Somehow I managed to weasel my way into an opportunity that had nothing to do with me. I got to ride on a hot air balloon with the US Hot Air Balloon Team with Joey Fortman.
The day finally came and I trekked an hour and half one way to meet Joey Fortman at the the butt crack of dawn. I felt like a school girl the whole ride there. I was slightly nervous but way more excited and eager to do right by her since I had been recruited to take the pictures of the launch and her segment for The Today Show. She said I did good, lets just hope she wasn’t just being nice.
I hope these pictures express just a little bit of the experience and how freeing and refreshing it felt to fly above rooftops.

I’ll be your sidekick whenever you want as long a life is always like this
I want to thank Stan of the US Hot Air Balloon Team and his helpful and joke cracking crew for the spectacular ride. It really was something I’ll remember forever. I could’ve done without the bumpy landing though 🙂