginners in these workouts. Start by placing kettlebells of equal weight on the left and right sides. Bend your knees and grab the weights. Then come up with the kettlebell in your hands in a fluid motion. You can also perform this exercise with one weight. Bend over and make sure your knees are in the same direction as your feet.

Final thoughts

Using kettlebells is a great way to strengthen your shoulders, back, hips and legs and take strength training to the next level if you want to forgo strength training. They offer additional functional movement benefits that can have a positive impact on your daily life. Health, Will.There are a number of fitness benefits to using kettlebells. These include weight loss, increased strength, improved cardiovascular fitness, and a host of other benefits.. Read more about benefits of kettlebells swings and let us know what you think.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are kettlebells good for losing belly fat?

Apparently, a lot of brands do not employ kettlebells as part of their exercise routines. Also, many people do not know what this fitness tool is or how it can be used to make your workout more effective. So, we are going to give you a quick recap on the benefits and how to buy a kettlebell. When most people hear the word “Kettlebell” what comes to mind is a heavy metal weight used for muscle building. But Kettlebells, also known as Kettlebells are a lot more than that. It’s best to think of them as exercises in disguise. What sets Kettlebells apart from other weight training devices is how they are designed to incorporate muscle toning and cardio.

What are kettlebells good for?

You might not think of kettlebells as something you need to exercise with, but if you want to get fit and lose weight, keep your muscle tone and boost your metabolism, kettlebells could be the answer. In fact, these weights—which look like a pair of handles—are some of the most versatile tools for strength training available. Kettlebells are a type of weight, made out of metal or cast iron that you can use to work out. Kettle bells are a great way to get a full body workout in a short amount of time. These balls are inexpensive and can be used in many different ways. You can use them to increase your core strength, tone your muscles, increase flexibility, and burn calories.

What is the most effective kettlebell exercise?

Kettlebells are the most popular exercise tool for building strength and burning fat. However, there is a problem with kettlebells that can result in injuries, so people will choose to use dumbbells. The solution is the kettlebell, which is a tool that is ideal for strength, cardio, and fat loss. If you are looking for a product to help you lose weight and build muscle, you have to consider the kettlebell. Here we will find out what are the most effective kettlebell exercises, and how to use them. Kettlebells are the biggest fitness trend of the past few years. You can find people doing swings, snatches, and a ton of other exercises using them in their workouts. So what is the best kettlebell exercise you should be doing?

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