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Perfect Parents: What They Know and What You Can Learn

We all know that nobody’s perfect, and that the best we can aim for is to be as close as possible. But when it comes to parenting, it always feels a little different. Although objectively we know we’ll make mistakes here and there, we still strive for perfection. Our kids count on us, so nothing short of that will be good enough.Perfect Parents: What They Know and What You Can Learn

The key point to remember is that being “the perfect parent,” if it has any meaning at all, doesn’t mean never making mistakes. The perfect parent is still fallible. We are the role models our kids most look up to. Even if you did manage the full 100%, that’s an impossible model for any child to seek to emulate.

Hitting parenting out of the park means coming through when it matters. Getting the big moments right. As much as anything, it is about being someone who shows every day how much you care. Showing your kids by example what is crucial in life is the best thing you can do for them.Perfect Parents: What They Know and What You Can Learn

The Perfect Parent Knows What They Don’t Know

It’s not just with our kids, but with anyone we want to respect and admire us, but sometimes we try to hide a lack of knowledge. It’s there from an early stage. If a younger sibling asks us a question, we don’t want to admit not knowing the answer. Sometimes we end up guessing or making something up so as not to shake their worldview.

With your kids, that pressure to “know” becomes greater. At some stage in your childhood, you assumed your parents knew everything because that was how the world worked. But actually, showing your child that you don’t serves a double purpose.

First, it’s a chance to demonstrate that you’re human and fallible. Second, you can learn something yourself and show your child how that works. So if they ask something you can’t answer yourself, say so. Say “You know what, I’m not sure. Let’s find out!”. And thank God for Google.Perfect Parents: What They Know and What You Can Learn

The Perfect Parent Knows Where To Look For Help

Your child’s birthday is the perfect time to show how much you care and push the boat out for your little one. Planning a party is one thing, pulling it all together is quite another. There is a lot to get right, and doing it all yourself might be impossible.

All the things that need to be done right for a birthday party? It takes long enough to get them down on paper. Actually doing them may just take more hours than you’re ever going to have available. So you call on help from the experts.Perfect Parents: What They Know and What You Can Learn

You may take on all the planning, although getting help from friends and family is fine too. You may do as much of the literal work as you can. But maybe baking isn’t your strong point. Fine – focus on the food you know you’re good at and look at the likes of Walmart cakes instead. You can put a party playlist together. If you’re not a whiz with electrics, ask someone who is to wire the speakers to play it through the house.

The Perfect Parent Knows There Are Ups And Downs 

As a parent, you are the one your child looks to when they need answers or help. At a younger age, our kids have no reason to doubt us because to them we seem wise, powerful and strong. We may not feel like we are any of those things ourselves, but we keep up the image so our kids don’t lose confidence.Perfect Parents: What They Know and What You Can Learn

At some point, that image will become cracked. The lessons we teach, the hobbies we encourage and the authority we hold can come into question when our kids realize we’re only human. “If Mom was wrong about this one thing, how do I know she’s right about anything else?” is how a child’s thoughts may go.

As a youngster, you went through this yourself. You came out the other side still loving and respecting your parents. You still looked to them for guidance and probably still do even now. Maybe more so now you’re a parent yourself.

Perfect Parents: What They Know and What You Can Learn

It’s important to accept that at some point your child’s faith in you may be shaken. And to show at that stage that you may not be perfect, but you will always love them and be looking out for them. That, in the end, is a parent’s role. If you can see them through the tricky times, hit specialout of the park and always be honest with them, then congratulations! That is what makes the perfect parent.

So You’re Running A Bake Sale: How Not To Bite Off More Than You Can Chew

Any parent will be familiar with the feeling of foreboding that arises when they have to provide something for a fundraising event. Whether it’s for a school, church, or a local sports team, you’ll happily give up your time and your skills. You want to make sure that new roof and those new uniforms are secured. But you look at the part you can play in it and question whether “moral support” might be the best you can offer.Running a Bake Sale

There’s always one hyper-organized parent, usually a Mom, who has a list. And they’re darned sure they want everyone to know it. “Well, Parent X is going to run the hot dog stand. Parent Y knows a guy who runs a fairground, so we can get rides free of charge. Parent Z is liaising with local businesses to get sponsorship. We’re just waiting on you to tell us how you’re helping out!”

