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Dealing With Postpartum Depression

Having a new child is a magical time. You’re happy to add a new addition to the family and you’re ready to do whatever you can to be able to provide. Speaking of which, follow here if you want some cool gift ideas for your baby. With that said, if you feel sad, tired, or just lost all motivation after you have a baby, you may be dealing with postpartum depression.

Postpartum depression is depression that comes after having a baby. When you give birth, there are some massive hormone changes, and this can definitely cause depression. In some mild cases, you may feel upset, tired, or just don’t feel like doing much, which is common with a new mom. However, in extreme examples, you may become reclusive and not care for your baby that much. Postpartum depression goes away after a while, but can last longer if left untreated. Here are some ways you can treat postpartum depression.


There’s a bit of a stigma against new mothers sleeping. Society almost expects you to be superhuman and be able to function without sleep. Indeed, it can be more difficult to sleep when you have a baby, but you should still get some rest.

Not getting enough sleep can worsen your depression or your anxiety. If you want to sleep better, make sure you sleep when the baby sleeps. And don’t forget to unwind. A nice bath, some herbal tea, and all that good stuff can go far in helping you improve your rest. Go to a sleep doctor if you’re having problems.


Once you are physically able to, get some exercise. Not just to get your body back, but because exercise can help reduce the symptoms of your depression. Taking a mild stroll around the park with the baby, or moderate aerobics can do wonders. Your brain will release endorphins and this will help improve your depression by quite a bit. Just make sure you’re not pushing your limits, particularly after you’ve given birth. Talk to your doctor if you’re still unsure.

Postnatal depression 1 year after birth

You might not feel well because of the significant changes that your body is undergoing. Don’t be afraid to look at the mirror and take pride in the scars, weight gain, and stretch marks left from pregnancy and childbirth. Giving birth to a human being is a feat worth celebrating. Don’t let unrealistic body standards set by social media and magazines dictate how you should look. 

Join support groups for women, and you’ll be surprised to see confident and beautiful women flaunting their bodies no matter the size and shape. You will get tremendous support from many other women who have gone or are going through the same struggles as you. 

You might just be surprised how much confidence you can get from the support from women like you. Love yourself no matter your age, body type, or experiences. You’re beautiful and loved. If you feel like you want to wear a pair of bikinis from your favorite swim store, by all means, take a dip in those cute swimsuits. If you want to dress up and look pretty like a doll, do it. Do it not for the people around you, but for yourself. 

It’s Okay to Ask for Help

If you need help with your baby, there is no shame in asking for it. If you want to hire a sitter or have Grandma watch over the babywhile you get some rest, it’s okay. With that said, make sure you aren’t spending too much time depressed and alone, as this can worsen everything.

Get a New Hobby

Finding a hobby can help you if you’re depressed. Working on a puzzle, looking up how to do a side hustle, maintaining a  new car, the list goes on. By finding a new hobby, this can help stimulate your mind, and it’s a good way to unwind after having a baby. Just make sure you have the time and the resources to do so, and then try it out.

Eat Healthy

Don’t forget to eat healthy whenever you’re a new mom. Eat foods high in omega-3s, eat junk food as a special treat, and add more proteins, fruits, and veggies to your diet. These foods can be good for the brain and help you when you’re having trouble dealing with the depression of having a baby. Just make sure that your healthy habits stay after the depression ends.

Seek Help

If your postpartum depression is still bad, there is no shame in talking to a therapist and asking for help. They can help you with that and any other issues you may be having, such as any questions or concerns about being a new parent. Click here for more info:

Active Living: 7 Tips For Pilates Classes

Pilates is a low-impact, high-repetition exercise designed to strengthen muscles and improve coordination and balance. It is often done on a mat, but can also be performed using hand weights or resistance bands. This exercise routine can be done at home or in a studio with a certified instructor. Since Pilates originated in England, it is often associated with the British aristocracy. Today, it is a popular exercise for people of all ages.

Pilates is one of the most popular forms of fitness today, and is especially effective for overall wellness and reaching your fitness goals. Unfortunately, not all pilates classes are created equal, and many of them are poorly designed. Here are seven tips you can follow to help you get the most out of your pilates class.

Pilates is a challenging yet effective way to improve people’s physical health and fitness. It’s also a great way to meet new people and improve your core strength and flexibility.. Read more about pilates moves and let us know what you think.

Do you want to become strong and flexible and improve your balance, posture and stamina? Take Pilates. A recent study published in the Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness found that significant improvements were observed in each of these five key indicators of overall health. Are you ready to start Pilates and reap the benefits? Take action: 7 tips to get the most out of your Pilates class.

1. Know what you are getting into.

There are three main types of Pilates classes.

  • Classical Pilates, also known as True Pilates
  • Modern Pilates
  • Reformer Pilates

As their names suggest, they are distinguished by following the original method developed by Joseph Pilates in the early 20th century. Classical Pilates is defined by certain techniques applied in a specific order and in a very repetitive way, developed by its creator. Critics of classical Pilates claim that it has not evolved with a more modern understanding of science and anatomy. Recent research shows that varying the motion and mixing the modes gives better and faster results. But there are always those who like to repeat themselves and swear by the results. Modern Pilates is based on original ideas. But it adds variety to the routine. It can borrow techniques from yoga, tai chi, strength training and even cardio to create a more complete workout. The Pilates Reformer can be part of classic or modern Pilates or stand alone. This was part of the original technique. The Pilates Reformer Machine uses equipment called a reformer, which consists of a platform, springs, and pulleys. This machine allows you to adjust the resistance for a perfect workout. Before you sign up for a course, think about what you need, and then start working on your plan. If your goal is alignment and extension, go for a classic. If you get bored easily or are looking for a more complete workout, choose a modern workout.

2. Be prepared.

You will get more out of each activity if you study the assigned reading ahead of time. Learn what Pilates is. Check out some videos on YouTube. Boost your morale. Your first session will be intimidating. Keep in mind that the other students in the class have probably been doing this for a while. You may see strange devices. But don’t worry. They’ll be fine. Come dressed to focus on your workout. Tight but comfortable pants or leggings, a tank top and sturdy socks are your standard attire. A twist headband would also help as it can keep the sweat from dripping down during the exercises. Do not wear shorts under any circumstances. You’ll regret it. If you are a man, then yes, Pilates is great for men too. However, be prepared that you are in the minority even if the situation changes. Pilates was invented by a man for men and women. Both benefit. But don’t be surprised if you end up being just one of two or three guys in the whole class. After all, Pilates is a training of the mind over matter. You have to stay focused on the moment and think about each specific movement. You may have to brace yourself even if your muscles protest. If you know all this before you start, you will succeed.

3. Choose your teacher with wisdom.

Ask around. Read the reviews online. Insist on attending classes before making a decision. Zayna Gold of Boston Body explains that there are three main characteristics to evaluate in a trainer.

  1. Does the teacher speak your language? You can take it literally: Are there language barriers? Or a little looser. Does the teacher use many technical terms without explaining their meaning to newcomers? Communication is the key to success, so make sure it works for you.
  2. Does the instructor teach modifications for beginners? This is the sign of a true professional who meets people where they are before helping them achieve what they want. An excellent instructor can teach a class of Pilates enthusiasts, beginners, 20-somethings, seniors and everyone in between.
  3. Did you get out of the course what you wanted? If you didn’t sweat or get a burning sensation, the activity may have been too easy for you. If you have certain problem areas that are not occupied, you can try doing something else. If you get confused during class, it’s because the instructor isn’t very good at giving directions.

4. Listen to your body.

Take breaks when you need them. Don’t be frustrated if you have more rest than others in the beginning of the job. If you can’t do the exercise, ask if you can change it. If you feel like you are training the wrong muscles, ask your trainer to help you.

5. Expect your muscles to burn during exercise.

Your muscles will be on fire. Go ahead. Passenger. Here’s what you can do. Even if you’re already in great shape, chances are you’re using muscles you didn’t even know you had. Expect sore muscles during your workout and the next day.

6. Expect to be hit without warning.

If you feel nauseous when someone touches you unexpectedly, you should know that this is probably happening in a Pilates class. The instructor must make adjustments as the movements are performed. The course is very important. Asked: May I touch you? or get your attention first. Make sure your instructor is a professional. If you don’t feel comfortable with your instructor, find another one.

7. Pilates may require supplementation.

It all depends on your goals. Pilates can be a very complete workout. If you want to gain strength, alternate days with strength training or muscle strengthening exercises. If you want to run a marathon, you can run for a few days. If you want to lose weight, remember to adjust your diet. The key is to find what works best for you.

