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Why Are Kids A Pain At Bedtime?

A few weeks ago Shae started potty training and now for the most part is wearing big girl undies. We put a diaper on her at naptime and bedtime and if we are going to be in the car for long trips. I kid you not when I say Shae goes potty 20-30 times a day. Sometimes she pees alot sometimes just a tinkle.

Tonight at bed time Melinda put Shae on the potty and she peed alot. Melinda then put her bedtime diaper on her and got her all ready for bed. In a 20 minute span Shae yelled 3-4 times she needed to go potty. Two of the four times Melinda put her on the potty. I think Shae is now using the potty as a stall tactic to delay her going to bed. Not 100% on that but I have a strong feeling that is the case. LOL. She is so sneaky.