Said with a smile, of course, but one of those double-edged smiles that make you feel like Parent Zero. So you blurt out “Oh, that’s perfect. I’ll run the bake sale!”

“Why Did I Say That? I Don’t Even Bake!”Running a Bake Sale

We all like to think of ourselves as domestic Gods and Goddesses. TV shows have convinced us that anyone with spare time and a rolling pin can bake perfect pies and cakes if they put their mind to it. Even if the last time you tried to make flapjacks, you ruined every baking sheet in the house.

The biggest worry about taking on the responsibility of a bake sale is that unless you own a bakery, it takes up a lot of kitchen space and time. You don’t realize how many different things are on a baking stall until you try to make them all. Cakes. Pies. Cupcakes. Muffins. Traybakes. Cheesecake. Tarts. Cookies! And there is always some try-hard whose macarons ( are to die for.

“I Don’t Have The Time To Do All Of This!”Running a Bake Sale

All forms of cooking, baking included, are more than anything a simple matter of math. Christmas or Thanksgiving dinner prep always starts early because you have the same number of ovens, pots and pans, but more to cook. So if you want to crunch baking time down, you need to increase the number of ovens.

To make the math more advanced, you need to consider the space into which these ovens must fit. If you know a few people who have halogen ovens, it’s worth calling around. They take up less space than conventional or counter-top ovens and also do the same job faster. If you’re prepped ahead of time, with batters and mixes made, then an army of halogens can speed the process.

You’ll also be well advised to pick up a cupcake maker. While time and heat are crucial in making bigger cakes, cupcakes and muffins require a lighter touch. Checking out for a model that suits you could save so much time.

“I Can’t Do It Alone!”Having a Bake Sale


At a certain point in your planning, you will inevitably look at everything that has to be done and realize something. For everything to be fresh-baked and at the event on time, you’ll need x amount of ovens, y amount of plates – and an extra you.

Rope in a friend who owes you a favor. Guilt-trip whichever child was the most painful birth. Play on someone’s sentimental attachment to their hometown. Whatever it takes, get some assistance. Stare down anyone who suggests this is cheating. Do you think Emeril Lagasse does it all on his own?

Even if whoever you rope in is less of a baker than you are, there is something they can do. Maybe they can’t mix batter, but they can pour it. They can free up space by taking things out to the car. They can rapid-cool a sponge cake so that frosting can be applied. If they need more convincing, you can pay them in baked goods.Running a Bake Sale

Once you’re safely on the other side of the event without ruining the day, and things have been done to a relative level of success, it’s time to take stock of the situation. Running a bake sale is no small task. If you have managed to do it successfully, you can always be confident of doing it again. The thing with baking is that practice makes perfect.

So maybe you won’t be putting yourself forward to test your baking abilities on TV just yet. The next time a fundraiser comes up, you don’t need to hide behind a pot plant until you’re found. Baking is a useful skill to have at moments like that.

Running A Bake Sale

Alcohol Addiction: Signs, Side Effects, Rehab, and Recovery

The term addiction never invokes a positive feeling. Especially if it is related to substances which are created for artificial leisure. Obviously one of the substances is alcohol.

Alcohol addiction or alcoholism is a serious medical condition in which the abuser has no control and regulation over the amount of alcohol which he or she consumes.

Often seen in adults, this condition differs from individual to individual. It depends on the frequency and the amounts. Progressive and unchecked alcoholism can have adverse effects on one’s life and the people around them.

Signs of alcoholism

A condition of alcoholism can be characterized by a number of indicators.