Strengthen your health with Pilates

In Pilates, you can get it all: Strength, agility, endurance, balance and posture. Get the most out of your Pilates class with these 7 tips. Do you have any advice for our readers? Would you like to share your Pilates experience? I hope you’ll leave a comment below. We would love to know what you do to lead an active and healthy lifestyle.There are many people out there who want to take that first step and get into Pilates or whatever it is that they want to do. These people usually have no idea where to start, and where to get started. This is where we come in.. Read more about pilates at home and let us know what you think.

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Privacy settings,How Search works,pilates moves,pilates before and after,pilates exercise,pilates at home,what is pilates good for,pilates body,pilates benefits,how to stay active during quarantine

Heels Elevated Squats: The Ultimate Guide!

As we mentioned in the video, we are taking part in the “Do Your Knees In” challenge and will be participating in the inaugural Hike a Mile in Your Shoes event on October 23rd. To prep our legs for the event, we wanted to do a little research into the advantages of doing stances like elevated squat and the possibility that it has to do with our knees.

heels elevated squats are a powerful and effective exercise, but they aren’t the easiest move to master. If you’re looking to progress in this exercise, you need a clear guide to keep you on track. That’s why I’ve designed this guide to help you elevate your squats to the next level.

With all the research out there regarding the benefits of squats, it’s no surprise that they are this popular in the fitness world. However, the mere thought of squatting without any type of support underneath can be intimidating. Or even worse, you might be flat out scared of them. The truth is, you don’t have to squat in the same way that you would when using a squat rack.

There are many different ways to perform squats. You can squat like a powerlifter by spreading your legs and pulling your hips back. You can squat like an Olympic weightlifter when your buttocks almost touch the ground in the down position. You can even do squats with some special dumbbells, like. B. a safety squat bar or curved barbell. However, one of the strategies to get big, strong legs is to squat with your heels pulled up. The heel squat is very simple: You squat with your heels slightly raised and your toes on the ground. This type of squat has many benefits, including better squat depth, more work for the quadriceps and relief for the lower back. There are several ways to raise the heels in the squat position:

  • You can do squats in Olympic weightlifting shoes that lift your heels.
  • You can do squats with small 2.5 or 5 pound plates under your heels.
  • You can squat with a small wooden board under your heels.

Here’s a great demonstration of heel pulling: As you can see, the athlete squats on a small wooden platform with his heels up. He also wears special squat shoes that raise his heels even higher. The heel squat is a very effective exercise. There are three main reasons why you should use whole raise squats in your training program:

  • You improve the depth of the squats
  • You work harder on your quadriceps
  • You put less strain on your lower back

Let’s take a closer look at each of these benefits.

Advantage No. 1: Heel-lift squats Improve depth of squats

Many beginners, intermediate and even professionals struggle to perform squats with a full range of motion. According to the world’s greatest strength trainer, Charles Polikin, a “full range of motion squat” means that your hamstrings encircle your calves in the bottom position. Charles joked that squats should leave a stain on your butt on the gym floor! Here you can see a good demonstration of the full range of motion squat performed by Olympic weightlifting superstar Dmitry Klokov : Full range squats are very important because only in this way the muscles of the lower body are trained to their maximum potential, especially the quadriceps, hamstrings and glutes. Full squats stretch these muscles deeply, which is absolutely necessary to build size and strength. Full squats are especially important for training the medial oblique (vastus medialis oblique), a teardrop-shaped quadriceps muscle located on the medial side of the knee. If you are a powerlifter and are preparing for your next powerlifting competition, then parallel squats are the way to go. However, there is no substitute for full range of motion squats to build size and strength. One of the reasons people have trouble doing full squats is that their calves are too tense. If your calves are too tight, your heels will literally come off the ground before you fully lower yourself into a squat. One of the main benefits of the heel squat is that it allows you to squat all the way down, even if you’re not very limber! With the bottom squat, your calves and thighs are subjected to a much lower stretch when you lift your heels. This makes the heel squat an ideal choice for people who want to squat with a full range of motion while working on their flexibility.

Benefit #2: Elevated heel squats work harder on your quadriceps

Squats are one of those exercises where a small change in technique can have a significant impact on the muscle groups being trained. When you squat with your heels up, your quads have to work MUCH harder than normal. Just watch the video below: When you squat with your heels up, your knees extend forward over your toes in the down position. This is fundamentally different from powerlifting type squats, where the knees stay behind the toes in a low position. When your knees go past your toes, your quadriceps have to work much harder. The vastus medialis muscle (one of the four quadriceps muscles) has to work especially hard during heel squats. In the lowest position of the heel squat, the medial muscle is greatly stretched and must work with an increased load to stabilize the knee joint. This is a good thing because the vastus medialis is a weak muscle group for most practitioners. If you’re a bodybuilder and feel like reverse squats train your glutes more than your quads, you should try heel squats. They target your quads, and that’s exactly what you need!

Advantage #3: The squat with heel raise reduces the stress on the lower back

Many great athletes struggle with reverse squats. Bodybuilder Dorian Yates eliminated reverse squats from his leg training program because they put too much strain on the lower back and too little on the legs. One of the benefits of heel squats is that they put less strain on the lower back and lumbar spine. Just watch the video below: As you can see, the athlete’s upper body remains almost completely straight during the squat. This is normal for this type of squat. When you squat with your heels up, your knees go over your toes and your upper body stays straighter. This reduces the pressure on the lumbar spine and relieves the muscles of the lower back. Squats with heel raises are great for preventing lower back injuries, as well as speeding up the recovery process. You may be able to do squats or deadlifts more often because your lower back is less affected by squat training. Unfortunately, heel squats are not all rainbows and sunshine. They also have a few drawbacks that you should be aware of:

  • They put a lot of pressure on the knee joints.
  • They pay less attention to the back chain.
  • They are not ideal for powerlifters.

Let’s take a closer look at each of these disadvantages.

Deficiency #1: increased squatting increases stress on knee joints

This is the biggest disadvantage of squats with heel raises: You’re putting a lot of strain on your knees. If you have healthy knees and a strong vastus medialis muscle, heel squats won’t be a problem. However, if your knees are not in the best shape, this exercise can be difficult to perform (at least at this stage). There are several strategies you can use to perform this exercise without knee pain. First, you can try doing squats with higher reps. There is a big difference between squats with a maximum number of repetitions in 3 sets and a maximum number of repetitions in 12 sets. Using higher repetition ranges will greatly reduce the strain on your knees and allow you to get the full benefit of this exercise. Another option is to do squats with your heels up. For example: Research and practice have shown that front squats put much less pressure on your knees than traditional back squats. Front squats are less stressful on the major joints, including the knees, hips and lower back. A good strategy is to do heel curls for the bigger reps and heel curls for the smaller reps. This way, you can train each set of reps while minimizing the strain on your knees.

Deficiency #2: raised heel squat exerts less pressure on the posterior chain

The posterior chain is a family of three muscle groups on the back of the body:

  • Your hamstrings
  • Your buttocks
  • The lower back

These three muscles work together to help you with hip stretching exercises such as the squat, deadlift and hello. Squats with heels put more strain on the quadriceps, but reduce the strain on the hamstrings, glutes and lower back. If you use this exercise in your program, you should focus more on the exercises for the back chain, such as leg extensions, deadlifts, back extensions, etc. to ensure that they are adequately stimulated.

Defect #3: Heel squats are not ideal for powerlifters

If you are a powerlifter preparing for a powerlifting competition, you need to train like a player. In other words, you need to practice competitive lifting yourself. Some weightlifters squat with their heels up and use Olympic weightlifting shoes. For example, you can watch a video here of Chad Wesley Smith squatting 905 pounds in a competition in high heels. However, most powerlifters do harder squats with flat heels. The heel squat can be a great off-season exercise if your goal is to improve muscle size and build a good strength base. But when it comes to preparing for the game, you really need to practice your game.

The best squat variations with raised heels

There are many variations of heel-lift squats that you can try. Here are some of the most effective variations to get big, strong legs:

  • Dumbbell Squat
  • Front and back squats
  • Bikers squat
  • 1.25 Stops
  • Klokow squat

Let’s take a closer look at each of these exercise variations.

