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How do I get the odd Keystone? |

The Keystone is a coin that can be obtained in the game, Animal Crossing: New Leaf. However, when I tried to buy it at an NPC’s shop they told me they don’t have any of them (either because they’re out or just not sold). What should I do?

If you want to use the odd Keystone, then you need to find a way to get it. You can buy one or ask your friends if they have one. If none of those options work, then you will need to make your own keystone.

How do I get the odd Keystone? |

The Odd Keystone is a piece of equipment that allows you to get Spiritomb. It is available in a variety of forms. It may be found at the pond in Twinleaf Town or by a karate guy on Route 208. It’s also possible to find it underground.

What happens, therefore, when you employ the Odd Keystone?

After planting the Odd Keystone, if the player chats to 32 or more other players in the Sinnoh Underground, a wild Spiritomb will appear the next time the player inspects the Hallowed Tower. Once in the Hallowed Tower, the player may check the Odd Keystone to see how far they’ve come.

In the same way, how do you obtain Spiritomb in Generation 4? What are the best ways to gain Spiritomb in Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum?

  1. Simply put an Odd Keystone in the tower on Route 209.
  2. Enter the Underground 32 times and engage with other gamers.
  3. Engage in dialogue with the Hallowed Tower. A Spiritomb of level 25 will arrive, and a fight with it will begin as soon as possible.

Second, how do you call Spiritomb to you?


  1. In the Hallowed Tower, place the item Odd Keystone (pile of rockssouth from Solaceon Town).
  2. Go to the subway and chat to 32 individuals (you can do thisin several trips).
  3. Approach the ledges and press A in front of them. Spiritomb is supposed to be there.
  4. Defeat Spiritomb and capture it. You’ve also managed to catch a Spiritomb! Advertisement.

In Pokemon Platinum, how can you obtain Spiritomb?

A guy on Route 208 can provide you with one. Then, in the shattered tower on Route 209, place the Odd Keystone to create it the Hallowed Tower. In the subway, greet 32 individuals. It doesn’t have to be the same person, but one of you must leave and return for it to count.

Answers to Related Questions

Is it possible to re-capture Spiritomb in Pokemon Go?

POKEMON The Halloween event in Go is about to expire, but there’s some vital news for those who have yet to capture Spiritomb in ‘A Spooky Message.’ The good news for Spiritomb hunters is that if you talk to Professor Willow before the conclusion of the event, you can still fulfill the challenge.

Is Spiritomb a mythical creature?

But, to answer your question, Shaymin is a legendary since he is at the end of the Pokedex, but Spiritomb is not because he is elsewhere in the Pokedex. Shaymin is a legend because he is one of a kind. If my memory serves me correctly, Spiritomb can be gotten at least twice. This has no bearing on whether or not a Pokemon is legendary.

What exactly is Spiritomb?

Spiritomb is a Pokémon that debuted in Generation 4 as a Ghost/Dark type. The ForbiddenPokémon is its name.

What am I going to do with the venerable tower?

To get Spiritomb in the Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum versions, the player must:

  1. Place an Odd Keystone in the tower on Route 209
  2. Enter the Underground 32 times and chat to other gamers.
  3. Engage in dialogue with the Hallowed Tower. A Spiritomb of level 25 will arrive, and a combat with it will begin right away.

In Pokemon Go, how can you capture Spiritomb?

In Pokemon GO’s Halloween event, here’s how to get Spiritomb.

  1. Catch 10 Ghost-type Pokemon in the third step. Make a total of 8 fantastic throws. To aid in the capture of Pokemon, use 108 Berries.
  2. Step 2/3: MisdreavusPokémon encounter: Catch 10 Dark-type Pokémon. 8 PokéStops you’ve never seen before – 1080XP
  3. 3rd step 1080XP Claim Reward 1080XP – Claim Reward

How can you acquire a diamond version of the National Pokedex?

After seeing all 150 Pokemon in Sinnoh, you may update your Pokedex to the “National Pokedex,” which has nearly 400 spaces instead of 150. Simply go to Sandgem Town, which was one of the first places we visited in the game and is the home of Professor Rowan and his Pokemon research.

In Pokemon Diamond, how do you obtain a Rotom?


  1. Go to Old Chateau with the National Dex.
  2. Ascend the stairwell to the top-most middle chamber.
  3. There is a television in the first room on the left.
  4. After 8 p.m., press “A” in front of the television. When the game asks whether you want to pound it, you should reply yes.
  5. Defend yourself and attempt to capture Rotom. Make sure it doesn’t faint!

What is the size of the Sinnoh Pokedex?

In Pokemon Go, this article offers a list of Gen 4 Pokemon from Sinnoh. Only the following 23 newPokemon from Generation 4 (Diamond and Pearl) have been reported as of October 16.

What am I going to do with the odd Keystone?

The Odd Keystone is a piece of equipment that allows you to get Spiritomb. It is available in a variety of forms. It may be found at the pond in Twinleaf Town or by a karate guy on Route 208. It’s also possible to find it underground.

In Pokemon Diamond, where can I locate Drifloon?

Every Friday, Drifloon arrives in front of Valley Windworks. You’ll have to wait until the next Friday to discover it if you beat Team Galactic there on a Friday. Drifloon will not emerge in the morning or at night, so come during the day. You must visit Valley Windworks between the hours of 10 a.m. and 8 p.m.

In Pokemon Pearl, where is the underground?

The Subterranean (Japanese:?????) Underground Path) is a territory situated under the whole Sinnohregion in PokémonDiamond, Pearl, and Platinum. The Explorer Kit, which can be obtained from the UndergroundMan in Eterna City, allows players to go underground at any time.

In Platinum, where is the Pokemon Mansion?

???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? The Pokémon Mansion is a location on Route 212’s northern section. Mr.Backlot, the proprietor of Amity Square, owns this large, ancient home. Outside, the home is well-protected. It also has the well-known Trophy Garden, which is situated in the back.