Physical and visible signs of alcoholism that are noticed on an addict are –

  • Uncontrolled and unregulated consumption of alcohol.
  • Slurred speech. Choppy and incoherent way of talking.
  • Clumsiness
  • Poor posture
  • Poor balance of the body.
  • Sluggishness
  • Delayed inhibitions
  • Subdued reflexes
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Physical disturbances like abdomen ache, nausea, poor sight, etc
  • Blacking out
  • Frequent redness on the face and some people also experience Asian flush
  • Poor memory. Inability to remember or recollect.
  • Lack of attention at the workplace
  • Increase in extreme emotions
  • Volatile mood swings.
  • Unprecedented behaviour

Side-Effects of Alcoholism

This addiction can take a heavy toll on one’s physiological as well as psychological well being.

The impacts of alcoholism can vary depending on the gravity of addiction, the amount of control and consumption.

In extreme cases, it can also lead to fatal repercussions like death by alcohol poisoning.

The side-effects which are primarily seen are –

  • Physical Impacts

The gravest aftermath which alcoholism can cause is the irreversible damage to the prominent organs like liver, intestines, heart and nervous system. Apart from these, it also causes abnormal blood pressure, anxiety, sexual problems, cancer, etc.

  • Social Impacts

Apart from physical consequences, alcoholism ruins a person’s lifestyle. It can hamper the person’s image at the workplace. It can lead to termination of his job.

It can disturb the family and everyone around that individual.

It can ruin the individual’s social image adversely too.

Rehabilitation and Recovery

The first step to battle the addiction is acknowledgement and acceptance.

To overcome the situation, it is necessary to acknowledge the fact that one is going through a disorder and that one needs external aid.

On achieving the above, the person positively embarks on the journey of recovery.

In the initial stages of withdrawing alcohol, the addict may experience various bodily changes like hallucinations, profuse sweating, anxiety, agitation, seizures, insomnia convulsions/tremors, etc.

They are known as withdrawal symptoms.

Top recovery tips which are given by experts to reduce alcohol dependency is an alteration in diets and cut down on sugar intakes. Alcohol and sugar have long lost enmity. They can trigger reverse addiction and thus, it I necessary to keep a check on sugar levels.

Apart from sugar food dense with other essential nutrients like proteins and carbohydrates must be consumed. They help in building the damaged tissue and cells of the body.

Let’s Go Pro: How To Make Money From Your Crafting Hobbies

Are you looking to make some changes in your life as we move forward into 2017? This is the time of year when we all start reflecting on the last 365 days and how we feel about them, our general satisfaction with the direction of our lives, and considering where we might want to go next. A lot of us are deeply satisfied with our family lives, but somewhat less so with our careers – and we all know that it gets progressively more upsetting to go into a job you don’t like every day without feeling as though there’s much hope for things changing in the future! Luckily, many of us have a lot of other skills and hobbies that we’d like to explore further. Here are some tips on how you can make your crafting skills into a career in 2017…

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Get Professional

Even if you’re a stay at home mom who’s been out of the workplace for a few years, it’s important to maintain a high standard of professionalism as you embark on a new career. If you promise to do something, make sure that it gets done in a timely fashion, and keep your lines of communication open whenever you can. Be pleasant and professional at all times.

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Organise Yourself

If you’re running your own business, it’s absolutely vital that you organise yourself well. If you need to, you should hire an accountant to keep your records in order. If you decide to do it yourself, be absolutely scrupulous about your book keeping and keep careful records of your outgoings and incomings to prove that it’s a profitable business. This will also help you considerably when it comes to paying your taxes – you want to be sure that everything you’re doing is absolutely legal!

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Get Online

If you’re not particularly good with computers, now is the time to learn. One way to make money from your crafting business is to make yourself a name on the internet. Set up an Etsy store so you can sell your wares online and look into setting up a blog as well with your own domain name so it’s easy for people to find. Make sure that you use social media, and announce your new products or when you’re restocking your store on Facebook and Twitter. You could also set up a Youtube channel with tutorials on it – use a Youtube channel art maker to ensure that your videos look professional. Interact with other craftspeople so you can work together to promote each other’s products.

