Wednesday night I received some news. My mother has breast cancer. We had been working on appointments and biopsies for about 2 weeks but the news was still a little shocking. I woke up Thursday morning and was literally assaulted by emails and blogs posts all pointing to breast cancer awareness, treatment and prevention. I opened up my daily subscription to SITS and found that their featured blogger Nikki Brown was a breast cancer survivor. I reached out and thanked her for her positive outlook and asked to send some good vibes my way. I then poked around my reader and found this post on NuggleMama. She spoke about taking care of business. As moms and wives we put everyone else first often neglecting ourselves. The video within the post shows how important it is to make a little time for our own well-being. Breast cancer doesn’t discriminate against race, occupation, social status, age or breast size.
Back to my mom. She was diagnosed with Stage I Breast Cancer. The docs told her last week not to worry about anything that everything pointed to just a cyst. They were wrong. They now say it’s non-invasive, has a slow growth rate and hasn’t invaded her lymph nodes. If your gonna get cancer you want it to be this one. That’s reassuring, right. It’s far from a death sentence but the word cancer sucks. I’m sad that she has to deal with it but I know we’ll be there for her every step of the way.

creepy me, Mom and my sister Kim
If you happen say prayers I would appreciate a couple in her direction. Her name is Gayle and I love her and so do my kids. I want her around for a long time. Breast Cancer can suck it!