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Owning my Strong and my Weakness #Mudderella

It was the worst day of my life. I’m not proud to admit it but I regretted it 20 minutes in.Mudderella #CapitalRegion

Mudderella isn’t for the faint at heart and it definitely isn’t for those lacking healthy fitness regimens. I had high hopes for myself thinking it was going to be lots of fun and motivating because of the large groups of women all struggling to get through the obstacles together.

I was wrong.  Partly due to my own lapse in judgment and some due to poor planning.  The event itself looked like it was organized and planned out well except for the parking.  That itself put us 40 minutes past our scheduled start time.  When we approached the corral to start it was empty. We were informed we were the last group going out. This was a bit disheartening. It meant we were already last before we even started.

My teammates and I started off strong. The path was rough but it felt good to actually get moving.  The heat caught up to me, quickly. Approaching the 3rd obstacle I felt terrible.  The sun was beating down the water stop was way behind and I couldn’t think to take another step. I bailed.  I pulled over to the side go sick, got a water bottle off some really kind spectators and waited. Mudderella #CapitalRegion

I felt terrible. I watched women of all ages, sizes and handicaps pass where I was sitting in the shade. I knew I didn’t take this seriously.  I knew I didn’t train the way I should’ve. I regretted it for the next 45 minutes just waiting for my teammates.

I was asked by an older woman if this was where I stopped, did I quit at this spot. I said no, I took a shortcut to wait for my friends. She said it didn’t matter, that I did what I could do and she was proud of me.  I felt like such a bum.  She didn’t see that but that’s what I felt like inside. Mudderella #CapitalRegion

Mudderella is all about what this woman did for me. Empowerment, motivation and strength. She didn’t see my failure, she saw my attempt. I’m not sure If I’ll do this kind of even again but I do know I have to have the strength to try new things and push myself to work harder.

Did I have fun? Yes, regardless of the miserable outcome I had a great time.  I’m glad to be a part of this event to bring awareness to Futures Without Violence also.  Mudderella is committed to a great cause — the prevention of domestic violence and supporting those affected by it.

Futures Without Violence is a national nonprofit that is working to prevent and end domestic violence by developing innovative programs and policies that:

  • support victims, survivors, and their families and help them get to safety
  • educate individuals about the critical roles that we all have to play in promoting healthy relationships
  • promote mutual respect as the foundation of healthy relationships
  • support children who are exposed to violence at home and in school
  • enlist health care providers and health systems to improve domestic violence responses
  • and much more

When participants register for Mudderella, they are asked if they want to set up a fundraising page. When participants raise money for Futures Without Violence, they make an investment in positive solutions that are helping women, children and families everywhere own their strong, and future!

Register today at a event in your area. Plus get 20% off by using discount code MUDDBLOGGER20 for the remainder of events in 2015

Colorado, August 22, 2015
Pittsburgh, September 12, 2015
Whistler, September 26, 2015
New England, October 3, 2015
Melbourne, November 7, 2015

Don’t do what I did though. Train, and train right for the event. You don’t need to be an athelete, a runner or a gym rat but you need to be ready for it. The Mudderella training that they offer is great. I did some of it, obviously not enough though.

Follow Mudderella throughout social media for inspiration, fitness tips, to learn more about Futures without Violence and how to OWN YOUR STRONG.

Mudderella on Twitter
Mudderella on Facebook
Mudderella on YouTube (for those training videos you should watch)
Mudderella on Instagram
Mudderella on Pinterest

Owning My Strong with Mudderella

MudderellaA few weeks back an email crossed my desk and I thought. “That would be fun!”.

Then a couple weeks later I received another email saying “Congratulations, You’re in!”.

I was very excited at first. I called my friends and asked Sabreena if they wanted to join me. Then I watched a couple videos and then I knew I was in trouble. Why in the world did I think Mudderella would be a good idea.  What made me think this would be  an easy activity to get under my belt. I obviously didn’t realize it was a hardcore kick in the ass race and not one of those silly color runs
Mudderella  Obstacle Course Events #Mudderella2015 #ic #ad

Mudderella  Obstacle Course Events #Mudderella2015 #ic #ad

Mudderella  Obstacle Course Events #Mudderella2015 #ic #ad
I’m in for the long haul now.

Mudderella is so much more than a obstacle course though. Mudderella is all about empowering women. It’s about showing women that they can take pride in their strengths and weaknesses.  Mudderella is about making women (and men) aware that they can do what ever they put their minds to.  I’ve been lazy in the last year. I’ve been known to run, do yoga and Tae Bo and play Wii Fit.I signed up and agreed to participate this July because I knew it would give me that boost I needed to back to the lifestyle that benefits me.

On July 25th in Clarksburg, MD I’ll be joined by friends, my sister and Sabreena in probably one of the hardest things I’m ever going to do. I chose my team because I know we can work together and help each other and most of all support each other through the experience start to finish.

I’m starting with training. Since I’ve been a bump on a log for months I’m going to have to ease into it but after seeing the amazing tips and training routines that Mudderella recommends I’m sure I’m gonna be ready to tackle the mud, ropes, walls and whatever else they want to through at me.

Are you interested in Mudderella?  See if it’s coming to your town?

  • NY/NJ – May 9, 2015 – Englishtown, NJ
  • Chicago – May 30, 2015 – Richmond, IL
  • NorCal – June 27, 2015 – Vallejo, CA
  • Toronto – July 11, 2015 – Kitchener, ON Canada
  • Capital Region – July 25, 2015 – Clarksburg, MD
  • Colorado – August 22, 2015 – Snowmass Village, CO
  • Pittsburgh – September 12, 2015 – Slippery Rock, PA
  • Whistler – September 26, 2015 – Blackcomb Mountain, Whistler, BC Canada
  • New England – October 3, 2015 – Thompson, CT

Want to join my team?  Have a great name for our team?   Want to see whats in store for me for the next 12 weeks?

Mudderella  Obstacle Course Events #Mudderella2015 #ic #adMudderella  Obstacle Course Events #Mudderella2015 #ic #ad