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5 Times When It Makes the Most Sense to Take a Trip with Your Family

Some people enjoy family travel. They might feel like that’s one of the best things about being in a family. If you’re in a financial position to do so, you can sometimes all pile into the car or get on a flight and explore a place you’ve never seen before. 

You can take a trip with your family at any time, but you might get more benefit from doing so at certain moments. Let’s talk about some of those now.

You Feel Like You’re Seeing the Neighborhood Decline

You might decide to take a trip with your family if you’re seeing changes in the neighborhood in which you live, and you don’t feel like they’re positive. It’s true you can always just talk to your family about the problem and decide that you’re going to put your house on the market. You may want to take a trip and discuss it along the way, though.

Maybe you are seeing some shady characters move into the neighborhood. Sex crime offenders must typically register and tell their neighbors about their status, but maybe you’ve seen some individuals in the area who you suspect have bed intentions toward your kids, even if they haven’t told you about their past misdeeds. Maybe you are also seeing more evidence of drug use, or there’s been a recent rash of car break-ins. 

If you feel like you’re seeing the neighborhood decline, then going on a trip with your family can help you decide whether you should stay and stick it out or put your house on the market and move on. If you have some older kids in the household, then you will probably want their input.

The adults in the family must decide whether to leave or stay. On your trip, though, you can have several conversations to try and assess everyone’s viewpoint.

In a new locale, far from everything you know, maybe you can look at the situation with fresh eyes. The answer might become clear in a way that it never would have if you stayed home, surrounded by the familiar. 

You Have a Teenager Leaving the Nest

You might decide that you want to take a family trip because you have a teenager who’s about to leave the household. Maybe they’re going to college out of state, or perhaps they graduated from high school, and they’re getting a job. 

Maybe you took several family trips during the past several years. You may have plenty of pictures you posted on social media and happy memories of those excursions. 

Now, though, you’re reaching a point where the family unit will change. Hopefully, it won’t fragment, but you may never have a time when you will have this same group of people all living under the same roof again. 

You’re in the Aftermath of a Breakup

Maybe you decide to take a family trip when you’re in the aftermath of a difficult breakup. Perhaps you just divorced your spouse or you broke up with a longtime partner. 

It might seem strange to want to take a family trip at that time, but if you think about it, you may realize that it makes more sense than you’d first imagine. You can use the trip like a palate cleanser. 

You got rid of someone in your life who didn’t fit. Maybe you feel very glad about breaking things off with them, or perhaps you’re devastated. Either way, though, you’re going to move into a new stage of your life.

As you travel, and you see sights and places unlike everything you know, you can reflect and consider what you want your new, unencumbered life to resemble. You can also make sure to surround yourself only with the individuals who you feel can best support you going forward. By the time you get back, you should feel ready to put the past behind you and to focus on the future and all that it has in store.  

You Just Got a Promotion at Work

You might want to take a family vacation if you just got a big promotion at work. Maybe you’ve worked for the same company for a long time, and you’ve waited for this opportunity. Now, it has come, and you’re going to make a lot more money and have more benefits.

If so, you might take this time to cash in some of your vacation days to go celebrate with the people you care about the most. You can all enjoy what you’ve accomplished. They can tell you how proud they feel, and you can talk about what the future might look like when you’re in a better financial situation.  

You Just Got a New Job

You might also decide that you want to take a family vacation if you just got a new job. Maybe you looked for one for a long time. You had to send out what felt like endless resumes to finally find a position that worked for you.

Now, you’re going to start your new job, and you will need to make a great first impression. You may find that hard if you’re coming off a strenuous job hunt that took weeks or even months. 

If you have the money to take a vacation before you plunge into this new point in your career, then that’s fantastic. You can relax for a while knowing that when you get back, you will have a job waiting for you.

You can probably think of many other times when taking a family vacation makes sense. Ultimately, you want to select a time that works well for everyone.

Remember, though, that you might sometimes need to extricate yourself from your life and force yourself to relax, especially if you’re a workaholic. There’s always a reason why a particular time doesn’t make the most sense to get away, but sometimes, that’s precisely why you should make it happen.