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That Time Emeril Tweeted Me

Yeah THAT Emeril, Emeril Lagasse of Food TV fame. I posted a review the other day about a purchase we made of his Emerilware cookware.  It was a mostly positive review and it fed out to my Twitter account. He picked it up.

The kids and I were sitting at the kitchen table just finishing dinner when I took a peek at Twitter.  I gave a strange audible “WHAAAT” and Sabreena looked at me. Then I squealed out loud.  “Dude, Emeril just tweeted me”, I yelled to Sabreena. She giggled then I giggled.  Rob walked in moments later and he didn’t believe me. I handed him my phone.

AND I took a screen shot as proof.  Not a word about it being his PR firm or assistant or some other Joe Schmo maintaining his Twitter Account.  Don’t burst my bubble! I’ve loved Emeril since his the old old episodes of The Essence of Emeril back in mid to late 90’s. I was an early Food TV watcher. It’s from him I learned to say cinanananamon.