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Tips for a Snore-Free Night

Snoring is definitely a nuisance to anyone around you at night and it means that you are not sleeping as well as you should. It used to be considered no big deal because it’s such a common problem, but more studies have shown that it’s something worth getting checked out. When you snore, you expend a lot of extra energy just to breathe because your airways have narrowed so much.

If you have a serious case of sleep apnea, you will definitely want to consult a physician to seek out remedies for your specific situation. Whether it’s a CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) device, physical therapy or even surgery, these may all be routes to consider if you have a significant problem breathing at night.

In this article, though, we’re here to address those casual snorers who may be dealing with a seasonal allergy or other minor issues that cause them trouble while sleeping. We’ve compiled a list of simple remedies, tips and products that you can try in your efforts to stop snoring and get a better night’s sleep.

1. Sleep on Your Side
When you lie flat on your back, there’s much more pressure on your throat. Sleeping on your side can significantly reduce that pressure. Put something behind your back (or even attached directly to your pajamas) when you get in bed. Use a tennis ball, golf ball or anything that will cause you some discomfort if you naturally roll over onto your back while sleeping. This will help train you to stay on your side through the night.

2. Weight Loss
Studies show that your weight can affect your sleep habits, including snoring and increasing chances of developing sleep apnea. Watch what you eat and work to shed a few pounds in order to help you try and have more snore-free nights.

3. Avoid the Night Cap
Alcoholic beverages naturally relax the muscles in your body, including your tongue and throat. When you drink right before bed, it increases the chances of snoring. Do what you can to limit your alcohol intake late at night.

4. Stop Smoking
Cigarettes can also be a cause for snoring because smoking can cause significant damage to the lungs and throat. Consider quitting altogether or at least switch to an e-cig like those found on to improve your nighttime breathing and reduce the chance of snoring.

5. Strengthening Exercises
A few times a day, put the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth and make a fast “tsk, tsk” sound. It may look or sound silly to anyone around you, but it is an exercise that has shown to improve tongue strength and can help reduce snoring. Or, take up playing a wind instrument to strengthen your lungs and throat for better air flow.

6. Nasal Strips
In some cases, snoring is caused by nasal congestion and these strips (when properly applied) can help improve nighttime breathing for users. It is definitely an inexpensive and easy solution that is worth trying before more extreme measures.

7. Therapy Pillows and Adjustable Beds
Different types of anti-snoring pillows are available on the market that can either help you sleep on your side better or tilt your upper body upward slightly to reduce pressure on the back of your throat. There are different types of adjustable beds and mattresses, as well, to help you achieve this natural upward tilt in a comfortable fashion.

8. Oral Devices
Consult your dentist or oral jaw surgeon about getting a mouthpiece that will move the jaw forward and open the breathing passageway more while you sleep. This can be an expensive option because the most effective mouth pieces will be custom-made for you, but it is worth exploring if other options aren’t effective.

9. Humidifiers
If your snoring is a result of nasal congestion or your allergies are worsened by dry air in your home, then consider using a humidifier at night. It may be a simple solution to your particular problem.

As you can see, there are multiple causes for snoring and many solutions you can consider. If you think you might have sleep apnea or another major issue that is causing your poor sleep, you should definitely consult with a physician to identify your specific problem.

Otherwise, you can try some of these simple techniques and readily available products to enjoy a better night’s sleep—for you and anyone around you!