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How to Renew Your PMP Certification Online


Renewing your PMP certification online is a straightforward process. This guide will help you navigate the steps required to maintain your credentials. Stay certified and advance your career without hassle pmp certification renewal

Understand the Requirements

Continuing Certification Requirements (CCR)

To renew your PMP certification, you must earn 60 Professional Development Units (PDUs). These units demonstrate your ongoing learning and professional development. PDUs can be earned through various activities such as education and giving back to the profession.

PDU Categories

PDUs are categorized into two groups: Education and Giving Back. Education PDUs are further divided into three subcategories: Technical Project Management, Leadership, and Strategic and Business Management. Ensuring a balanced distribution of PDUs across these categories is crucial.

Earning PDUs

Educational Opportunities

You can earn PDUs through webinars, online courses, seminars, and reading relevant books. Many providers offer courses that specifically cater to PMP renewal requirements.

Volunteering and Mentoring

Giving back to the profession through volunteer work or mentoring counts towards your PDUs. Engage with your local PMI chapter or participate in project management forums.

Working as a Professional

You can also earn PDUs by applying your skills in your job.

This category allows you to claim PDUs for the work you do daily as a project manager.

Recording and Reporting PDUs

PMI’s CCRS System

Log into the PMI’s Continuing Certification Requirements System (CCRS) to report your PDUs. Ensure all activities are documented accurately. PMI may audit your submissions, so keep proof of your activities.

Submitting Your Renewal Application

Once you have accumulated the required PDUs, submit your renewal application through the PMI website. The application process includes a fee, which varies depending on your membership status.

Renewal Fees and Timeline

Membership Discounts

PMI members enjoy reduced renewal fees. Consider becoming a member if you’re not one already.

Membership also provides access to additional resources and networking opportunities check this resource

Renewal Deadlines

Renew your certification before it expires. PMI allows a grace period, but completing the process promptly is best to avoid lapses in your certification.

Maintaining Your Certification

Continuous Learning

Stay updated with the latest trends and practices in project management. Continuous learning not only helps in maintaining your certification but also enhances your skills.

Engaging with the Community

Join PMI chapters and attend events. Networking with other professionals keeps you informed about industry developments and opens doors to new opportunities.


Renewing your PMP certification online ensures your skills remain relevant and recognized. Follow these steps to manage your renewal process efficiently. Stay proactive, and keep your certification up to date.