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Keeps These Tips in Mind Before You Clean Your House Again

Cleaning your home makes you more relaxed and impresses your guests. Having an efficient cleaning routine is essential. So, here are some tips to keep in mind before you start. 

Work Smarter Cleaning can sometimes feel like a hassle. Instead of working harder, find ways to make things easier. For example, use a cordless electric scrubber. This tool can help you clean the bathroom with minimal effort. 

You can use the extendable feature to prevent reaching over large tubs. Also, look for multipurpose cleaning supplies, such as all-purpose products. 

1. Use the Total Method

This is where you do the same task, such as dusting, for every room. It can make the cleaning process more efficient. The total method prevents you from repeating the same task, saving you time. It also reduced the need to switch cleaning tools constantly.

Make sure to tidy up the entire house at once, not just a few rooms. This saves time and energy in the long run. Pick a day you don’t have much going on so you can devote plenty of time to the job.

2. Dust With the Right Tools

Dusting is essential to improve your indoor air quality-especially for those with allergies. Dust particles collect over time and can irritate your throat and eyes. They also give germs and bacteria more places to hide. Dust your floors, furniture, mattress and surfaces. 

Use a microfiber cloth to wipe down tabletops, counters and bookshelves. Find dusters with ridged edges to trap tiny dust bunnies. When cleaning, work from the top down.

3. Use the Power of Scrubbing 

Use cleaning solutions and some elbow grease to clean bathroom or kitchen tile. This scrubbing method can remove dirt and grime. You may need to do a bit of extra work for stubborn grout found between tiles.

 First, buy a product specifically designed to remove grout. You could also check online reviews to ensure it’s a quality cleaner. Then purchase a drill bit for motorized scrubbing. You’ll want to attach the scrubber to your drill and wash away grime. This trick can save you time and effort, making the task less like a chore. 

4. Keep Your Toilet Clean

Cleaning your toilet prevents bacteria build-up and unpleasant odors. Mix baking soda with essential oils and let it sit in the bowl for a little. Then you can scrub using a bowl brush before flushing. 

Natural ingredients are also better for the environment. Store-bought cleaning supplies can have toxic chemicals. Make sure to clean the outside of the toilet with disinfectant products, such as wipes. Wipe down the tank, handle, lid and seat sides.


5. Remember to Clean Your Dishwasher

Many people may forget this spot. It may seem like the dishwasher just cleans itself, but it could lead to potential mold growth. The damp environment and food particles help mold spores thrive. To clean it, run an empty cycle on dry-heat to wash out the interior. 

You can also use bleach any especially dirty areas. Suppose you notice mold in the silverware basket. Let it soak in the sink with warm water and bleach and rinse thoroughly. 

6. Make Sure to Clean Your Drains 

Cleaning your drains can save you from costly repairs in the future. In fact, a clogged drain can cost around $150 to fix. To keep your drains protected, pour baking soda and vinegar down the drain. Then let it fizzle before flushing it down with hot water. This method will remove grime, which could prevent clogs. 

Also, use drain enzyme cleaners that are good for the environment. They have chemicals that reduce particle build-up and protect your entire plumbing system. 

7. Wash Your Cleaning Tools 

Remember, your cleaning tools can get dirty too. So, clean these before getting started. Use warm water and soap to remove dirt and dust from scrapers and brushes. For tougher stains, you can add chlorine bleach. 

Make sure you store your supplies properly after cleaning. For example, keep your broom with the bristles to maintain their proper shape. You could spend more time cleaning if you don’t do this step. Plus, you could be adding more grime to your surfaces unintentionally. 

8. Tidy Up Your Bed

A messy bed can make the whole space seem messy. So, try tucking the sheets and making the bed. It’s also an excellent time to wash your sheets to remove germs. Consider washing your sheets at least once per week. You could also switch to a removable cover for less hassle.

Making your bed can also impress your guests when you give them a house tour. Plus, who doesn’t love sinking into freshly cleaned sheets at the end of the day?

9. Empty Your Dishwasher Each Morning 

Emptying your dishwasher each morning can save you the hassle of unloading a larger load. It also ensures dirty dishes don’t pile up in your sink or counter. The leftover food can attract bacteria and create unpleasant odors.

Empty your dishwasher while your coffee is brewing or you’re waiting for your kids to get dressed for school.  

Cleaning Tips

Cleaning is part of maintaining a home. Using the right tools and methods, you can make the process more efficient. Keep these tips in mind before your next spring cleaning day.

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