Variation for year 1: Dumbbell Squat

Dumbbell squats are an underrated type of exercise. The idea is simple: You do a squat while holding a pair of dumbbells. Here is a good video of dumbbell squats on heels: When you do barbell squats, your center of gravity is much lower than with a traditional squat. This will make the exercise less stressful on your legs and lower back. A lower center of gravity also gives this exercise a very different feel than traditional squats. In my experience, this exercise works well at the end of a lower body tri set or a giant set. You can really focus on muscle fatigue without worrying about balancing a dumbbell on your back or getting out of breath. Unfortunately, this exercise is difficult to perform with heavy weights, so it shouldn’t be your primary lower body exercise.

Variation for year 2: front and back squat

When most people think of the heel squat, they think of the back squat. The squat is an excellent exercise. However, most people will get better results if they spend as much time training the back squat as the front squat. In my experience, the heel raise front squat is particularly effective for training the lower body. Here’s a great video: The front squat puts more pressure on your quadriceps than the back squat. It’s also easier on your knees, hips and lower back, which is important no matter what your training goal is. The main disadvantage of the front squat is that it cannot be performed for higher reps. If you try to do more than 6 reps per set, your upper back muscles may start cutting in front of your legs and your upper body will roll forward, causing the bar to fall off your shoulders.

Variation for year 3: Squatting for cyclists

Squats with high heels are good because they train your quads more than usual. If you really want to kill your quads, you should try heel squats. For example: This exercise is often called the cyclist’s squat, as many world-class cyclists have used it to increase the size and strength of their quadriceps. For the same reasons, it is also called the quadriceps squat. A tight posture forces your quadriceps, and especially your vastus medialis, to work harder than normal. Squats where your heels are high and close together are a real torture for your quadriceps! Make sure your heels are not too close together. For safety reasons, I would not place them closer than 10 cm to each other.

Variation for year 4: 1.25 Hurk

The next variation of the whole squat I want to teach you is called the 1.25 or quarter squat. This technique is quite complicated, so here is a video tutorial: As you can see, the athlete squats all the way down, turns a quarter turn, squats all the way down, and then squats again until he’s locked in. This counts as 1 repetition in total. The 1.25 squat is ideal for developing bigger, stronger legs because it increases the amount of time you spend in the bottom position of the exercise. They are great for making you stronger in the down position and help you to overload your quadriceps muscles. A combination of heel raise squats and 1.25 raise squats is a great way to combat plateaus!

Variation for year 5: Klokov-Hocke

Dmitry Klokov is a former Olympic weightlifting champion. He popularized a style of squatting that uses a very slow eccentric phase and a long pause in the bottom position. Here’s a perfect example: The athlete in this video does squats at a pace of 7/6/X/0. That is, he does squats with a 7 second down phase, a 6 second pause in the down position, and an explosive lift phase. Klokow squats are so effective because they overload your eccentric strength. A long isometric pause in the down position is also good, as it eliminates the stretch reflex and forces you to use only your muscles to lift the weight before you turn on. The athlete in the video does Klokow squats with his heels up to force the quadriceps, and in particular the vastus medialis muscle, to work even harder in the down position. Best Heel Lift Squat Exercises Heel squats can be used in almost any squat program imaginable. They can be used for everything from high repetition hypertrophy exercises to low repetition strength exercises. Because I’m a good guy, I’ll show you 2 great heel squat exercises you can use today to build big, strong legs. Here are the names of two treatments:

  • Super sets after exhaustion
  • Klokow Squats

These exercises were chosen because they work well with the heel crutches. Let’s take a closer look at each of these procedures.

Route 1: Supersets after quitting

Super sets after exhaustion are a great way to train for muscle hypertrophy. The idea is simple: They do supersets that include compound and isolation exercises. Here’s the exact protocol:

  • Perform the compound exercise to failure, then rest for 10 seconds.
  • Perform the isolation exercise to failure, then rest 2-4 minutes and repeat!

Studies have shown that supersets after exhaustion are superior to supersets before exhaustion in most cases. They activate more motor units in the targeted muscle groups and better stimulate growth in size and strength. Here’s a heel lift squat routine after exhaustion you might want to try.

Look at this:

Routine supersets after exhaustion

  • A1 : Squat (close position / heels up), 3-5 x 8-10, 3/0/X/1, 10 seconds rest
  • A2 : Machine squat, 3-5 x 15-20, 2/0/1/0, rest 180 seconds
  • B1 : Bilateral leg extension (Polikin method/legs point inward), 3-5 x 6-8, 3/0/X/0, 10 seconds rest.
  • B2 : Romanian deadlift, 3-5 x 12-15, 2/0/1/0, rest 180 seconds

Here are the training videos: Exercise A1, Exercise A2, Exercise B1, Exercise B2. This program includes two supersets after exhaustion: one for the quads and one for the hamstrings. This procedure can be done every 3 to 7 days depending on your ability to recover. I know some of you will look at this routine and say: This volume is not enough. Trust me, if you do 5 supersets on your quads and 5 supersets on your hamstrings, you’ll be crawling out of the gym! This routine is a good option for a bodybuilder who wants to overcome a hypertrophy plateau in the legs.

Route #2: Klokov-Hocke

I showed you the Klokov squats earlier in this article. They are great for eliminating plateaus during squats and are a good choice if you like doing squats with high heels. Klokow squats are performed for one rep, but the pace is very slow, so they put less strain on your nervous system than a true max rep. Here’s a Klokow squat exercise with heel raise you can try.

Look at this:

Klokow routine squat

  • A1 : Squat (center position/wheel up), 6-8 x 1, 7/6/X/0, 240 seconds rest
  • B1 : 45 degree leg press with straps, 2 x 8-10, 4/0/1/0, 120 seconds rest
  • C1 : 45 degrees back stretch with bands, 2 x 8-10, 3/0/X/1, 120 seconds rest
  • D1 : Rope pull (Sumo Rack), 2 x 8-10, 4/0/1/0, 120 seconds rest

Here are the training videos: Exercise A1, Exercise B1, Exercise C1, Exercise D1. For this exercise, I recommend doing 6-8 simple squats with heel raises. You should NOT use the true maximum of one repetition for this exercise. Instead, I recommend using a weight that allows you to do about 2 reps, at the same rate of 7/6/X/0. This can be about 85-90% of your normal maximum strength in one repetition. Really do your best with heel squats. The rest of the routine can be considered side work. You still want to push the supplemental exercises, but they are less important than 6-8 sets of squats.


The heel squat is a very useful exercise variation to include in your training program. It has many advantages over traditional squats:

  • Increase the depth of squats
  • He’s working hard on his quads.
  • Reduces the strain on the lower back

It’s hard to believe that lifting your heels during the squat can make such a big difference! I’m not saying flat whole squats are dangerous or ineffective. However, the heel squat is a very useful exercise that will help you reach your growth and strength goals faster. I recommend alternating squats with and without a heel pad over a period of time for best results. For example, you can do squats with flat heels for 2-4 weeks, then squats with high heels for 2-4 weeks. You can also lift your heels in more specific variations of squats, such as B. in the bicycle squat, the 1.25 squat and the Klokow squat. If you’re mentally bored with your routine, your body is probably bored too. Sometimes the best way to make progress is to expose your body to a new training stimulus so it can adapt. Powerlifting guru Louis Simmons has a phrase that is very relevant here: If your body has all the answers, you must change all the questions! Thanks for reading and good luck with your strength training! Dr. Mike Jansen. I am the creator and owner of Revolutionary Program Design. I help advanced athletes take their training to the next level and achieve results they didn’t even know they had.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is it bad to squat with heels elevated?

Everybody knows that squatting with heels elevated is a bad idea. Many think it’s the most dangerous thing you can do for your knees. However, many people also don’t stop doing it. And, as time has passed, we’ve learned that most of us aren’t squatting with heels elevated because we know it’s bad for our knees, but because we’re ignorant of the dangers of doing so. Squats are a staple of crossfit and many other types of strength training. Yet, many people choose to try to aim for a perfect squat instead of trying to perfect technique. This is a mistake. Technique is more important than your perfect form. Which means perfect form is only a means to an end. Whether you are aiming for a perfect bottom, perfect depth of your squat, or perfect flexibility just to give your knees an extra rest between each rep, you need to go all out.

What is the purpose of squatting with plates under heels?

This text is sensitive. Try generating new copy. Many people today are starting to squat with plates under their heels, with the idea that it will increase their core strength, flexibility and improve their body composition. However, many people do not realize that this is a non-uniform method of training, which can lead to overuse injuries. Even if you choose to lift in a gym, you should always have an incline bench at the ready, which is far safer and is the most effective way to train your core.