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Promote Yourself

Don’t be afraid of a little self promotion. If you’re setting up a stall at a local craft fair, advertise online and to your friends, and get professional posters printed up to entice people over to your table. If your wares come in boxes, get labels with your own logo printed up, along with business cards. Although you shouldn’t work for free, offer discounted prices to companies who want to employ you for longer contracts, and talk to local charity event organisers about working together and getting your product inside their gift bags.

How to Save Money Without Depriving Your Family of Fun

Keeping the financial situation under control can be a challenge, especially for a family. Many people have a goal to spend less in order to create an emergency fund, save for a vacation, or fund a retirement account. However, many suggestions for keeping the family budget under control involve cutting out all discretionary spending. Some people have the self-control to follow this plan, but most people need suggestions that aren’t so drastic.

If you want to save more money, there are some things you can do that don’t involve cutting out all “fun” spending from your life. Here are some suggestions that can help you stick to your budget while still enjoying the occasional splurge.

1. Clip Coupons

Coupons aren’t just for groceries anymore. You can find discount coupons for local entertainment areas, restaurants, and services such as oil changes. You don’t have to spend hours clipping physical coupons from the flyers in the paper. There are numerous online coupon sources for a variety of items including groceries, technology, clothing, and activities. Some stores even allow you to use apps so you don’t have to print and carry physical coupons.

2. Vacation in the Off Season

If a family vacation is one of your goals, consider traveling somewhere in the off-season. For example, take a trip to a ski resort in the summer, or head to a theme park during the school year. Not only will you avoid the typical vacation crowds, but you’ll likely pay far less for accommodations and activities than during the high season.

3. Take Advantage of Rewards Programs and Special Pricing

Nearly every place has a rewards program nowadays. Movie theaters, coffee shops, credit cards, and clothing stores are just some examples of places that reward customer loyalty with free items, cash back, or reduced prices. Think about any places you frequently attend and sign up for the available rewards programs.

4. Shop in Bulk

If you think buying in bulk means you have to commit to a two-gallon tub of olives, you’ll be happy to know there are many other options. While bulk grocery shopping can be helpful if you have a large family, there are other warehouse shopping choices as well. You can find online warehouse retailers that sell overstocks of furniture, clothing, technological devices, and household goods. You can also use a subscription program to save on recurring purchases such as pet food, paper goods, and cleaning supplies.

5. Renegotiate Your Bills

One money-saving strategy that many people overlook is trying to save money on recurring bills. While you might not be able to change your rent or electrical bill, you may be able to negotiate a better deal on your cell phone rate, cable bill, or your car insurance. The best way to enter a negotiation is to do your research and then contact your cable provider or a local insurance agent. Lay out your situation and see what options are available.
If you are looking for a way to save a little money on the family budget without cutting out all fun spending, there are several options. Coupons, off-season vacations, and rewards programs have many benefits and you may also be able to find a better deal on insurance or cell phone service.

Top Tips On Helping Your Child Find A Hobby That Can Make Them Happy

Hobbies are important for children. They give them something to aim towards and something to get passionate about. They could also form the basis of any future careers your kid picks. It makes sense, then, that you should do everything possible to nurture your child’s hobbies. This is something well worth investing in. Above everything else, a hobby can make your child happy. That’s what all parents want, isn’t it? There’s nothing better than seeing your child get excited about something. Here are a few ways you can help your child in their hobby quest.

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The first thing you can do is let them pick their hobby. Trying to sway them towards certain options will end in their taking up the hobby you want them to do. That’s not going to work. Let them realize their passions, and hobbies will form naturally. A lot of the time, they’ll take on the same hobbies as their friends, and that’s fine. Bear in mind, though, that friendship hobbies are fickle and unlikely to last. You’ll be able to tell when your child is passionate, and when they’re just following the crowd. If they do get excited about something, get excited with them. Ask them questions about their hobby and listen to them when they tell you about it!

