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Lance in France Book Review

Being that I am an avid cyclist and love watching the Tour De France which is currently taking place I found the book Lance in France by Ashley Maceachern Illustrated by Michelle Barbera a very appropriate book to get Shaun from the library. When I saw the book I knew I needed to get it. Once I got home with the book and showed it to Shaun he said “I know who that is” probably from me always talking about cycling and watching it on TV. This book is very well written and is very true and makes alot of funny references to Lance Armstrong and his cycling career in the Tour de France. “Lance has an aching tummy and a woozy head. He’s sick, he’s sore, but he won’t lose hope….He just pedals faster”. This is a reference to Lance Armstrong starting the 2004 Tour de France with a stomach virus. In the back of the book their is a letter written by Lance Armstrong telling people they should follow what they believe in and are good at and not give up plus it also includes an autographed photo. So if you get a chance pick this book up at your local library and read an amazingly funny story about Lance Armstrong in the Tour de France.

This review was orginially posted at Peanut Butter and Smelly’s Dad.