What to use to elevate heels for squats?

The squat is a perfectly fine exercise, and the only one that provides a full-body workout. However, if you want to intensify your workout, then the heels elevated squat is just what you need! By using a platform to elevate your heels, you can effectively work your lower body, hamstrings, core, glutes, and more! The art of squatting is one of the most basic and fundamental positions in any fitness routine, and the squat is a popular choice for a lot of workouts. However, doing a regular squat with a pair of heels elevated on a bench can be a little tricky. While it may look that simple, it really isn’t—especially when you consider all the factors that can go wrong. If you’re struggling with squats with heels on a bench, read on to learn what to use to elevate your heels and prevent injury.

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Pumice is a form of volcanic rock that’s been created through the process of hydrovolcanic eruptions. It has an extremely porous texture and can be used as an exfoliant to gently remove dead skin cells from your feet, hands, or face. Obsidian on the other hand is a black volcanic glass with many small crystals in it. This type of stone was often used by ancient cultures for tools because its sharp edges made it ideal for cutting down trees and carving things like arrowheads out of wood. It’s also possible to use obsidian today if you need something really durable but not too heavy!

Super fun and creative ways to help your kids learn

As a parent, you always want the best for your kids, especially regarding their education. For them to grow up happy and prosperous in all aspects of life, with as few or as little bumps along the way. Now more than ever, it’s imperative to keep kids stimulated and nurture their active imaginations. Even the youthful exuberance of a child can be sullied by the tedium of long hours stuck inside. Exacerbated by the ongoing pandemic. In short, it isn’t always good for their creativity. Homeschooling can be very boring, but it doesn’t have to be To make learning more engaging and enjoyable, consider adding activities like tennis lessons. You must find ways to help kids learn and have a little fun along the way.

But how do you make sure that happens?

We have some ideas! Here are six super fun and creative ways to help your children learn: 

Snow Tiger Media

Snow Tiger Media is the creator of the Winning@range, which is a series of activity books filled with lots of fun things to do and is produced to accommodate children in forming a love of learning from the young age of 3 years old. Understanding the need to find new ways to help kids engage in their education was a major driving force behind the brand new series. The fun exercises support children in achieving their scholastic goals while building up their confidence. Every page has a different purpose highlighted to trace the improvement and inspire children to work freely. All the masterfully crafted illustrations and narratives were completely designed and penned by the creators themselves.

The winning@range is available now


Maryan, part of the dynamic couple behind the series, explains more “We want children to keep up, top up and catch up as pandemic restrictions continue, and the entire world of learning has been turned on its head. The books are designed to be fun, and we hope they’re incredibly useful, too.” 

The new series is literally hot off the press, being made available just a few days prior on the 12th of April, 2021. To find out more, download free worksheets and how to purchase the new range, we recommend visiting their website, Snow Tiger Media. You can check out their TikTok too, give them a follow, and see how the magic happens!

Reusable sight-word sandbox

A re-usable sight-word sandbox is a lunchbox with sugar, salt, or even actual sand placed inside it with a sticky note on the inside of the lid with a word written on it. With a pencil, your child will then write an imprint of the same word in the sand. The kids will find it fun as it’s easy to play and the benefit of using this is that it’s inexpensive and easy to set up. The perfect combination.

Alphabet Matching

Teach your children the letters of the alphabet by utilizing a magnetic alphabet set and a spare cookie sheet. Write the alphabet letters on the cookie sheet by using washable markers or stickers of the alphabet and have your child match the magnetic letters to the letters that they find on the sheet. You can also do the same thing on the fridge by placing the letters of the alphabet and asking your kid to match them with the magnetic alphabet set. The benefit of using this is that it can become adapted as the kid gets older by asking them to name the alphabet in order until they know the sound and the letter off by heart.

Sunflower Word Family

Kids who are in the beginning stages of learning how to read can explore various sound mixtures with a word-family sunflower. You do this by using yellow paper to create sunflower petals and writing word endings on the yellow petals. Afterward, you attach the petals around a paper plate, add all the letters of the alphabet around the rim, and then let kids spin the plate and read the results. The benefits of using this are it is easy to use, and it helps your child practice their reading and enunciation skills.

Catch a letter fishing game

The ‘catch a letter’ fishing game is essentially an activity where your child uses a fishing rod to ‘catch’ fish-shaped objects with letters on them. You can ask your kid to identify the letter and test their recall. The benefit of using this is that it’s really fun and engages the memory part of your child’s brain. Several bands make versions of the game and you can order a set from most good toy stores.

Indoor gardening

The benefit of gardening is that it helps your children learn about where the food they eat every comes from, and how things grow, which will help them in school in the future. Since we may be in lockdown for a while, and it’s not as easy as it was to go outside to enjoy nature, you may want to consider creating an indoor garden. Many YouTube videos explain the process, and it’s a fun activity for both you and the kids.

Being indoors with your kids as you try to balance work and being a parent can be tough. But, it shouldn’t be. There are many fun and creative ways for you to help your kids learn, regardless of how young or old they are. It also gives you an opportunity to bond with your kids and really get to know them. The current situation has given new opportunities to not be as reliant on their teachers when it comes to learning and educating. Use the extra time to teach them new and fun ways to learn about the world. It’s important to note that every child is different and should be treated accordingly. Perhaps, using an activity book may work best for you and your kid. Or maybe your child is more of an arts and craftsperson. Luckily this is the time for you to find out, so don’t be scared when it comes to experimenting with different types of methods. Just keep your kid’s interests always at heart, and with a bit of creativity, there are lots of fun ways to help your children’s education.



Learn keyboard typing for kids

One extra but fun indoor activity. Teach your children how to type through some fun games

Physical and Psychological Benefits of Cycling

When you think about it, cycling is a pretty simple thing to do. All you have to do is pedal a bike and your body does the work for you. Well, that simplicity is what makes cycling so enjoyable. So here are a few things that you should know about cycling, both for the body and the mind.

Cycling is a great way to lose weight, feel better and get in shape. Many health benefits are associated with cycling, including improved heart health, improved blood pressure, and improved joint health. If you have a bike that isn’t working well, you can get it repaired at a bike shop to ensure it is in good working order.

Cycling is a great form of exercise, and it’s a great way to get fit and lose weight. It also has a number of health benefits. And it’s a great way to enjoy the outdoors, stay fit and socialize with friends. I’m a big fan of cycling, and if you’re wondering what all the fuss is about, here are the top 8 benefits of cycling.

Cycling is an activity suitable for all fitness levels, and the advantage is that it is an easy and environmentally friendly way to get around. If you know how to ride a bike, you have many opportunities to improve your health and well-being: Take part in bike races, go on an adventure on a mountain bike or simply use the bike as your primary means of transport to work. But why is cycling such a good form of exercise? There are many scientific reasons why cycling is good for the body and mental health, and here we look at some of the most compelling ones:

How cycling improves your mood

When you do cardiovascular exercise, blood flow to the brain increases. Blood flow to the muscles also increases, allowing them to work better, which is what the warm-up is all about. When you are in a moderate aerobic state, your brain receives more oxygen and nutrients because blood flow is improved, making you feel more alert and energetic.


But that’s not the only biological reason why cycling has a positive effect on mood.

Moderate cardio also stimulates the release of endorphins and increases the production of serotonin. These natural components of your body’s chemistry are designed to make you feel good and are responsible for what is known as the runner’s high. Of course, running is not an activity that everyone likes to do, nor is it an activity that can easily be done at a beginner’s level, nor is it an activity that is always easy to fit into your routine. Cycling is different because you can easily adjust the level of difficulty according to your physical condition. Once you learn to ride a bike, it’s very difficult to do so with poor form that can lead to injury, and it’s also something you can easily fit into your day by using the bike instead of taking the bus, driving or walking. Cycling is also suitable for people of all ages and physical conditions, so even children and the elderly can benefit. That said, when it comes to improving mood and brain activity through moderate cardio, cycling is one of the easiest and most effective ways for most people.


Looking for strength training for cyclists? With a combination of targeted exercises you can optimally prepare your body for cycling.

Cycling as a gentle way to get fit

Cycling burns calories. Wearing proper clothing like a NeoPro cycling jersey, combined with a healthy diet, can be an excellent way to stay fit or lose weight. Fighting obesity through exercise reduce the risk of a variety of complications, including diabetes, stroke, heart and lung problems, and musculoskeletal disorders.


