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The Studio Danielson Designs

You know I love anything and everything personalized. Things made especially for children or for others from a child bring a sense family and pride. Whether it is something handmade, hand-painted, customized or just sentimental these are the gifts I love best.

Danielson Designs is an online studio of fully customizable plaques, signs and frames. Started in Trinidad, Colorado the Danielson family was thinking ahead to the next generation that needed employment in this little town. Pooling together their talents and knowledge they came up with Danielson Designs; a business venture that not only provides great home décor for their customers but also a way to build the community around them.

The Studio by Danielson Designs is taking gift giving and home décor to a new level.
Offering customizable decorative signs and frames, The Studio is the perfect stop for those one of a kind treasures for gifts or for the home. Designing a custom piece takes just minutes and ships in 2 business days. Personalizing signs and frames has never before been this simple and affordable!
The Studio offers a variety of signs and frames for almost any occasion or relationship. Every custom piece is made from 100% recycled wood and finished exclusively with water-based finishes. Better yet, in an industry that’s notorious for sending jobs to China, each and every custom piece ordered on The Studio is made in the USA.

I was asked to analyse something from their studio and it took me forever to choose. Not because there wasn’t anything I wanted but because the choices were endless. My first thoughts went to my new nieces, gorgeous name plates for their doors or above their cribs would’ve been gorgeous but then I looked at my own girls and knew what I needed. I settled on a customized frame “Just Us Girls”. We’ve had a great summer and I wanted to capture that so I ordered the frame with our names and Summer 2009 on it. The Sisters frame was my 2nd choice. It seems each time I look at the site I find a new design idea too, something for another important person or time of my life. The Studio is an easy to use tool with the ability to add your personalized content and color choices or use from their library of phrases or quotes. A proof is immediately available so that you know if the wording or names fit well.

The frame came and it was gorgeous, with a slightly aged and casual printing it is perfect for our home or its eventual home, Rob’s work desk. I’m even more impressed with the speed of the creation and shipping. The frame came in about a week, a wonderful thing to know for last minute gifts especially with prices from $25-$40. The selections are extensive also, from baby furnishings to wilderness themes to beach house designs you’re going to find something for every décor.

Danielson Design wants to help you get a jump on your holiday shopping. Take $10 off of each purchase by using discount code MAMAFOUND. This promotion ends October 9, 2009.

As a extra special treat Danielson Designs is giving LookWhatMomFound…and Dad too! readers the chance to win a custom piece of your own. Visit The Studio and let me know what you would choose.

To receive these extra opportunities for entries, you must fulfill the first REQUIRED entry above and please be sure your email in in your comment, attached to you blogger dashboard or easily seen on your website/blog. I will not search through About Me/Contact Me links.

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  • Follow Mom and Dad and DanielsonDesign on Twitter and Tweet this giveaway DAILY for an additional entry each day, copy and paste this message: win @DDTheStudio personalized home decor from @lkwhtmomfound…and Dad too! plus take $10 off your order
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  • Blog about this giveaway with link to LookWhatMomFound…and Dad too! and Danielson Designs for 3 extra entries

Your entries must follow the rules or they won’t be eligible for prizes. This contest ends 11:59 pm, Wednesday, September 30, 2009. Winners will be announced and emailed and will have 48 hours to claim prize. This contest is open to US residents.