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How did Harry Potter get the broken mirror? |

The magic mirror was originally broken in the first book of J.K Rowling’s Harry Potter series, but it wasn’t until the third installment that finally revealed this mystery. What happened?

The “how did aberforth get the mirror” is a question that has been asked since Harry Potter was first released. Aberforth Dumbledore is the brother of Albus Dumbledore, and he got the broken mirror from his brother’s room.

How did Harry Potter get the broken mirror? |

After Sirius’ death, Mundungus Fletcher acquired Sirius’ mirror, which he sold to Aberforth Dumbledore. In 1996, Harry destroyed his mirror after discovering that he couldn’t reach Sirius’s ghost with it since Sirius didn’t have his mirror with him when he died.

Also, where did Harry Potter obtain the shattered mirror?

The shard came from Harry’s mirror, which he had broken after tossing it in his trunk since he believed it was no longer useful following Sirius’ death (this is explained in the book). To keep an eye on Harry, Aberforth got possession of the other one (Sirius’).

Also, where did the Erised Mirror go? The inscription at the top says, “Erised stra ehruoyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi,” which translates to “I reveal not your face but your heart’s desire,” as it did in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.

Also, when did Harry Potter get the mirror piece?

In “Order of the Phoenix,” Sirius sent Harry a mirror shard as a gift. The mirror is part of a collection that enables individuals to converse with one another. Harry stowed it in his school trunk after Sirius’ death and forgot about it.

Helena Ravenclaw died in what manner?

When she refused to return with him, the Baron killed her in a fit of wrath before committing himself out of guilt for what he had done. Helena and the Baron ultimately returned to Hogwarts Castle as ghosts, where she became the Ravenclaw House Ghost and continues to remain.

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What happens to Grindelwald once he dies?

Albus challenged his old buddy to a fight in 1945 (a purposefully significant year, according to J.K. Rowling) and took the ElderWand for himself. Grindelwald was imprisoned in Nurmengard for the rest of his life. When he refused to give up Dumbledore’s tomb as the location of the wand to Voldemort, he died there.

Who was the one who handed Harry the shard of glass?

After Sirius’ death, Mundungus Fletcher acquired Sirius’ mirror, which he sold to Aberforth Dumbledore. In 1996, Harry destroyed his mirror after discovering that he couldn’t reach Sirius’s ghost with it since Sirius didn’t have his mirror with him when he died.

Is the imperius curse used by Harry Potter?

Harry not only successfully employed the Cruciatus Curse on Amycus Carrow just before the Battle of Hogwarts, but he also cast the Imperius Curse against two people during the Gringotts robbery, which led to Harry, Hermione, and Ron entering the Lestrange vault.

When Dumbledore looks in the mirror, why does he see socks?

Everything Makes Sense Because Dumbledore Saw Grindelwald In The MirrorOr Erised. This article includes Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald spoilers. Dumbledorelater said that the Mirror revealed one’s deepest desire, and that his own request was for a pair of woolensocks.

What exactly are the seven Horcruxes?

Throughout all, there were 7 Horcruxes in the series.

  • The journal of Tom Riddle.
  • The ring of Marvolo Gaunt.
  • The locket of Salazar Slytherin.
  • Cup of Helga Hufflepuff.
  • The diadem of Rowena Ravenclaw.
  • The snake, Nagini.
  • Harry Potter himself, to be precise.

What caused Sirius Black’s death?

Bellatrix used the Killing Curse, Avada Kedavra, on Sirius in the film, killing him before he passed through the Veil. The curse that strikes Sirius is unidentified in the book (though it is rumored to be Stupefy due to the lack of light), and his death is caused by his being knocked through the Veil.

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Expecto Patronum, or the Patronus Charm, will cast a Patronus, which may appear as whitevapour or as a silvery-whiteanimal form in more adept casters. A corporeal Patronus is one that takes the form of an animal. This spell is meant to fend off the Dementors, Azkaban’s guardians.

What was Dumbledore’s method of obtaining the Elder Wand?

Gregorovitch was previously the possessor of the Elder Wand, according to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Grindelwald defeated Gregorovitch in a duel and seized the Elder Wand from him.

What is the significance of Harry’s Patronus being a stag?

James Potter was an Animagus with the ability to transform into a big stag. Professor Severus Snape had a doe for a Patronus as a token of his eternal love for Lily, which lasted long after she died. The doePatronus seemed instinctively familiar to Harry.

What was Dumbledore’s method for destroying the ring?

When Dumbledore returned to Hogwarts, he cracked the Resurrection Stone with Godric Gryffindor’s Sword in order to destroy it as a Horcrux. While the ring was destroyed as one of Riddle’s Horcruxes, the lethal curse was not lifted.

In Deathly Hallows, who played the doe Patronus?

Snape hid the Sword in the water and used the Patronus spell to direct Harry to it. After Snape dies and Harry is staring into his pensive, this is revealed later in Part 2 of Deathly Hallows. Snape’spatronus was a doe, much like the one lady he genuinely loved: Lily Potter, as seen by this.

What did Harry get on his first birthday from Sirius Black?

Because Harry was 13 at the time, the Firebolt counted as a birthday gift for all 13 of his birthdays. However, we learn in Chapter 10 of the Deathly Hallows that Sirius had given Harry a gift on his first birthday: Greetings, Padfoot! Thank you very much for Harry’s birthday gift!