Cycling also uses a lot of muscle, even though it is a sedentary exercise, and can build muscle mass over time. Regular cycling strengthens your lower body, including your calves, quads and glutes, and works on your core muscles by maintaining balance and good posture while cycling. What makes cycling so good for this type of total body workout is that it is not high impact. Unlike jogging or running, it doesn’t have a big impact on your joints. This means you can ride safely even if you have already suffered knee, ankle or back injuries as part of your rehabilitation program. It is also a form of exercise where the bike supports your weight. Even if you have a lot of weight at the beginning of the workout, you’re not stressing your joints in a dangerous way. Another benefit of cycling is that it is a safe way of exercising for older people who are unable to do heavy cardio exercise due to conditions such as osteoporosis. It’s really crucial to have the right specs for your bike, such as proper bicycle tyres from The Bike Tyre Shop, because you don’t want anything breaking down on you all of a sudden mid exercise.

Objectives and competitions

Another reason why cycling is a good training choice is that you can gradually increase your goals. Cycling has a low fitness threshold, and most people can cycle on a flat track and do a good cardio workout and strength training with it.


However, as you prepare yourself through practice and become more proficient on the bike, you always have the opportunity to increase the difficulty and intensity, and how you do that is up to you. Some people set their goals based on speed, others on endurance, for example. B. in long distance bicycle races. Others start trail biking, where skill becomes more important, or simply try to tackle mountain trails they couldn’t ride when they started. Because cycling is such a popular activity, there are all sorts of clubs you can join and events you can sign up for if you’re motivated. But because it’s an active sport that you can do on your own, you can also easily set your own cycling goals and track your progress. Goals are very important from a psychological standpoint because they keep people focused and motivated, and they provide important mental rewards when a goal is achieved. As for cycling, you can go big and consider taking part in a major event like the Tour de France, plan a cycling holiday to a new place you want to see, or simply try to improve your own record time on your daily rides. All of this will help you get on your bike every time and encourage you to do better, which will also help you reach your fitness and weight loss goals, if you have any.



It’s not easy to get into sports. If you did, it wouldn’t be good for your body. Let’s see what you can do to make your workout seem easier, because the easier it seems, the more you’ll want to keep working out next time. No matter how big or small your goals are, as you progress in cycling, you will gain a sense of accomplishment and increase your self-esteem if you don’t let fears get in the way of your cycling goals.

Outdoor hiking

The psychological benefits of cycling are also due to the fact that although some types of training can be done indoors with stationary bikes, the actual training is usually done outdoors. Spending time outside, especially in nature, has been shown to improve mood. More daylight helps regulate melatonin levels, making it easier to get a good night’s sleep. You also produce more vitamin D if you cycle in daylight.



While it’s not universal, many people feel calmer when they spend some time outside each day. This may even be the case in urban areas, where people may benefit from spending some time in a park, where they can see the greenery and engage in an activity (such as cycling) to refresh and re-energise. As you can see, there are many benefits to cycling, and while many of these benefits also apply to other forms of outdoor cardio exercise, cycling is the only sport that is accessible to so many people and is also an environmentally friendly form of transportation. Why not make cycling your new hobby and see where it takes you?In the past couple of years I have been more active, including getting in to cycling. While cycling is a great exercise that I could do every day, it has some physical and psychological benefits to it.. Read more about benefits of cycling for skin and let us know what you think.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the physical benefits of bike riding?

Cycling is a popular and accessible sport for people of all levels, both competitive and recreational. Cycling is extremely good for your body, and is one of the safest sports around, but it is also a sport that demands mental and physical strength. To be a successful cyclist, good fitness is essential, but it’s not always easy to maintain. Cycling provides all kinds of benefits including increased cardiovascular fitness, improved mental well-being, and lower risk of diabetes and some cancers. Most studies also show that people who cycle at least once a week have lower rates of depression than people who don’t bike at all.

Is cycling good for body shape?

Cycling (or riding a bicycle in general) is a great way to get in shape, but it has some drawbacks. For example, the lower body is constantly in motion, so it is not an ideal workout for the abs. And, of course, the hill climbs can be a challenge, especially for those who are not used to them. Cycling is often considered a great source of cardiovascular exercise and a great way to lose weight, but some studies have shown that it may provide no lasting benefit to the body. The reason is that your body tends to adapt to the same workout routine, so once you start a regular cycle training, there’s no reason to continue. In addition, people who ride bikes often do not maintain the same intensity over time, and they do not change their workout routines.

How does biking reduce anxiety?

Biking is a great way to exercise, get in shape, help you pass time, and (most importantly) reduce anxiety. Biking is great for both mental and physical health. It gets your heart rate up and keeps your blood flowing, which can help you burn calories, get fit and stay in shape. Exercise is great for your physical health but it can also improve mental health, reduce anxiety and depression, and help you sleep better. You don’t have to spend hours at the gym to get the benefits, just a little bike ride will do the trick.

Related Tags:

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Fun and simple activities for kids during Covid

As any parent knows, looking after kids is a tough job! It’s 24/7 and 365 days a year. The last year has certainly been a test for everyone, with the threat of the virus, job insecurity, and even more pressure on parents to keep it together. Offices of work and schoolyards have been eerily quiet in many parts of the country, with people spending more time than ever at that place we call home. Spending all those extra hours in the house with your loved ones can be an opportunity though. Not only can you learn some new skills together but have some fun with the extra bonding time that maybe wasn’t available before. The only problem is kids get bored, they need stimulation. Endless hours at home will only act as a multiplier to any restless bodies, young or old. So new and old ways to keep your kids entertained is not only important for them, but for yourself as well. 

So here are a few fun and simple activities, to keep your kids on the right track and to help alleviate the old lockdown blues. The good thing is once we get back to normality, you can still try them out too.

Be That Spark!

Wouldn’t it be great to find something you can do on a nightly basis over a week, that not only entertains but educates? Well, we have found just that in “A Little Spark”, delivering on both fronts.

A little spark is a multisensory, interactive experience for children through the age-old art of storytelling. The overarching message that underpins the book is to “Be that spark” and the importance of sharing with your family. One of the many lessons your kids will learn throughout the 160-page story, packed with neat illustrations, original songs, and an award-winning audiobook. Its length between story and chapter book means it can be a source of fun and entertainment over multiple nights for a week or any which way you like to space the ten chapters out.

The books are made with QR codes embedded throughout the pages that link to a custom-made soundtrack to elevate and enhance the reading experience. The catchy soundtrack written by Chris Parsons is complemented by illustrated music videos to match that you can find on their website and Youtube. Overall the book is a magical experience combining fantasy, action, and a good dose of adventure. Sprinkled with all-important life lessons tailor-made to resonate with children of all ages. We highly recommend you head to the Be that Spark website. Find out everything else you need to know and how to get a copy by clicking here for their homepage.

Check out the ” A Little Spark” trailer on youtube below

4 year old kid activities

* Food Colouring Spray Paint

By mixing food coloring with water, you create an art medium that is easy to clean and fun to play with. This can keep your kids occupied for hours. Give your kids their food coloring spray paint, and put out some large paper on the lawn and let them paint all over their paper -and maybe some of the gardens too. This is all safe for kids, safe for your garden, easy to wash, and easy on your wallet. Kids enjoy activities like this because they get to be creative and make a mess without too much concern. This is very quick and easy to prepare with just water, food coloring, and paper. You’ll have your kids busy in no time, so this is a great activity when you’re in a bit of a pinch.

* Finger Painting

Finger painting is a craft we have all done and loved. Kids love getting to use their hands and really get stuck in to what they’re doing. For this activity, you just need paper, some non-toxic paint, and an area for your kids to paint. This is a fantastic activity to get some good tactile stimulation for your kid whilst they just enjoy getting messy and painting with their fingers. This activity can keep your kids busy for hours and it only takes a few minutes to set up. 

Sock Snakes are fun

These fun toys can be made with a bunch of old socks. All you’ll need is some old socks, a sewing needle, thread, and perhaps some googly eyes or buttons. This can either be a shared activity with you and your younger child, or older children can do this themselves with supervision. Cut your socks open into a shape that can be sewn against other material. Once you have cut all your socks open, place them in any way you like, and then sew them all together, forming a rectangle. Then, sew the two long sides together, forming a tube, and then sew one more sock on the end for the face. Stuff the open end of the sock snake with whatever you can find that would be appropriate for stuffing, then sew up the open end, stick some eyes on it, and you’ve got a sock snake! This could be a rather time-consuming task and could be completed over a few days. Your kids will feel a great sense of accomplishment after finishing this.

