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Why Is Moving So Expensive?

By now everyone should know we are moving back to DE at the end of June and we already have started cleaning and packing. A few weeks back I went to Home Depot and bought some small, medium and large packing boxes. So far Home Depot seems to have the best prices on boxes unfortunately I can’t get everything I need from Home Depot like mirror boxes, mattress covers and packing paper. My local Home Depot did have short wardrobe boxes for $9.98 a piece.

I went online tonight to see how much these other supplies would cost me and I couldn’t believe it. Mirror boxes are $4.25 a piece (need 3) and mattress covers are $2.95 for twin mattresses which I need three sets and $3.95 for a queen mattress which I need one set. I did go back to Home Depot on Sunday to buy 20 more small boxes but I am sure we also are going to need more boxes at some point. Factor in tape and packing paper and the costs are getting out of control. So far we probably have spent about $50 and are not even close to being finished. It is crazy how expensive cardboard is. I am sure but the time it is all said and done we will be $100 – $150 into moving supplies. These costs don’t include the moving truck I have to rent for four days (story for another time). If you know a packing/moving company that wants to give away moving boxes let me know as I could use the help.  These costs are starting to kill me.

Let The Fun Begin!!!!!

So most of you know that at the end of June we are moving back to where we belong in the great state of Delaware. June 30th is when we are moving and it seems like a long time away but I don’t thing so. I am sure June 30th is going to sneak up on us before we know it.

So to try to get a jump on the move this past weekend we started to pack. Not a lot of stuff but we packed our DVD’s, most of the pictures on the walls and bookshelves, books and cookbooks. We began selling our old Ikea furniture on Craigslist so we could use that money to by new and different Ikea furniture which Melinda and I finally did last night after 5 different visits.

We have more stuff to get rid of but it is coming along nicely. This weekend I am going to try to do a little more packing of things like dishes we don’t use daily and do a little painting. I figure if we do a little each day/week by the time June 30th rolls around we will be ready to move and we won’t be so stressed out. Don’t get me wrong we are going to be stressed out but not over packing last minute items.

It’s Official

It is official we found a place in Delaware on Saturday and I am dropping off the signed lease and security deposit today.

This townhouse was the one I thought Melinda was going to like most and I was right (thank goodness) she did. The house is only 10 years old and everything looks/seems new like corian countertops in the kitchen, nice tile flooring in the kitchen, great wood floors in the living rooms and 2.5 baths (WOOT). I am pretty excited about the 2.5 baths because now Melinda and I have our own bathroom in our room which is awesome because I am tired of Shaun or Shae needing to pee while I am in the shower. LOL.

The other cool thing is our place is no more then a 8 minute ride to Melinda’s parents house which the kids will love because they love going to see mom mom and pop pop. It also puts us an hour closer to my parents and grandparents in New Jersey and Melinda’s pop pop in Philadelphia which will be nice because now it will not be such a hassle to visit family like it has been for 3.5 years due to the drive. All in all everything seems to be coming together. The only hassle is we need to be out of our place on 6/30 which is a Wednesday and we can move into our new place on the same day (thanks to some sacrifice on the part of our landlord). Finding friends or family to help us on a Wednesday is going to be impossible so I am still not sure how we are going to get the furniture into our place but hopefully that will fall into place also.

So the good news is Delaware here we come and we couldn’t be more happy and excited to be moving!!!!!


One Stop Shopping For Our Impending Move

As some of you might already know we are moving back to Delaware in June and we are pretty excited. In preparation for our move we are in the process of selling a few things so we can buy a few new things for our new place. Melinda and I are looking for a new TV stand, printer storage unit and bookshelf if possible.

We started looking to see where we could get the best prices and selection and are even started searching the web. We can across CSN Stores which has everything from recessed lighting to lamps to cookware to outdoor furniture.

CSN Stores a $200 million company, is comprised of more than 200 different shopping sites under the overall umbrella. Most sites are named for their primary product offerings or the styles they provide. These include:,,,, and

I was really surprised about the huge selection that CSN Stores offers which is good for us because now all we have to do is go to one site and can shop over 200 different stores. How easy and convenient is that? If in the market for recessed lighting, luggage, or cookware be sure to stop by CSN Stores and I am sure they will have what you are looking for.

This is a sponsored post but the opinions and description presented belong solely to LookWhatMomFound…and Dad too! Your experiences and reactions may differ from ours. 

The Hunt Is On For A New Place To Live

Today Melinda and I are dropping the kids off at her parents and going to look at as many houses as we can get appointments to see. We are going to look at a townhouse that I looked at on Monday and think Melinda will really like. It has a great eat in kitchen with corian counter tops and nice appliances, nice paint throughout and even comes with a vegetable garden. When you look off the deck in the common area there is a playground that I am sure the kids would love and I love that you can see it from the deck of the townhouse. This townhouse also has a garage which will come in handy for storage. I feel like I have my mind made up to live here. We have been approved by the landlord and can move in at the beginning of July. Melinda on the other hand wants to look around and I understand because she doesn’t want us to take the first house we see but I feel like I really like this place and I hope Melinda does also. Keep your fingers crossed for us.

We’re Going Home!

Yup, it’s been decided! We are moving back home to Delaware in a couple months. Being in Maryland has been fine but it’s never felt like home. To me it’s always been a temporary spot like a pit stop. The kids have really thrived and aren’t happy about leaving but this will bring us closer to family and friends.

Instead of seeing my nieces once a month I can now see them 1 or 2 times a week. I miss my grandfather so hopefully we can get up there more often to visit. Even Rob’s parents are distant memories sometimes; this move is going to give us monthly visits instead of twice a year.

All in all this is the best thing for us no matter how aggravating packing & moving can be. So the hunt begins for a home in Delaware. Anyone got a 4 bedroom house for rent?