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Running on Cloudrunners

As you know Rob and I took up running a few weeks ago. Our progress hasn’t been as good as I wanted mainly due to some pain.  During the first week of running I was getting intense pain in my feet, they were burning, going numb and felt bruised.  I got some comfort insoles.  Then I was having issues with my ankles, twisting them with simple steps.  I then got a ankle brace to add some stability.

I realized I was wearing the wrong running shoes.  I needed something that was going to support and stabilize my steps.  Getting up off the couch and instantly running was hard on my body. Rob and I did some research on good running shoes and found a company that actually has a shoe that is perfect for overweight people.  On is a shoe company that specializes in running shoes.  That’s it. No gear, no clothes, no gadgets, just a focus on the feet.
on running shoes company
On’s Cloudtec  technology is designed to absorb the impact of  the landing and taking off of each step with these “clouds” of rubber on the bottoms of the shoes.

Rob was able to find his shoes at a local Foot Locker, I wasn’t so lucky.  I contacted On and they aggreed to let me try out a pair of Cloudrunners to hopefully improve my run.  I’ve had the shoes for a couple weeks now and while my endurance has improved my pain has continued.  A couple days before receiving the Cloudrunner’s I started to develop what I thought were shin splints.  Here I am 2 weeks later with the same agonizing pain unable to run more than a few minutes.  Now Rob thinks i could have a minor stress fracture so I’m am going to take it easy.
cloudrunner running sneakers
The Cloudrunner makes concrete easy. The patented CloudTec™ system absorbs not just vertical but also horizontal impacts, making this model ideal for intensive endurance runs or longer training sessions. Heavy impact is transformed into a light, natural run that stimulates your postural muscles. Run on clouds. The Cloudrunner activates the running muscles and transforms impact into a light and natural stride. An enforced CloudTec™ system enables excellent stress absorption, efficient energy transfer and fast recovery.

For the time I was wearing On Cloudrunners I did notice less pain in my feet.  I worked with a local running specialty store where they fitted me for an insole that corrected my pronation so I no longer need the ankle brace.  So that left me just me and my shoes. I noticed better running form, better breathing, better endurance. I feel like I could be on a good road towards running that is fun.

Today running is not fun, not something I look forward to.  I want that day to come and plan on continuing the training when my right leg cooperates. I’m signed up for the Blogher 5k Fun Run and will be there, running, walking, hobbling or even wheeling myself down the streets of Manhattan.

Upgrade Your Computer Memory With Crucial

As a blogger and gamer there is nothing more important to me than my laptop and desktop computer. The one thing that I recently realized was that they both were lacking sufficient memory and decided it was time to do an upgrade.

Thankfully I received an email from Crucial asking if I wanted to do a memory review. After receiving that email it got me thinking about all of the computers in the house and how all of them needed an upgrade in the memory department. About three months ago I bought a new laptop which came with 4GB of RAM which you would think would be enough but I was starting to notice a lag in performance. This is the computer that I decided to upgrade first to see how much faster it operated with the memory upgrade and right off the bat I could see a noticeable increase in performance.

Most people including myself take the RAM in their computer for granted and assume what comes in their machine initially is sufficient but that is not always the case. Thankfully Crucial makes buying computer memory super easy and anyone can do it even if you know nothing at all about computers. At they have a memory advisor where you select your computer, product line and model and it will show you memory upgrade recommendations. If you want to take it one step further and really simplify the process all you need to do it download the system scanner where it will tell you how many memory slots your computer has, how much memory you currently have installed, total memory that your computer can be upgraded to and it will make suggestions on what memory you should buy.

It really is that easy to buy memory and Crucial even has videos showing how you do a memory upgrade but all computers are different so you may need to go to your computer manufactures website for further instructions. I upgraded five computers total and it took me less than 30 minutes to upgrade them all and I am really glad that I did. Melinda and the kids tell me that they can tell a difference when they run certain programs and games that used to lag before the memory upgrade.

Have you ever upgraded your computer memory? Do you think it helped?