Bake to your heart’s content

Baking is such a rewarding activity, as you get to spend quality time together whilst also making a delicious treat. I know when I was a child, I loved to bake cakes, especially the taste testing part! The bonus is that baking allows kids to make use of measuring cups, play with flour, and so much more. This activity stimulates the eyes, ears, nose, mouth and hands. While baking cannot be done by the child alone, it can be a tiresome task for the kid as they’ve got to pay attention. This is a simple activity as all you need to do is look up a recipe for your favorite treat online and follow the instructions. 

There are countless ways to entertain kids, it’s a little too easy to stick an Ipad in their face these days and think that is enough. Something that allows interaction is a much healthier and ultimately more rewarding way to keep the kids amused. So try them out; they aren’t just good for your time in lockdown, but when the world returns and our busy lives get back to the way they were.

10 Tips On HIIT Workouts For Beginners

There are a plethora of work out routines that keep you on the treadmill for hours, but what about those in between? The hardest part about getting in shape is getting started. It is always good to have a plan in place, so it’s best that you familiarize yourself with the right track before you dive into it. The most popular form of exercise is the high intensity interval training (HIIT) which will not only help you lose weight, it will improve your cardiovascular health as well.

HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) is an excellent way to improve your endurance and strength while burning fat and losing weight. Its a great way to keep your metabolism going at high speeds even when you’re not working out. I’ve put together a list of 10 great tips to help you start off on the right foot with your new exercise routine.

A good way to start a blog is to write tips or advice for new bloggers who are just getting their feet wet in the world of blogging. The following article is a collection of tips for beginners in the world of health and fitness.

HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) workouts have become very popular in recent years. Many gyms have built their training programs around this style of training (F45, Barry’s, etc). But if you’re new to working out, just starting out or fitness in general, you’re probably wondering….. WHAT IS HIIT AND HOW DO YOU DO IT? Well, my friend, I am now going to give you the answers to all your questions, as well as 10 tips on how to do it RIGHT!


High intensity interval training (HIIT) is a fitness workout where you perform at peak performance for a short period of time, followed by a short recovery period. Typical intervals are 30 to 60 seconds of intense work followed by 10 to 30 seconds of rest. I know that sounds intense. But the reason HIIT workouts have become so popular over the years is because they are effective and fast! You can do a 15-60 minute HIIT workout and still get a great workout! Let’s face it, time is EVERYTHING to us. There just aren’t enough hours in the day to do everything we want to do. But with HIIT, it’s much more convenient to do this workout and get great physical and health benefits! So we know HIIT saves time, but how effective is it? HIIT workouts have so many health and body benefits that I could go on and on! But like I said, our time here is very valuable. To explain it briefly: HIIT workouts activate the anaerobic system (i.e., the body uses energy stores instead of oxygen during the workout) instead of the aerobic system to burn a lot of calories not only during the workout, but also after the workout. This fat-burning workout also improves heart health and maximum oxygen uptake (the best indicator of fitness level). Now we understand why people love HIIT workouts!


Now that we have all this basic information, what do we do with it? How do I integrate HIIT training into my fitness program? Don’t worry, I’m about to give you my top 10 tips for doing Highlite as a beginner!


TIP 1: Always warm up and cool down

This is very important. While HIIT is one of the best workouts you can do, it also carries a high risk of injury. To avoid injury, start with a 2-5 minute warm-up to wake up your muscles and tell them they’re ready for #work. If you start an intense workout right away, your muscles may be stiff. This can lead to muscle tension, and we don’t want that. Cooling is something most people forget (me too sometimes). They think: aha, I’m done for today, and usually skip that step. However, if you want to speed up your recovery and come back even stronger, a cool-down with a full body stretch can help alleviate pain for the next few days.

TIP NO. 2: Eat before you work out.

Some people will tell you that fast cardio is the best way to lose weight. Others will say they can’t finish a workout without eating first. To do HIIT, you need to eat beforehand to fuel your body (trust me, I’ve tried doing HIIT on an empty stomach, and let’s just say it wasn’t good). But that doesn’t mean you have to eat a full three-course meal. You can just eat a nutritious snack like eggs, avocado toast (I have a great recipe) or a breakfast bar – whatever you need to refuel. You should also eat about 30 minutes to an hour before your workout so that all your food has time to be digested.

TIP NO. 3: Wear comfortable shoes and clothing

I’ve been doing regular HIIT workouts for two years now and I can honestly say that the type of workout clothes you wear make a huge difference in how you perform the workout! You’ll be doing a lot of fast, explosive movements. The last thing you want to worry about is putting on leggings or adjusting your sports bra. Yeah, we don’t need one of those! I highly recommend purchasing HIIT clothing that you feel comfortable and safe in! My favorite leggings for HIIT is the Wunder Under High-Rise Tight 25 in Everlux fabric. Honestly, any leggings or shorts made of Everlux material will be your BEST friend during your HIIT workout. I sweat like an animal (I know it’s gross, but I’ll say it anyway), and there are NO visible sweat stains on these leggings. They don’t absorb sweat and can withstand any HIIT workout. Be aware that they cost more. So if you want to start doing more HIIT workouts, I highly recommend investing in this pair. It’s worth it! But if you’re looking for a cheap alternative, Amazon sells a duplicate for only $25! The material is similar to Lululemon’s Luxtreme fabric. They don’t hold up very well, but for the price, I’m fine with it! As far as sports bras go, I’ll list some of my favorites below! Honestly, I’m pretty easy when it comes to sports bras.

  1. Gymshark V-neck sports bra for workouts
  2. Lululemon Free To Be Bra (Wild)
  3. CRZ YOGA Strapless Bra (Amazon)

So, when it comes to shoes, you don’t want to wear the weightlifting shoes you usually wear. Why do you ask? Weightlifting shoes are generally flatter, so your ankles won’t twist or become unstable while lifting heavy loads. But for HIIT, you need something with more cushioning to soften the landing after all those jumps you make. For this, I recommend the Nike Huarache! They have the perfect amount of filling, and a top that doesn’t wobble. This is not a place where people are constantly trying to fix shoes!

TIP NO. 4 : Plan your workouts and set up a timer application

It is very important to set up a training schedule for the day and make a plan for the distribution of intervals. The goal of HIIT training is to perform an intense workout in a short amount of time with a short recovery period. You don’t want to stress about what the next exercise will be, or wind the clock/timer in the middle of your workout! I use this FREE TIMER APP that allows you to time your intervals! It is very simple and easy to use! When choosing which exercises to do, try to include whole body exercises! I would also start with some very simple training exercises that allow you to do interval training. Here’s a list of HIIT exercises you can start with:

  1. Burpees
  2. Push-ups
  3. Mountaineer
  4. High knees

Another advantage of choosing exercises for HIIT training is that most of them can be done OVERALL. So you have the choice to do a full HIIT workout at home or at the gym, wherever you feel most comfortable! If you want to incorporate other HIIT exercises that target specific muscles (like abs, legs, and glutes) into your workout, go ahead! Just be sure to balance the muscles you target during your HIIT workout. PSST… You can get my FREE 2 WEEK CHALLENGE where I give you HIIT workouts that you can do for 2 weeks when you sign up! The good news is that you can do these exercises at home!


TIP NO. 5 : Don’t overdo it the first time

You know the saying Slow and steady wins the race? The same goes for this sign! HIIT training is not just another workout. It will take some time to develop the strength and endurance needed for this type of training. I know you’re excited and really want to start, but think of it this way. Would you run a marathon without training? Can you get an A on the toughest exam of the year without any preparation (okay, maybe some of you smarties can, but you know what I mean)? So what’s my offer? Take your time. Learn to love the journey and also focus on your fitness. Yes, you want to do as many reps as possible during the interval. But you also don’t want to jump around on the floor without using your muscles during the exercise. Take the time to improve your fitness. That way you can do more complex moves in the future (and believe me, you’ll want to, because those climbers will get boring later).


It’s not a secret, but I want to share it with you anyway! Always, always, always (did I say always?) use your core muscles in any kind of HIIT exercise. Since the goal is to do everything as fast as possible, you need to stabilize your abs to control your body’s movements! Your core is the foundation for all movements in your HIIT workout. It sounds so simple, but for most people it is one of the hardest things to understand.