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If you’re sure the hobby is more than a passing whim, it’s worth stocking up on some gear for your child. The price is going to vary, depending on which hobby they’ve chosen. To start with, opt for cheaper equipment. The expensive stuff can come further down the line. If they’ve chosen photography, get your child their first camera. If they’ve chosen an instrument, get them a starter kit. These days, Parents Prefer Sustainable Products, so keep this in mind if you want to do your bit for the environment. Shopping around will show you the cheapest options. Most hobbies come with starter kits for children. If the hobby is a long standing one and the equipment gets a lot of use, look into more expensive options.

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Your child might want to join clubs or go to a camp to develop their hobby. Take a look at organizations in your local area, and get them signed up. Do a little research about the camp options for their chosen hobby. You can find out by word of mouth, or visit website options to find out a little more. Again, this may cost you a fair bit, so make sure they’re passionate before you send them. Get them taking classes first, and see how they get along there.


Encouraging your child is the best way to ensure they stick with a hobby. Children can be sensitive. Receiving bad feedback or disinterest in the early days could put them off. Always be encouraging. Ask about their progress often, and compliment anything they show you. Even if you don’t understand, it’s important not to knock their progress. If you’re confused about what something is, ask. As mentioned above, it’s important they talk about their passion!

The Parental Instinct To Protect versus Letting Your Kids Explore The World

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As a parent, it can be difficult to let go. The protective instinct is quite literally bred into us; it’s part of the fabric of our DNA. We hear our child has had an argument with someone and we’re ready to go to battle to settle the injustice. We want to drive them everywhere rather than run the risks of them walking. We want to provide safe, warm cocoons for them to live their lives in – the mere idea of them being hurt or upset harms us ten times worse than it does them.

There is nothing wrong with being a protective parent. Even if you stray into helicopter parent tendencies, there’s nothing wrong with that either. Every fiber of your being tells you to protect your kids – it’s not your fault, and you shouldn’t be critiqued for it.

Alongside this universal truism though is that other side of parenting. The side that says you have done your job as a parent when they no longer need you. It sounds harsh, but it’s also a reality ingrained in us – to break free of our parents. If you equip your kids with the ability to do that, then you have done a wonderful job.

The problems come when you try to marry these two sides of yourself together. They seem incompatible; the side that tells you to protect at all costs and the other that wants to push them out into the world. How can we meet our own need to keep them safe with their desire to explore for themselves?

There Are Limits

The most important thing to understand is that there is a big difference between letting your child find their own way and abandoning them to the task. For example, letting them go and sleep in the woods late at night with no supervision – reckless and abandonment. Letting them play on a trampoline even though all you think of is the idea of them hurting themselves – acceptable. In the first, their lives are at stake. In the second, they’re going to have a heck of a lot of fun.

That’s an extreme example to make the point, but the key principle is sound. Occasionally, you are going to need to step back and agree to something that you hate the idea of – but that doesn’t mean you have to abdicate your role as a parent.

You can satisfy the urge to protect by making any activity as safe as possible. Don’t like the idea of a trampoline in essence? Well, make it safer with springfree trampolines and safety nets. There’s no viable way to make a trip into the woods safer without direct supervision, so that’s how you know it’s okay to be concerned about.

Letting Go Is Not Forever

As your children grow, they will want to do more and more things separate from you. This can feel like a loss, but it’s actually a gain – where they become less of your child and more of a friend. You don’t lose anything by protecting them less; you’re giving them the world and watching as they explore it.

A Peek into Babbleboxx for Men

Over the years I’ve been considered an influencer. I guess the blog has given my a bit of a spotlight and I’ve been able to share my thoughts and ideas for hot products, adventures and technology.  Babbleboxx has reached out and shared with me their Babblebox for Men. What is Babbleboxx you ask? Babbleboxx places Brand specific products in the hands of social influencers and trendsetters to post, pin, snap, tweet and share a message across their social channels and tribes for unique brand exposure.

