We should cherish the classics. This includes music, movies, art and books. The Very Hungry Caterpillar is a classic children’s book in our house. In fact each child has had their own copy growing up.
This story was always popular with my kids not only because of the bright illustrations and simple text but their familiarity of the foods always drew them in. Overall they were good eaters so the recognized the 2 pears and 5 oranges as well as the cupcake and salami.
In a couple of days it will be The Very Hungry Caterpillar Day. This is the 40th anniversary celebration of its publication. Communities, schools, bookstores and libraries all over the world will be celebrating with activities, story times, crafts and parades to honor the beloved story from Eric Carle.
The Alliance for a Healthier Generation and the American Academy of Pediatrics are joining in by helping families learn more about developing healthy eating habits. Get you and your child involved by checking out healthy eating tips, completing activity sheets and tracking progress on a special Caterpillar growth chart.
Watch Eric Carle himself read his classic story; I watched it 3 times. He has a sort of charm, a lovable character within himself that you want to invite over and introduce to your kids. His story is inspiring and his process is magical.
Between his stories like The Very Hungry Caterpillar and his illustrations like Baby Bear Baby Bear What Do You See, anything with Eric Carle’s name on it will be welcome in our home.

little reader
Celebrate this grand milestone with your kids, friends, family and community and WIN 1 of 3 The Very Hungry Caterpillar books up for grabs here at LookWhatMomFound…and Dad too! Let me know who is going to enjoy this book the most?
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