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Razor Electric Scooter

electric scooter, razor scooter

For months my 10 year old daughter, Parker, has been begging for a electric scooter. So when Christmas came around we decided to get her the Razor Electric Scooter – E175. It was the hit of Christmas and after charging the battery over night, she was outside riding it all over. The battery last only about 40 minutes and after her sister, all of the other kids in the neighborhood, and my husband got a ride the battery was done.

A month after Christmas my daughter, Peyton had her 8th birthday. We ended up getting another Razor E175 scooter to avoid all the fighting over the first one. Since the top speed is only 10 mph, it was fast enough for the 10 year old daredevil as well as slow enough for the very cautious 8 year old. The one draw back, which we didn’t even notice until we got the second Razor was the battery life. Granted the first Razor did get a lot of use between Parker and everyone else in the neighborhood in one month. However once we had the two of them we realized that the first scooters battery only lasted about half the time as the new did. We even following the suggestion of not getting the battery too cold and stored them inside the house rather than the garage. However, that didn’t seem to make a difference. The kids still love them and we just had to teach them that once the battery dies the scooters still worked the good old fashion way and that they would just have to use a little leg power. All and all the kids really enjoy them and are really happy to finally have electric scooters.

razor electric scooter

This is not a sponsored post, the opinions are all my own.