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Perskicketea Review and Giveaway

I’m trusting Erin again. She says the stuff is SOOOOOO good that I just had to let you all know about it. She is raving about the delicious blends from Persnicketea and the fact that it forces you to take a moment for yourself to sit and enjoy a cup or two. The names of the tea blends themselves is what grabbed my attention: Little Black Dress, Weekend without the Kids and Shoe Sale look like they could be my favorites.

Visit The Mom Buzz to read all of her review on the individual flavors she tried and also to enter the contest for a wonderful gift basket of Persticketea. Visit Persnicketea and let Erin know what might be your favorite flavor. Other entries are available but you have to check out The Mom Buzz to read about the rules. Go now this contest ends January 15th.