I Disclose

Oral-B ProfessionalCare SmartSeries 5000 with SmartGuide Recap

I feel like we have a pretty good tooth brushing routine in our house for the most part. Are we perfect, no! Do we miss a tooth brushing if we get home late from somewhere, yes! For the most part meaning the other 99.9 percent of the time we are on top of it.

Our nightly routine starts at around 8:15 – 8:30 when we send Shaun and Shae up to brush their teeth. Shaun actually visited an orthodontist on a school trip a few months ago and they gave him what I remember as an old school egg timer. It is filled with sand and you flip it over and once the sand moves from one side to the other they are done with their teeth. Shaun and Shae do a pretty good job and don’t really fight when it comes to brushing their teeth.

I also have a pretty good routine where I floss every single night and brush every morning and night. Up until I received the Oral-B ProfessionalCare SmartSeries 5000 with SmartGuide I was using a no frills manual toothbrush. I have used a power toothbrush in the past and for some reason I went back to a no frills toothbrush and I have no clue why. I really like the Oral-B ProfessionalCare SmartSeries 5000 with SmartGuide because it now forces me to brush for a full 2 minutes which I know for a fact after using this new power toothbrush for the last week I wasn’t doing.

Here are a few additional features I don’t want to forget to mention:

• Separate, wireless SmartGuide helps maximize brushing performance
• Deep Clean mode removes up to 99.7% of plaque from hard-to-reach areas
• Pressure sensor stops pulsations when brushing too hard
• Gentle on teeth and gums
• 5 modes: Daily Clean, Sensitive, Whitening, Massage, Deep Clean
• Oral-B is the #1 dentist-recommended toothbrush brand worldwide

I really like the wireless SmartGuide because it tells me every 30 seconds when to move to the next quadrant of my mouth. I also like the ability to choose from one of the five different modes because I use the daily clean mode and Melinda uses the sensitive mode. The pressure sensor is also helpful because it will show a frown face on the wireless SmartGuide as well as flash red on the toothbrush. It seems like every time I switch to a power toothbrush I tend to use too much pressure so the pressure sensor has come in handy.

Overall I am very happy with the Oral-B ProfessionalCare SmartSeries 5000 with SmartGuide. Right now you can take advantage of the mail-in rebate offered by Oral-B (Oral-B is offering a $10 mail-in rebate on select power toothbrushes April 29 through June 16, 2012. Please visit for more information). Trust me you won’t be disappointed.

Be sure to also check out Oral-B on Twitter and Facebook!

Tell Her “Mom You Rock” with Skype

I’ve been picked as a Skype Ambassador. This means I get to show you all the cool features Skype has to offer that you may not have known about already.
Mom You Rock, Skype Facebook App
This weekend was Mother’s Day, you still have the chance to send a “Mom You Rock” message through Facebook for any mom you know. Sending a message through this app will not only show the world your love for that mom but will also donate $1 to the Save the Children’s Global Action Fund in support of the new campaign.

I’m lucky that my mom only lives 5 minutes down the road. We visit each other often, have lunch, go shopping and get together for easy family dinners. There are so many families at are separated by distance though. Think of how you can close that gap with video chatting instead of phone calls and letters. Grandparents don’t have to miss those important milestones like walking, birthdays or 1st time at bat. Skype keeps families connected better than ever.

skype video calling

There are talks of my grandmother getting a computer. I can’t wait to hear the details of it because I want to be able to talk more frequently with her. She lives far, Puerto Rico. We only get to see her every 2 years. I try to send cards and pictures and gifts but it isn’t the same as talking face to face even through a computer screen. Showing her how to use Skype is going to be one of the 1st things we do.

I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Skype. I received Skype credits to facilitate my review and a promotional item to thank me for participating.

TShirt Tote Bag #ExpressYourself #CBias

I was recently asked to come up with a craft for the #ExpressYourself campaign using Elmers Painters Paint Markers and fabric. The fabric part got me stumped. I thought I’d make Shae a cute shirt, draw a flower or fun saying on it but what’s so original and creative about that. Then it hit me, go DIY with it. I stood in the middle of my living room at a pile of laundry and I got the idea of making a t-shirt tote bag.

