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If You Had 3 Minutes

mulitasking mom, multitasking woman, if mom had 3 minutesI thought about naming this blog Multi-Tasking Mom or If I Only Had One More Hour or Where Did The Time Go. All the titles seem to represent the same idea, I’m always doing something, usually with not enough time to get the things done.

Clorox and Karen Kaufman Orloff, author of the children’s book If Mom Had Three Arms, are creating a fun and practical e-book called If Mom Had Three Minutes with tips for moms on how to accomplish in three minutes what others can’t accomplish in 30!

Clorox wants to hear about the time-saving secrets of motherhood from veteran moms, which will serve as inspiration for the book. Your readers can visit the Clorox Facebook Page and check out the If Mom Had Three Minutes tab to:

  • Share their time-saving tips for moms
  • Learn how other moms conquer time scarcity

Their tips will serve as inspiration for the official e-book when it is released in May 2012. Since cleaning ranked as the top chore women wanted to eliminate from their to-do list, the e-book will include solutions for how to accomplish more in less time when it comes to housework!

This information was provided by Ketchum on behalf of Clorox.

Can’t We All Just Get Along

I recently caught wind of an Anderson Cooper episode where 2 working mothers calls SAHM mothers lazy. Really??? Making generalizations like that makes no sense. It’s like saying boys are dirty and girls are dainty. Each mother is different. Each mother has their own reasons for staying at home. Each mother shouldn’t have to defend or side with this argument. But we do anyway.

So I’m to assume these mothers never ever sit to read a book, watch a television show, surf the net or take a long hot soothing shower? Shall I call that lazy? I can get dressed, run errands, feed kids, read the news, clean the kitchen, do a load of laundry, make dinner, make a phone call, do a puzzle, help with homework, workout, read 19 blogs, shower, bathe a kid, put one down for a nap, write 2 blog posts, play dolls, handle 82 emails, read a contract, do a craft, Facebook, Tweet and more in a day. I don’t think that’s the definition of lazy.

I’m sure that’s not everyone’s schedule. I’m sure there are lazy SAHMs out there but I’m sure there are lazy working moms too. What about the working moms that don’t want to be bothered with housework, homework, cooking and soccer practice? Just because you work a 9-5 doesn’t make you busier, better or more productive than those that don’t. But don’t lump all SAHMs together as lazy and under-stimulated just because we don’t work outside the home. A commute and pencil cup doesn’t make for a happier mom.

Why can’t moms accept each other just the way we are? We all have our own struggles and hurdles to beat each day. Because one mom works outside the home doesn’t make her a better provider. Because one mom chooses to stay home and raise her kids doesn’t make her a better nurturer. Why can’t we support each other for the choices and decisions we make that make sense for our OWN families?

To each his own! Stop being so judgy!

Baby Shower Blog Party

I’m changing the date of the Baby Shower Blog Party. It is going to start Monday, July 27th instead. I added more prizes at the last minute so this will last 2 weeks (no weekends).

It’s Blog Party time again. This time it’s in special honor of my sister and sister-in-law who are both pregnant and both due in October and both having little girls. I’m beyond excited and have been looking all over the web for cool products and also teamed up with some cool mamas to get their advice on pregnancy related topics. These articles which include Cloth Diapering Basics and Handling Premature Labor can be found here at Preparing for Baby.

This blog party is full of cool reviews and giveaways like cloth diapers, nursing tools, stationery, diaper bags, bedding and so much more! It starts July 25th so come back and see all the fun goodies in store.

Grab the Baby Shower Blog Party Button and you’ll get an additional 3 entries into every giveaway I have listed for that week. Leave me a comment telling me where to find the button.