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Fresh Milk Delivery Is Awesome

I want to start by saying fresh home delivered milk tastes so much better than milk you buy in the grocery store.  We have been getting milk delivery to our home for about two months now from a local farm called Kilby Cream and I have to admit I am really impressed.

Melinda found Kilby Cream one Sunday via an article she read in the local section of the Delaware newspaper. It was an article about a farm in Maryland (close to our home) that has been delivering milk in the Maryland area for about a year and they were trying to expand their business to bordering Delaware.  As soon as we read the article and looked online and saw that they would deliver to our home we were onboard and I am so glad we are.  

When we lived in Maryland near Baltimore we got fresh milk for a few months but the difference is that we needed to pick it up every Saturday at a local farmers market.  The farm who produced the milk would only deliver it locally around their farm and sell it at the farmers market.  The market was about 30 minutes from our home and sometimes we weren’t able to make it due to plans or sometimes we just didn’t feel like driving 30 minutes to get it and since they didn’t deliver to our home over time we just stopped getting it.

Our current milk situation is awesome because we place our order online on Tuesday they deliver it Thursday and charge our credit card on Friday.  The one thing I always need to remember to do on Thursday morning before I leave for work is to place a cooler outside with ice packs inside just in case Melinda isn’t home so that the milk will stay cold once delivered. Melinda is home 99% of the time so that typically isn’t a problem. I also need to remember to put my empty glass containers from the week before inside the cooler for the milk man to collect.  

The milk comes in so many different forms but typically on a weekly basis we get 4 skim, 1 strawberry and 1 chocolate milk delivered.  The milk comes cold, fresh and in glass 1/2 gallon containers.  Yup you heard me right glass.  Initially we needed to pay a $2 per bottle deposit but after a week or so that cost went away and now we have 6 or so bottles in rotation at any one time so we no longer pay the deposit.

Since getting our milk fresh from the farm and home delivered I have noticed we as a family are drinking a lot more milk then we have in the past.  Between the different milks we are getting 3 gallons delivered a week which we have never drank in a week ever until now.

I am so glad that Melinda saw the article in the Sunday paper that has allowed us to get this awesome farm fresh milk delivered.  Yes it is a little more expensive than milk in the grocery store but the extra cost is totally worth it because it tastes so much better and us as a family are drinking more milk which is never a bad thing.


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