TIP NO. 6: Doing everything possible

Mind you, I said the best. That means you don’t want to focus 60% of the time on intervals (I’m sure we already know that). But you don’t want to give away 120% of your stake either. You want to give 100% no matter what day it is, and that’s it. If you’re giving less than that, you’re not maximizing your training potential and not reaching your HIIT training goal. But if you try to do more than 100%, you will exhaust yourself. This advice is related to the previous one: don’t overdo it! Yes, you may be training this way to lose weight or get healthier and do weight management, but you also want the journey to be as enjoyable and fun as possible! Fitness doesn’t have to be boring or mandatory. Fitness should be an exciting activity that you enjoy doing! But I’m a #realist and I understand that we can’t always give 100% every workout (unless you can’t, in which case I applaud you). If you do your best that day, that’s all that matters.


Man, I love giving these bonus tips! It is very important to know what your optimal heart rate is when it comes to HIIT training. Following the principle of not overdoing it, you have to know when you are overdoing it. The optimal heart rate for HIIT training is therefore around 80-90% of your maximum heart rate. Your maximum heart rate can be calculated as 220 minus your age. Then multiply this number by 0.80 and 0.90 to determine the range within which your heart rate should fall! Take our daughter Jessica, for example. Jessica is 20 years old. Your maximum heart rate is calculated as follows: 220 – 20 = 200 BPM (beats per minute) To find your optimal heart rate, do the following: 200 x 0.80 = 160 BPM and 200 x 0.90 = 180 BPM So Jessica’s optimal heart rate for HIIT should be 160-180 BPM! You can check this manually during your workout by measuring your heart rate (on your wrist or neck), counting the number of beats for 6 seconds and multiplying by 10 to get your heart rate. OR you can use a fitness gadget like the Apple Watch or Fitbit! I use the Apple Watch myself, and I really like it. It shows how long I’ve been working out, how many calories I’m burning and what my heart rate is at the moment.

TIP NO. 7: Use lighter weights

First of all, I want to tell you that you don’t need equipment to do HIIT training. However, if you want to use weights in your exercises, it is important that you use a lighter weight than usual. So if you normally use 15 pounds to lift, lower to 10 pounds. Because we want to do our best in a time frame as quickly as possible, we don’t want the heavyweight to slow us down too much. We can keep the heavyweights for our lifting days! If you try to lift weights during your HIIT workout, you run a greater risk of injury, and we don’t want that! So choose a weight that is a little challenging, but not too light or too heavy. The key is to find a balance!


TIP NO. 8 : Adequate drinking before and after rest

I think a lot of people don’t talk about recovery before and after workouts, but it’s a very important aspect of HIIT and fitness in general. You need to drink lots (and I mean FULL) of water before and after your workout. The reason you need to drink lots of water before your HIIT class (and I’m not talking minutes, I’m talking days) is because you don’t want to be dehydrated during your workout. You put a lot of stress on your body. Dehydrating the body does more harm than good. Moreover, being constantly thirsty during a workout due to dehydration is not the most pleasant feeling. As for recovering from an illness, you have to think about it. You just sweated and probably didn’t drink enough water during your workout. Replenishing water will help you recover better and potentially reduce muscle soreness in the coming days. If you want to go even further, I recommend drinking a protein shake (at least 20 grams) immediately after your workout. This will help reduce muscle soreness and recovery time, as torn muscles will recover faster and stronger. My favorite protein powder is the vegan powder from Women’s Best. I find it gives me leaner muscles and it tastes great (since it’s vegan, haha)!

TIP #9: I don’t do HIIT every day

After your first HIIT workout, you’re probably thinking of one of two options: A) It was so hard I don’t know how I did it, or B) It was so much fun !!!!. I FEEL GREAT! !! LET’S DO IT AGAIN!!! If you look like me, you’re probably person B. We can’t contain our excitement and want to do it again and again. But we shouldn’t, and here’s why, Man B. During a HIIT workout, we put our bodies under incredible stress. This is no ordinary race around the block. Your muscles and heart need time to recover. Putting more strain on the muscles you trained hard the day before can lead to injuries and you may not be able to exercise for several months. So hear me out, only do HIIT 1-3 times a week to start. Once you get the hang of it, you can increase the workouts to 3-4 times a week.

TIP NO. 10: Believing HIIT will make you stronger

Phew, we found the last clue! This is my favorite piece of advice, and it’s about trusting yourself. You may feel discouraged at first if you can’t sustain the entire workout the first time (I’m sure I saw stars when I tried HIIT the first time). But just believe that you will get stronger and build your core if you stick to HIIT workouts. This will not happen overnight. But like anything you work hard for, it will pay off in the long run.

Latest thoughts on HIIT training

I know how intimidating HIIT training is for beginners. But rest assured, EVERYONE started out as a beginner! It takes time to get stronger and faster. Try setting a fitness goal so you can track your progress and changes. Stay involved. Stay motivated. In just 2 weeks, you will see the results of your work!


HIIT, or high intensity interval training, is becoming increasingly popular as a way to lose weight and get fit. However, what is high intensity exactly? What kinds of workouts are best for beginners trying to lose weight? How do you know you are doing an effective HIIT workout? In this post, we will discuss these and other important topics.. Read more about beginner hiit workout – no equipment and let us know what you think.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get better at HIIT?

HIIT is a way of exercising that is very effective, but for many people, it’s a bit scary since it demands a change in the way you exercise. The best way to approach HIIT is to start out slow. It’s best to only attempt to do a few minutes of HIIT workouts at first. If you try a 30-45 second HIIT session without enough rest between them, you’ll find that your heart rate goes up and you can’t complete the session. After you’ve done a couple of sessions, try going a little faster. HIIT, or High Intensity Interval Training, is a great way to burn fat in a short period of time. It’s an intense, short burst of exercise that you get done in a shorter period of time than you would for a normal lift session. Here are 10 tips on how to get better at H.I.I.T. workouts for beginners.

Is HIIT workout good for beginners?

HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) is a fast-paced, high energy, interval-based workout that is becoming more popular among fitness enthusiasts. In the past, HIIT workouts were reserved for seasoned athletes, but in recent years, there has been a shift in the popularity of these types of workouts. The benefits of doing HIIT workouts include: increased fat burning potential, improved muscle tone and flexibility, increased stamina, and increased energy levels. HIIT, or High Intensity Interval Training (which stands for short for High Intensity Interval Training), is a type of workout that requires you to push yourself to the limit in just a few minutes. It’s great for beginners because it gives you a good workout without burning yourself out—a common problem with other workouts.

What are some easy HIIT exercises?

HIIT stands for High-Intensity Interval Training, which is a training technique that involves alternating between high intensity efforts and lower intensity periods. One of the most effective ways to do this is by using a short, fast-paced burst of exercise followed by a brief rest. This type of training method is ideal for fat loss because it’s a metabolic process that uses fat as a fuel source and, unlike traditional endurance training, burns fat during and after exercise. HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training, which is a form of interval training in which you alternate between high and low intensity exercise for a short period of time, with an approximate ratio of one high intensity to one low intensity exercise. The most effective HIIT workouts are short, intense bursts of high intensity exercise, followed by a short period of rest or recovery, called a recovery period.

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Mommylogue: A raw, refreshing take on parenthood

As a blog site that’s been around for quite a few years now, we also like to check out what’s new on the mommy blogging scene. We know that blogs are hard work and we like to support new ones that catch our attention. So we thought we would share with you some info on what this new one is all about. So take some time to check out some of the handpicked pages from the diary of Elle Double U Pepper. Read on to find out more…

Online Diary Chronicles the Daily Adventures of Parenting Two Sweet and Spicy Kids

Revealing. Refreshing. Raw. is the newest voice in parenting, an online diary where Elle Double U Pepper writes about the hardest job a woman can have: mommying. With unusual candor, a razor-sharp wit and an abiding love for her little ones, Elle shares with readers her daily life raising two precious kids.

“It’s my inner dialogue (my mommy voice) unedited, unfiltered and undeniably relatable,” says Elle.  “It’s my real-life documentation of the coveted community called mommyhood. My scrapbook stories.”

The just launched blog includes stories by Elle about how her life sometimes resembles the 80s comedy Adventures in Babysitting, mommying in the time of Final Four and going crib-less for the first time in seven years.