I’m just a small fish in a big influencer pond but Babblebox hit the mark with their offerings.Babblebox for men


Casio’s EDIFICE collection reflects a distinct sense of style by providing men with features that are ideal for professional and weekend lifestyles. The collection speaks to upwardly, mobile men whose goals lie anywhere from the boardroom to the ballpark. As a watch wearer and collector I was impressed with the luxury aesthetic this timepiece gives. The large face, stainless steel band, solar powered battery, daily alarm, World Time for accurate timekeeping and Techside (Bluetoooth connectivity) I wear this with joy.Casio’s EDIFICE timepiece

Wearable Wellness Tracker from Spire

More than just an activity tracker the Wearable Wellness Tracker from Spire increases mindfulness and productivity by tracking breathing patterns reflecting our state of mind. Spire’s in-the-moment notifications makes becoming mindful more attainable throughout the day while in-app breathing exercises and guided mini-meditation sessions promote the modification of negative behaviors. While this came in a box suggested for men this is definitely a gadget for men and women.  My wife snagged it right away and has been training towards a more holistic well-being for the last couple weeks. Spire, retails for $99.95, is fully integrated into the Apple Health App and works with Apple watch with an Android app coming soon.Get $10 off when you purchase Spire at this link. Discount is applied at checkout.

2(X)IST Men’s Activewear

The 2(X)IST Men’s Activewear collection is designed to support you from total relaxation to game changing performance. Featuring moisture wicking fabric and innovative design, these pieces are just a small glimpse into the active lifestyle of the 2(X)IST man and woman.Th designs received were trendy and had great style. The boy took the shirt and the youngest took the shorts for running. She said she’ll grow into them but the next day said she slept in them and that they were the comfiest shorts she’s ever had.   

Old Spice Sweat Defense and Hair Pomade

If you knew me a few years ago you saw me bald.  For about a year the wife encouraged me to grow my hair back. The Old Spice Hair Pomade works great and has that authentic manly smell without being dated. This isn’t the Old Spice from our grandfather’s days. Old Spice offers a complete product portfolio for today’s man for grooming, hair care and more, including anti-antiperspirants, deodorants, body washes, body sprays, shampoos, hair stylers, electric razors and trimmers, shave gels, after shaves, colognes. I already use the Fiji Body Wash each day so the Sweat Defense Anti-Antiperspirant is a great addition.

Babbleboxx is a great way to be introduced to new brands, not so new brands with a new product or up and coming trends. Keep an eye out for Babbleboxx on Instagram and what other influencers are saying about the brands that are arriving on their doorsteps. Personally I’d welcome just about any for the modern day Renaissance man; cigars, tools, cologne, tie, money clip, magazine subscription or app downloads. I’m open to trying anything once and giving something a chance. 

This post is sponsored by on behalf of Single Edition Media.

A Passion for Paleo: Decadent Desserts That Won’t Derail Your Diet

The Paleo Diet has become more and more popular over the years, and for good reason. The basic tenet of the diet is that you eat as our ancestors did: meats, vegetables, and unprocessed foods. The upshot to this is that you tend to eat “cleaner” on the diet than normal, which helps cut out preservatives that may be unhealthy for you.

The Paleo Diet also has a somewhat undeserved reputation for not allowing you to eat many sweets. Sugar and some flours are cut out of your diet when you start Paleo, so if you have a sweet tooth, good desserts may be hard to come by. Fortunately, there are recipes out there that you can find and use to make decadent desserts for all occasions. Here are some great ones to try out.Paleo Dessert

These are just a few recipes you can enjoy on the Paleo Diet. There are more you can learn from PaleoHacks.

Cookie Dough Fudge

If you find yourself reaching for the cookie dough before you even give it a chance to bake, you’ll love this recipe. It uses cashews and cinnamon, so it’s nutritious as well as delicious.