I’ve seen tutorials before and figured this would be easy. I got the kids in the car and headed to Walmart to find the Elmers Painters Paint Markers. It actually took me a little while to find them and I got worried that they didn’t carry them but finally found them with the acrylic paints and stencils.
walmart craft aisle #expressyourself elmers #collectivebias
I chose the Sherbet collection in Medium Point. I wasn’t exactly sure what I was going to do to the bag but figured medium point was a safe option.  Instead of purchasing a box of set colors all with the same point you can always buy individuals.  Priced @ $1.97 each at your local Walmart it’s a cheap craft supply when you only need one to two for a specific project.  My Walmart didn’t have a ton of bright color choices.  I almost bought the silver and gold Painters Paint Markers but figured I would wait to see how my project came out.  I’ll be getting more colors next visit to Walmart.
walmart painters paint markers #expressyourself elmers #collectivebias
Setting up my project took longer than the actual crafting but wait till you see what I came up with.
I scoured Rob’s t-shirt drawer and found an earthy green tee that he never wore. I grabbed my sewing machine and other tools and set out to get it done early in the morning.  The bag itself literally took minutes. Simply sewing shut the bottom of an inside out tee, cutting off the sleeves and making a larger opening was all it took to get a great bag. The trick here was to give it a unique and fun design with the Elmers Painters Paint Markers.

tshirt tote bag tutorial diy step by step craft project

I figured since the bag already had a “green” feel to it being a neutral color and a recycled/reused item I’d stick with the crunchy theme and go for a tree. I drew out a couple trees on paper to get the right look and size and them totally free-handed it on the bag.

elmers painters paint markers drawing shirt craft

elmers painters paint markers flower craft

A large brown tree with pink and purple flowers on a handmade upcycled tote bag is my final project.

handmade tote from t shirt upcycled recycled craftThese markers were so easy to use I let my 4 year old make her own upcycled tote bag but an old tank top sewn shut on the bottom. She copied mommy’s design and drew a tree with flowers.

painted tote kids craft

As she did her craft I did a quick second craft for myself; a decorated vase. This is the perfect size for thumbtacks, paperclips or even buttons.  It only took minutes and was simple.

painted jar craft project

Elmers Painters Paint Markers can be found at your local Walmart and other retail locations.  At about $10 for a pack of 5 it’s a small investment for tools that can be used for almost any project you may have.  As you can see from above these Painters Paint Markers easily go on fabric and glass but can also be used on wood, plastics, ceramics and more.  They are now a staple in my craft supplies closet since they are a cleaner and easier option than paintbrushes and tubs of paint.  Stay connected with Elmers and all of their other crafty supplies and projects on Facebook and Twitter.

“I am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™. #CBias #SocialFabric”

Frozen Planet Blu-Ray Recap

In our house we like to watch anything that has to do with the earth or nature and recently we got a chance to analyse a copy of Frozen Planet.  In addition to the DVD series we also received a cool penguin hat and some awesome cookies that the kids couldn’t get enough of.

From the Emmy-winning team behind Planet Earth and The Blue Planet: Seas of Life, this is the original 7-part BBC series, Frozen Planet, narrated by world-renowned naturalist Sir David Attenborough and including over 90 minutes of footage not shown on television plus over four hours of bonus materials! 

Last Sunday it was a rainy day out so we all stayed in and made lunch with popcorn and cookies and watched the first DVD in the series which included The ends of the earth, Spring and Summer.  It was about 3 hours long and Shae hung in for about an hour but Melinda, Sabreena, Shaun and I watch the whole first disc which was AWESOME.  It is awesome to see  animals like polar bears and killer whales close up in their natural habitat and it is amazing that people are able to brave the elements to catch this kind of footage.