“I remember when I first got this crib. My older lovie was still in my belly and I was on the cusp of this journey,” Elle writes. “By the time he turned 2-years-old, I was sure I was one and done. But a year later, with a pap smear and a pep talk from my OBGYN, I got knocked up again. It’s was actually classier than that, but it’s a story for another time. By year three, we used that crib for the second little redhead in my life, and I have to admit it reminded me not only of my kids’ youth, but my own. Now, after seven plus years, my house is crib-less. Which has taken on a different meaning for me. No, I don’t want more babies — I love my children beyond, but two sometimes feels like 10, even on the best days — and I feel like I’ve entered a new stage. A new milestone in mommyhood.”

Types of responsible parenthood

Elle is a New York area mother living with two little red heads and her ginger-hued husband. She began writing her daily thoughts on social media and steadily built an audience. Now, with, she is sharing her stories with a whole new audience.

“I think moms will appreciate my perspective because it’s real. I don’t sugarcoat the daily challenges we face raising children,” Elle says. “Every day is an adventure. Some days are better than others. Some days we feel like total failures. But each day belongs to us. This is my way of sharing those stories.”

11 Tips on How to Progressively Lift Heavier Weights for Beginners

If you’ve been lifting for less than a year and it’s your first time working with some serious weight, it can be tempting to be intimidated by the sound of “lifting” and “progression.” But fear not! You’ve come to the right place if you’re looking to get better at lifting weights.

If you are a complete beginner in the gym, this post might be helpful for you. It is meant for people who have never lifted weights before. If you are a beginner, you might be thinking that as soon as you start lifting weights, you will be able to push heavier weights. However, it can be a mistake to think this way. While this might be true for an experienced lifter, it is not the case for the beginner.

If you’re a beginner, you probably want to progress in your lifting regimen – and now you have this guide on how to do it. The gym can be intimidating for some people, and this article will guide you through the necessary steps so you can get going lifting heavy.. Read more about how to lift heavier weights and let us know what you think. Do you lift weights and feel like you’ve reached a plateau? Or maybe you are wondering how to improve your muscle condition? Do you doubt you can lift more weight despite your height? Why is strength training important anyway? Let’s start with this question. While cardiovascular training is necessary to improve endurance, muscle fitness is also important. First: When you don’t train your muscles, they undergo a process called atrophy, which simply means muscle exhaustion. Atrophied muscles can become weak. If you don’t retrain them, they will only limit your physical activity in the long run. However, it is not enough to follow the same strength and resistance training program over and over again. At some point, you’ll need to add more to what you’re doing, including increasing your ability to lift weights. Why? According to science, when muscles are used, the body has no choice but to repair and eventually replace them. The body binds muscle fibers together to form new fibers. Imagine putting clean clothes in a pile. The more you stack them and put them on top of each other, the thicker the stack will be. When it comes to your body, muscles grow. Strengthening and toning is not just a matter of aesthetics. This helps significantly with weight loss, as muscle burns more calories to sustain itself than fat. Moreover, with this type of training you will develop and increase your strength. That way, you increase the amount of exercise you can do. It can also be useful when you find yourself in difficult real-life situations, such as B. when lifting an unconscious person. But here’s the thing: Muscle growth doesn’t happen overnight. It is a gradual process. To help you understand what you need to do to move forward, here are 11 tips:


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1. Start with the plan.

If you want to improve your strength performance and tone your muscles, consistency is key. Otherwise, a period of inactivity can lead to a loss of strength of up to two weeks. But how often should you lift weights? For beginners, start with twice a week. Not planning is planning to fail.

2. Know your minimum weight.

Always start with the lowest weight you can lift. It is useless if you are lifting heavier weights, which will result in poor execution of the exercise. If you want to challenge your muscles, when choosing weights, choose weights that are slightly uncomfortable for you. For example, if a 10-pound dumbbell comes easily to you, move up to the next weight.

3. Start with small repetitions.

In general, strength training consists of three sets repeated at least eight times, but this is not an absolute rule. You can always start with three sets of 10 reps and increase them with each workout or over the course of the next week or two. This way you can concentrate on form and technique and prevent overstretching or, worse, injuries to your muscles.

4. Learn the best time to arrive.

When you feel more relaxed during your workout, it’s time to add weight. Otherwise, you are more likely to hit a plateau or lose motivation because you find the exercise easy. Progressive overload Progressive overload is the process of increasing the pressure on the body during an exercise or workout. With the right approach, you can quickly build muscle mass by constantly increasing the load on your muscles. Here are the different ways to proceed:

5. Add a resistor.

If you want to lift heavier weights, you need to develop stronger muscles. But you won’t get there if you don’t incorporate resistance training into your routine. Essentially, it increases the load on the muscles and forces them to work against the force. When you are comfortable with adding weight, you can gradually increase the resistance. If you lift 20 pounds, you can do three sets of 3 reps. You can then add 5 more pounds to each side of the bar and repeat three sets of 3 reps. Repeat this process until you are comfortable with the extra weight.

6. Increase the frequency of training.

Again: It’s never a good idea to overtrain or overload our muscles. You have to give them more time to recover, because that’s how you build them up: You let the cages do the repairs. However, if there are parts of your body that need even more clarity or even strength, you can increase the frequency of your workouts. Instead of 2 or 3 times a week, you can add an extra day.

7. Increase the number of repetitions.

Repetitions are different from sentences. Sets refer to a group of exercises that target specific muscle groups, and reps indicate how many times you should perform a set during your workout. In general, the series are enough to target the right muscle groups. It is best to increase the number of repetitions. Increasing the number of repetitions can mean longer workouts. If you want to shorten the duration of your workouts, you can shorten the rest periods between sets. Ideally, the number of repetitions should be between 8 and 12. If you are a beginner, you will probably start with 3 reps. To perform a progressive overload, you can increase this number to 5, then 7, then 9. You can repeat the sets more than 12 times, but then you will increase your endurance instead of your strength.

8. Increase the number of rounds.

Another way to do progressive overload is to pick up the pace. It is ideal if you want to speed up the process of defining, strengthening or toning a specific muscle group.

9. Make exercises more difficult or challenging.

While safety should remain a priority in strength training, it’s a good idea to add more challenging or difficult exercises. You also have the option to create new sets.

10. Don’t forget the cardio workout.

The heart is also a muscle, and it needs love, just like everything else. In addition, working out on cardio machines can further increase your endurance. But here’s the thing: Cardio and strength training have different objectives. Cardio helps with weight loss, while strength training builds muscle mass. It’s ideal to schedule cardio between weekends.

11. Don’t give up!

It’s so easy to get frustrated when you’re building muscle. The sooner the better for newcomers, and even then you may just be recruiting them. They’re not growing in size yet. Be patient and don’t give up. It is normal to feel vibrations, especially since bodies come in different forms and reactions.As a beginner, progressions matter the most. If you are new to weightlifting, for example, it is important to understand that the easiest way to get stronger is to increase weights at a steady pace, instead of making a big step forward every time. Weightlifting is a progressive exercise, meaning that the lifter will increase the weight he or she is lifting every time he or she completes a rep. The rep goal should be a weight he or she can lift for a few reps, not one he or she can only just get into the bottom position.. Read more about how much weight should i lift calculator and let us know what you think.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you progressively lift heavier weights?

I’m going to start by saying that I don’t know what I’m talking about. I am NOT a fitness expert. I’m NOT even a very good example of who I’m talking about when I talk about “beginners”. However, I am a guy who has taken my own advice and started lifting weights in the past year. Everyone has heard the phrase, “You have to start somewhere.” That’s true, so let’s start with the premise that you need to lift a certain amount of weight to make any real progress. Starting off with 30 lbs of weight in the squat, bench press, or using a barbell for deadlifts and bicep curls is a good place to start and will give you a lot of bang for your buck.

How can a beginner lift heavy weights?

Getting into a routine of lifting heavy weights can be intimidating. How do you know what weight is heavy enough? How do you know what is right for you? This guide will help you build a routine that fits your needs no matter what level you are at. After years of watching novice lifters struggle to get stronger, I finally realized why. Newbies tend to focus on the weight they lift and ignore the weight they lift for.

How much weight should a beginner lift?

Choosing the right exercises for you is one of the most important things when it comes to lifting, it is essential to know what to lift and what amount of weight to lift to maximize your results. I will be covering a number of exercises here, and it is important to note that I am only covering a very small portion of the entire exercises available to you. As beginners in the gym, we are all looking for the easiest route to getting stronger and building more muscle. We want to get bigger and stronger, but we don’t want to get huge. We want to be able to lift more weight and build more muscle, but we don’t want to break the bank or get injured. So, where to start? What weight should I lift?

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