What You’ll Need:

Eight tablespoons of ghee, three cups of raw cashews, 1 tablespoon melted coconut oil, ¼ cup coconut flour, ¼ cup melted raw honey, ½ teaspoon sea salt, ½ teaspoon vanilla extract, ⅛ teaspoon cinnamon and one cup of chocolate chips.

Melt the ghee and grind the cashews into meal using a blender or a mortar and pestle. Drizzle the coconut oil into the meal and mix until it turns into a dough. Add the rest of the ingredients and mix well. Place the finished dough in plastic wrap and put in the freezer to chill for about 20 minutes.

Fold the chocolate chips into the chilled dough and then spread it in a nine-by-five inch loaf pan lined with parchment paper. Place back into the freezer. In another 20 minutes, the fudge should be ready. Cut into 15 pieces and enjoy!

Coconut Ice Creamcoconut is Paleo Friendly

Although our ancient ancestors didn’t have the chance to make ice cream, you can still enjoy the chilled dessert when you’re on the Paleo Diet.

What You’ll Need:

An ice cream machine, two eggs, one teaspoon vanilla extract, two cans of organic coconut milk, ½ cup of maple syrup, ¼ cup of chocolate chips.

Combine the eggs, coconut milk, maple syrup and vanilla using a whisk or a blender. Using an electric blender will make it easier. Pour the combination into your ice cream maker and turn on for 20 minutes. Add the chocolate chips and turn the machine on again for another 10 minutes. Pour the mixture into airtight containers and place in the freezer for about three hours. Once the ice cream sets, enjoy as often as you want to.

Chocolate Chunk Cookies

There’s always room for a great chocolate chunk cookie, even when you’re on a diet. Here’s a tasty recipe that’s easy to make.

What You’ll Need:

One egg, lightly beaten, one teaspoon vanilla extract, ¼ cup coconut milk, ½ cup coconut sugar, one cup almond flour, ¼ cup coconut flour, ½ teaspoon baking soda, three ounces of chocolate chunked, and sea salt to sprinkle.

Preheat your oven to 350ºF. In a mixing bowl, combine eggs, coconut oil, coconut sugar and vanilla extract. Then add almond flour, coconut flour and baking soda. Then, add the chocolate chunks and using a spoon or scoop, drop small balls of dough onto an ungreased baking sheet. Bake for 11 to 13 minutes in the oven and transfer finished cookies from cooking sheet to a wire rack to cool.

Angel Food Cake

You can bake cakes when you’re on the Paleo Diet! This is a recipe for a light angel food cake that’s good by itself or drizzled with fresh berries.

What You’ll Need:

Twelve large, room temperature eggs, one teaspoon fresh lemon juice, ¼ teaspoon sea salt, one tablespoon vanilla extract, ¾ cup coconut or maple sugar, 1 ¼ cream of tartar, one cup arrowroot flour, 1 ½ cups cream, whipped.

Preheat oven to 350ºF. Place egg whites and lemon juice into a mixer and mix for 30 seconds, until foamy. Add the salt, cream of tartar and vanilla. Whip again until soft peaks begin to form.

Add the rest of the ingredients, sifting the flour, and transfer to an ungreased cake pan. Cook for 40 minutes or until a toothpick can be cleanly removed. Cool on a wire rack.

Eleanor Potter loves food, and creating new healthy recipes for her family is her weekend passion. She writes about food, healthy living and shares recipes around the web.

Are You Aware of These Parent Problems That Could Derail Your Child’s Party?

When you throw a party for your kids, it seems easy to get it right. Most of us probably grew up both hosting and attending parties, and by and large, they’re fond memories. A little food, some silly games, and everyone went home with a gift bag at the end of it. So as a parent you’re left thinking: what’s so hard?

To an extent – nothing. The same rules apply, but we have somehow managed to add a few more that make things more complicated. We live in the digital age, and that means people are more able to vent about bad parties or make complaints about their hosts. This is an aspect that our parents didn’t have to deal with – and it can make for some tricky situations. There’s a whole parenting etiquette that we now have to follow – and if we don’t, we’ll be on the receiving end of a social media shaming.