Here is some additional details about Frozen Planet:

  • Format:Blu-ray
  • Run time:About 5 1/2 Hours
  • Originally Aired On:Discovery Channel
  • Closed Captions / Subtitles:This Product has English Subtitles for the Deaf and Hearing Impaired
  • French Subtitles
  • Spanish SubtitlesSpecial Features:
  • Science at the Ends of the Earth – An examination of the remarkable scientific work being performed at the South Pole
  • Freeze Frame – A series of 7 10-minute “making of” featurettes, one for each episode
  • Production Video Diaries – A set of 47 video shorts made by the Frozen Planet producers, directors, camera crew and more giving personal insights into this remarkable series
  • Frozen Planet: The Epic Journey – The best moments from this remarkable series compiled into one 60-minute highlights special
  • Music Only Viewing Option
  • English and Parisian French Narration and English, Spanish and Quebecois French Subtitles

Here are the episodes that are on the three discs:

To the Ends of the Earth 
At the North Pole, the sun returns after six months of darkness.

Spring arrives in the polar regions, and the sun appears after an absence of five months.

Polar animals race to rear their young during times of plenty under the midnight sun.

Autumn brings epic journeys for polar wildlife as most hurry to escape the refreeze.

The story of the few extreme survivors who remain in the polar regions during winter.

The Last Frontier 
What draws humans to the coldest and most hostile reaches of our planet?

On Thin Ice
David Attenborough investigates the effects of rising temperatures at the polar regions.

If you are into shows like this then you are in luck because two Look What Mom Found…and Dad too readers will have the chance to win this series on Blu-Ray.  All you have to do it tell me if you watch nature shows and if so what is your favorite show?

To receive these extra opportunities for entries, you must fulfill the first REQUIRED entry above. Please note the changes to the entries and frequency, entries that don’t follow rules may be disregarded/ignored/deleted.

  • Subscribe to LookWhatMomFound…and Dad too! via email or RSS feed
  • SHARE this giveaway on YOUR Facebook wall
  • Like LookWhatMomFound…and Dad too! on Facebook
  • Like Frozen Planet on Facebook
  • Follow Mom & Dad & Frozen Planet on Twitter and Tweet this giveaway (1 time per day), please leave your twitter link each time, tweet a form of this message: Enter to win one of two Blu-Ray copies of @FrozenPlanetDVD from @lkwhtmomfound @anddadtoo
  • Enter another Giveaway – let us know which one in the comment (one extra entry per giveaway you enter, just leave separate comments)

Your entries must follow the rules or they won’t be eligible for prizes. This contest ends 11:59 pm, Monday, May 21, 2012. The winners will be emailed and will have 24 hours to claim their prize. This contest is open to Continental US residents only. For complete rules please read our blog contest rules page.

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The Funkier the Better

snow white poison apple pumps heels platformsI’ve said it so many times before, Sabreena is a jeans and tees kinda girl. She likes to make this simple style her own by adding little pops of color or design.  When Apparel Dynasty approached me to review their products I thought for sure their shoes would right up Sabreena’s alley.

Apple Radio Sneakers is what she selected from the entire crazy, colorful collection of sneakers, heels  and flats.  I thought for sure she would’ve picked pumps but these showed up and I knew she made the right choice.  The bright yellow looks great against her jeans.  At first I wasn’t sure about the quality. The strong rubber smell permeated the house for hours but as far as construction they are holding up well.  This style sneaker is all Sabreena wears so they fit right into her wardrobe.
yellow apple radio sneaker converse style
For a fun change to any girls everyday look check out Apparel Dynasty for fun shoes, scented shoelaces and now graphic tees.

I Disclose

Spring Umi Shoes Sweepstakes and Giveaway

Shae has been determined to put away her boots and sneakers and trade them in for some pretty sandals. All winter she attempted to wear them with socks outside but we keep telling her it doesn’t work that way. Can you imagine how excited she was when UMI sent her these Kenix strappy sandals.
umi shoes kenix brown sandal
kenix brown sandals for girls umi shoes, gladiator style sandals for girls
The brown is a great addition to her dress collection and goes well with jeggings too. I’m not a gold tone fan but it goes well with the caramel brown leather. These shoes have been worn or attempted to be worn almost every day; when Shae likes something she sticks to it.

Umi Shoes is known not just for quality kids shoes but for spotting trends in kids fashion. It’s important to make sure your kids shoes offer proper support and fit but you don’t have to stop there. Why not get shoes that look good and are good for them.

