Your bags are packed. You’ve followed the guidelines on dress code and think you understand what it means by formal attire. You have just enough shoes for any occasion without being too many. You’ve secured all of your toiletries in mini bags to avoid spillage. Now you’re ready to go. But are you really? We’re so used to having everything handy in our daily life that we don’t think about packing them for vacation. Take a peek at these 10 essentials to bring on a cruise vacation to see what else you should pack for your next adventure.
- Reusable/refillable water bottle so you stay hydrated without running back and forth to Lido Deck.
- Travel Charger Surge Protector with USB Ports
to plug in/charge computers, ereaders, ipods, curling irons, etc
- Beach bag or tote to carry camera, book, beach towels and sunscreen on the ship or to your excursions
- Nightlight, when those curtains are drawn and the sun has set it can get mighty dark in those rooms
- Small wallet/purse or Lanyard for key cards & identification
- Over the Door Pocket Organizer
to hold cosmetics, toiletries, brushes, curling irons and medications instead of clogging up small counters
- Lightweight or mesh bag to keep dirty laundry separate on the way home.
- Medication and not just prescriptions. Think about upset stomachs, headaches, allergy relief and even cough meds just in case.
- Extra Sunscreen, that tropical sun is fierce so bring along more than you think you’ll need.
- Notepad and pen to leave notes for your traveling companions, children or room steward.
- It’s no fun overpaying for something on vacation that you already have at home. Packing a few extra essentials will keep your budget on track so you can spend money on the fun things like fruity drinks with umbrellas or slot machines.
luggage photo provided via Flickr by Thor