If you’re thinking of planning your next party and thinking it’s all just about party hats, ice cream and a bouncy castle from the likes of Jolly Jumps – then think again. Here are the things you need to get right to ensure the kids have a good time – and your part is as hassle-free as possible.

  1. Be Wary of Allergy Requirements

Allergies are being diagnosed at an all-time high rate. Some are minor, causing relatively mild reactions such as rashes and swollen lips. Other – such as peanut allergies – are potentially fatal.

It is now expected rather than hoped for that a party will cater to the allergy requirements of all guests. To get things off on the right foot, you need to know the allergy requirements. Make sure you put it a request for such information on the invitation; or a generalized request for information on Facebook will suffice.

Also, bear in mind different dietary requirements. They’re not necessarily allergic but, again, people now expect them to be catered to. Gluten-free (without the presence of Celiac Disease), dairy-free, vegetarian and vegan are all options you may need to consider.

  1. Talking of Gluten-Free…

Celiac Disease is an autoimmune condition that means the body systems attack themselves in the presence of gluten. For sufferers, not only do they need to avoid all forms of gluten (and it can be found in the most unexpected of items) – preparation is an issue, too. Due to contamination, they can’t eat anything prepared in the same kitchen area, using the same tools, as gluten-contaminated equipment.

As a host, this presents a minefield. It’s important first to establish why someone is requesting gluten-free; is it Celiac (and thus essential) or more of a choice? If it’s a lifestyle choice, then don’t be concerned about contamination.

If it’s Celiac at the cause, then talk with the parent about measures you need to take. It might be best for all involved for the child to come with their own food, and you can buy in gluten-free cookies that won’t risk contamination.

  1. Gifts – What To Do and What Not To Do

Most parents will recognize the feeling of their child being showered with gifts – and then realizing they’re the same gift. You find yourself with duplicates of the latest must-have toy and no idea what to do with them. It seems eminently sensible to instead create a gift registry, so the chances of a duplicate are greatly limited.

And it is eminently sensible – a gift registry for a child’s birthday is a great idea. It gives you a chance to stock up on things you need or those gifts you know your child wants – but it’s also a potential source of tension.

Walking this fine line is all in how you announce the existence of the registry. Here’s what not to do:

Tacked onto an invitation –

Little Timmy’s gift registry is at

If that’s all you say, then the expectation is too high. It basically states: “if you’re coming to the party, make sure you get a gift!” A better alternative would be:

For those of you who may wish to get Little Timmy a gift, we created a registry at – feel free to use it if it helps you out!

It’s a little more friendly and places the onus on them for the decision. However, there is still a little expectation – and that might be okay. You know the people you’re sending invites to, so you know how they may respond to that.

In most cases, the safest bet is to create a registry and only give the details if someone explicitly requests it. You can tack this possibility onto the invite with a simple:

If you have any further questions or want information for a gift registry, do get in touch at my email:

So long as it doesn’t sound like an outright demand for gifts, then you should be okay.

A further note on the registry itself: try and incorporate all price points. Keep all prices reasonable and some outright cheap – better that than people feeling compelled to spend more. They will only resent you for asking. If your closest friends and family might want to spend a little more, than create a separate registry for them. People you only know as “Amelia’s Mum” shouldn’t be seeing three-figure items on any registry they encounter.

  1. Walking The Fine Line of Political Correctness

Whatever your stance on politically-correct culture with childrens’ toys, a kids party is not the time to be getting into the debate.

Making requests such as: “please don’t buy my daughter traditionally ‘girlie’ gifts” don’t really have a place for relative strangers. Sure, it’s something you can request of your nearest and dearest, but not of those you don’t know well. Just smile, write the thank you note and move on – you can always donate any unwanted gifts if they don’t pass your test.

Yes, to an extent, this is compromising your principles in the name of an easy time – but the party isn’t about principles. It’s about your child having fun, so stick to that, and you can’t go far wrong.