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Instructions for Hassle Free Returns: How to Cancel an Order on Fiverr

how to cancel an order on fiverr

How to Navigate to Your Active Orders on Fiverr

Let’s dive right in. If you’re trying to find your active orders on Fiverr, we’ve got you covered. It’s actually quite simple, and we’ll walk you through the steps one by one.

Start off by logging into your account. Once you’re signed in, look at the top right corner of the page. You’ll find a drop-down menu under your profile picture – click on it. From there, select ‘Orders’ from the list that appears.

Now, here’s where things get interesting! Once you’ve clicked on ‘Orders’, two tabs will show up: ‘Active’ and ‘Completed’. To view your ongoing projects, simply click on the ‘Active’ tab.

What if you have multiple orders? No worries! They’ll all be listed there chronologically. So whether it was yesterday or last week when you placed an order, rest assured it will appear in this list!

Remember that this is just for managing and viewing active orders though – if you need to cancel any order specifically then that’s a different process altogether (which we’ll cover in another section).

So there you have it – navigating through your active orders is as simple as these few steps. We hope this guide proves helpful for all our readers who frequently use Fiverr for their creative needs.

How to Cancel an Order on Fiverr

We’ve all been there. We’ve placed an order on Fiverr and then, for one reason or another, we need to cancel it. Whether you’ve changed your mind about the service or found a better seller, here’s how we can help you navigate through the process of cancelling that order.

First off, let’s head over to the “Orders” section of your account. Once there, find the specific order you’re looking to cancel. Click on “Order Details”, which will take you directly into the details of your transaction.

Once inside this page, look for a button labeled “Resolve Now”. This is where our journey begins towards cancellation. By clicking this button, Fiverr will prompt us with several options – choose “Cancel Order”.

After clicking on “Cancel Order”, we’ll be faced with a dropdown menu asking us why we wish to cancel our order. Choose the reason that best describes your situation from these options:

  • The seller is unresponsive
  • We want to change our requirements
  • We bought by mistake
  • Other

Following this selection comes an optional comment box – use this opportunity if you’d like to provide additional information about why you’re cancelling.

Lastly, click on “Submit Request”. Please remember that while we can wish for immediate results, cancellations aren’t always instantaneous. They often require approval from both parties involved – buyer and seller. So don’t worry if it takes some time!

There might be times when mutual agreement isn’t reached or situations become complicated; in such cases don’t hesitate to reach out for Fiverr’s Customer Support team who are always ready to lend a helping hand.


What Happens When You Cancel an Order on Fiverr?

When you decide to cancel an order on Fiverr, there are a few immediate effects that take place. First and foremost, the transaction between you and the seller is terminated. This means that both parties are released from their contractual obligations regarding the order.

Let’s delve into some specifics. Here’s what happens:

  • The buyer gets refunded: In most cases, when an order is cancelled on Fiverr, the buyer receives a refund to their Fiverr balance almost immediately after cancellation.
  • Seller’s reputation might get affected: For sellers, cancellations can negatively impact their reputation on the platform as well as their overall rating.
  • Funds returned to your ‘Shopping Balance’: Any funds paid will be returned to your shopping balance in the form of credit which can be used for future purchases within 90 days.

Before cancelling any orders unilaterally, we always recommend trying open dialogue with your service provider first. That way everyone’s clear about expectations and potential outcomes – saving time and keeping reputations intact!