Umi Shoes is about fun too. Enter for your chance to win a custom New iPad and other great prizes from Umi and The Laurie Berkner Band. Sweepstakes ends May 7, 2012, no purchase necessary.
laurie berkner band sweepstakes ipad giveaway
The winning doesn’t stop there either. A LookWhatMomFound…and Dad too! reader will also be winning a $60 Umi Shoes Gift Card to shop for their own child. Visit Umi Shoes and tell me which pair or pairs you would love to have.

  • Subscribe to LookWhatMomFound…and Dad too! via email or RSS feed
  • SHARE this giveaway on YOUR Facebook wall
  • Like UmiShoes and LookWhatMomFound…and Dad too! on Facebook
  • Follow Mom & Dad & Umi Shoes on Twitter and Tweet this giveaway (1 time per day), please leave your twitter link each time, tweet a form of this message: I want to #win @UmiShoes $60 GC from  @lkwhtmomfound @anddadtoo  
  • Pin any Umi Shoes that you love on your Pinterest page.
  • Enter another Giveaway – let us know which one in the comment (one extra entry per giveaway you enter, just leave separate comments)
  • Leave a relevant comment on any other Review/Everyday Life/Thoughts post, let us know where to find it

Your entries must follow the rules or they won’t be eligible for prizes. This contest ends 11:59 pm, Thursday, May 10, 2012. The winners will be emailed and will have 24 hours to claim their prize. This contest is open to Continental US residents only. For complete rules please read our blog contest rules page.

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It’s a Mario Party Here

mario party, gaming bloggers, wii bloggers, mario bros for kidsThe sign of a good video game is how much the kids fight over whom gets to play. Mario Party 9 entered our house a couple weeks ago and it’s been nonstop bickering over whose turn it is, who gets to choose their favorite character and who gets to be number 1.  This is the typical behavior for any Mario game honestly.

We owned Mario Party for the Nintendo DS and it was one of the most played games by all of the kids, including me. I liked Mini Games. Mario Party 9 for the Wii is shaping up to be the same kind of fun. I never realized there was a mission to all of the games; Bowzer Jr has managed to steal all of the mini stars from the heavens and it’s up to Mario and his friends to get them back.mario party 9 I just told the kids about this and they didn’t know. They literally just load the game and play whatever screen they land on, it doesn’t matter what the story is they just want to play.

Mario Games are always top choices in our house. Super Mario Bros is another game the kids love but one that I can’t let them play together. Even though they are on the same team they compete against each other with who gets to do certain moves, collect certain mushrooms and who is player 1. Apparently player 1 is top dog. I’ve said it before, the Wii is the perfect family gaming console especially with young kids. Mario games as a whole are probably the most entertaining and fun.

This post was created as part of a Stiletto Media campaign. I received the above product, free of charge, to facilitate this review. All thoughts and opinions are those of reviewer only. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Razor Electric Scooter

electric scooter, razor scooter

For months my 10 year old daughter, Parker, has been begging for a electric scooter. So when Christmas came around we decided to get her the Razor Electric Scooter – E175. It was the hit of Christmas and after charging the battery over night, she was outside riding it all over. The battery last only about 40 minutes and after her sister, all of the other kids in the neighborhood, and my husband got a ride the battery was done.

A month after Christmas my daughter, Peyton had her 8th birthday. We ended up getting another Razor E175 scooter to avoid all the fighting over the first one. Since the top speed is only 10 mph, it was fast enough for the 10 year old daredevil as well as slow enough for the very cautious 8 year old. The one draw back, which we didn’t even notice until we got the second Razor was the battery life. Granted the first Razor did get a lot of use between Parker and everyone else in the neighborhood in one month. However once we had the two of them we realized that the first scooters battery only lasted about half the time as the new did. We even following the suggestion of not getting the battery too cold and stored them inside the house rather than the garage. However, that didn’t seem to make a difference. The kids still love them and we just had to teach them that once the battery dies the scooters still worked the good old fashion way and that they would just have to use a little leg power. All and all the kids really enjoy them and are really happy to finally have electric scooters.

razor electric scooter

This is not a sponsored post, the opinions are all my own.