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How did Harry and Ron get on Argus Filch wrong side their first morning? |

The two were looking for something in the Hogwarts library when they ran into Argus Filch, head of Ravenclaw House. They knew he was a Squib and didn’t know how to tell him without getting on his wrong side, so Harry played dumb while Ron pretended not to hear anything at all.Eventually they found what they needed right next door in another building!

The “professor mcgonagall took harry to oliver wood after” is a question that has been asked many times before. The answer is that Harry and Ron got on Argus Filch’s wrong side their first morning at Hogwarts.

How did Harry and Ron get on Argus Filch wrong side their first morning? |

Harry Potter is a fictional character created by J.K. On their first day at Hogwarts School in 1991, Harry and Ron managed to get on Filch’s bad side when he and Ronald Weasley got confused and unintentionally attempted to enter the out-of-bounds Third-floor hallway. Filch was enraged the next school year when Harry discovered he was a Squib.

With this in mind, what did Harry see for the first time in the Mirror of Erised?

In the first book of the series, Professor Dumbledore explains to Harry that the Mirror of Erised (“desire” spelt backward) reflects “nothing more or less than our deepest, most desperate yearning.” Harry could have decrypted the reverse sentence, “I show not,” if he had read the inscription in a mirror.

What was one of the contents of Ron’s birthday card to Harry? The Weasley family will spend a month in Egypt as part of their award, from where Ron will give Harry his present. Along with the letter and a birthday card, Ron’s package also contains a little gift: a Pocket Sneakoscope. It’s for recognizing individuals who aren’t trustworthy, according to Ron.

Is Mr Filch, therefore, the son of Professor McGonagall?

Anyone who has read the books knows that Professor Minerva McGonagall never married and So has no children, and that Filch’s full name is Filch, Argus, so they don’t have the same last name anyhow, and that his magical family is embarrassed of his being a squib, and I don’t think there’s any misunderstanding.

What was Harry’s method for removing the stone from the mirror?

At first, he saw himself in the mirror, pale and terrified. However, the mirror grinned at him a few moments later. It reached into its pocket and extracted a blood-red stone. It grinned and slid the Stone back into its pocket, and Harry felt something weighty fall into his own pocket as it did so.

Answers to Related Questions

What exactly did Dumbledore see in the mirror?

Socks made of thick wool. During their first ever face-to-face meeting in Philosopher’s Stone, Dumbledore tells Harry what he sees in the Mirror of Erised.

How do you pronounce Erised?

The term “Erised” (pronounced eer-eh-said) is “desire” reversed, hence the name might alternatively be referred to as the “Mirror of Desire.”

In the Mirror of Erised, who did Dumbledore see?


In the Mirror of Erised, what does Hermione see?

Hermione has been left speechless by Harry’s death; all she can say is that she is devastated. But then she discovers a weird mirror, which Dumbledore claims reveals your deepest and most desperate wants.

What did Ron see when he looked in the mirror?

The Mirror of Erised is a magical mirror that reveals the “deepest and most desperate longing of our hearts,” according to Albus Dumbledore. When the happiest person on the planet looks in the mirror, he or she sees a reflection of themselves precisely as they are.

Dumbledore moved the Mirror of Erised for a reason.

It was the Erised Mirror. The Stone’s last defense is itself the Mirror of Erised. The Stone was concealed within the mirror so that only those who didn’t want to use it could obtain it; it was relocated to where the Stone was because it was assisting in its guarding.

Who was it who drank unicorn blood?

Lord Voldemort used unicorn blood to keep himself alive until he could take the Philosopher’s Stone and reclaim his actual form in 1992. Quirrell drank the blood on Voldemort’s behalf since he was possessing Quirinus Quirrell and occupying his body at the time.

What do you see in the Erised Mirror?

The Mirror of Erised is a mirror that reveals the innermost yearning of the user’s heart. Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi is the “inscription etched around the top.”

Filch despises who the most.

Who is it that Filch despises the most? – Nick, who is almost deafeningly deafeningly deafen – Pet peeves Snape –

Is Mrs. Norris filch’s wife?

What is the name of Norris Filch’s wife? No. She’s a cat for the third time in a fortnight. Mrs Filch would be her name if it had any further significance.

Is Filch’s cat still alive?

Filch, Argus

Filch’s initial assumption after she was assaulted by the basilisk in 1992 was that she was dead, and he was naturally saddened. Mrs Norris’ whereabouts after the war are unclear. However, she is proven to have survived in the film.

Is Mr Filch a bad guy?

Filch, Argus was a despicable character. He wasn’t as evil as Voldemort but despicable nonetheless. On your first point, the lack of him being a sociopath does not necessarily correlate him into being a good person.

What role did Bertha Jorkins play for Voldemort?

Bertha Jorkins was beneficial to Voldemort in that she provided him with the knowledge he needed to formulate his plan. Bertha Jorkins helps Voldemort by informing him about the Triwizard match in one of the Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire novels.

What was Crookshanks’ contribution?

When Sirius was in Animagus form, Crookshanks was able to speak with him. Sirius was able to tell Crookshanks what he needed and receive his aid after gaining his trust. “He’s the smartest of his kind I’ve ever encountered.”

What did Lupin say about Dementors to Harry?

What did Professor Lupin say about dementors to Harry? He made it clear to Harry that the dementors made him react worse than his pupils because, unlike his colleagues, Harry had experienced actual horrors. He also promised Harry that later that year he would teach him the Patronus Charm to defend himself, which he accomplished.

What was the purpose of Fudge’s visit to the Muggle Prime Minister?

In the opening chapter of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Minister for Magic Fudge essentially took over Hagrid’s duty, visiting the Muggle Prime Minister to warn of Lord Voldemort’s return. The Muggle version of Fudge had a relationship to Vernon Dursley, a major character in the Harry Potter books.

Why do Harry Potter’s hands feel like they’re on fire?

So when Quirrell tried to touch Harry, there was a kind of reaction which caused Quirrell’s mortal body to burn away. This prompted Lord Voldemort to regenerate using Harry’s own blood at the end of HP & the Goblet Of Fire, which he thought would negate the power of Lily’s magic.