In a couple short weeks it’ll be the 2 year anniversary of my Mom-Mom’s sudden passing. I think about her often; there’s no way to avoid it since she’s everywhere in our home. I never realized how much I surrounded us with her presence till I really opened my eyes.

mom-mom's sewing kit now sits in my bedroom next to my vanity. for as long as I can remember it sat next to her chair in the family room.

the pillowcases and hankies she embroidered. there is a set for each kid when they grow up and move away

mom-mom's rosary, she kept it in her purse all the time, it hangs on my vanity all the time

my throw that she crocheted, this sits on our bed every day.

her apron may be ugly and a weird plastic/vinyl but she used it all the time, the neck strap even still smells like her.
I know there are things in the house that are missing from the pictures above; like her grandmothers ring thats in my jewelry box, framed pictures of her, the blankets she made for the kids and a mommy necklace with mom-mom stamped on it.
I know she’s in a much better place right now. Her last couple days weren’t how she wanted to live life. She was active, she had friends, she had plans, she was on the go. Due to someone elses mistake all that was taken away. I never got to say goodbye. I never got to tell her how much I loved her one last time.
Our last visit with her was great though. I planned an impromptu post-Christmas get-together with my sister and brother, parents and uncle and of course the kids. She was in her glory; her kids and grandkids and great grandkids were all together right in front of her. I miss her very much.