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Project 52 – Week 15

Welcome to my 15th installment of Project 52, my attempt to capture our lives in a couple pictures once a week.

project 52, weekly photos

This week was very quiet but last weekend was full. Shae had her first soccer “game” and we celebrated Shaun’s birthday with a party with friends and family. We did lots a crafts and ran errands but other than that, not much to report. This weekend is going to be a full one too, I’ll fill you in next week about that.

the in-laws came to celebrate

make a wish

present time

shae and cousin ella

there's nothing in my shirt

look at her go!

Hope this gives you a glimpse onto our lives behind the blog. If you are doing Project 52 this week leave your link in the comment so I can come check out your life.



I Disclose

Project 52 – Week 14

Welcome to my 14th installment of Project 52, my attempt to capture our lives in a couple pictures once a week.

We celebrated Shaun’s 8th birthday this week. The weather was gloomy and cold so there weren’t many opportunites for pictures outside but that made for a very crafty week. Shae and I did lots of crafts so i’m sharing the finished products with you. Many of them are inspired by GummyLump’s 300 Crafts for Kids Project and some by random ideas found online.

dinner at Red Robin

looky looky shaun got a Kinect

why does my 15 year old look 21 years old

soap from the kid's shower, what are they doing with it?

blinged out sunflower, check out her signature on the bottom

old school comes alive, pompom bear

fancy cuff bracelet

Hope this gives you a glimpse onto our lives behind the blog. If you are doing Project 52 this week leave your link in the comment so I can come check out your life.



I Disclose

Project 52 – Week 6

Welcome to my 6th edition of Project 52, my attempt to capture life in a couple shots once a week. It seemed like a pretty quiet week but I have lots of pictures to share. Enjoy 🙂

emptying a pack of boogie wipes...just because

snow elephant

pizza night prep

handmade flower headband attempt



Project 52 Week 5

This is the 5th Saturday of the year and time for my 5th installment of Project 52, a weekly peek into our lives through pictures.

dry winter air = insane static

snow AGAIN

K'Nex fun - Helicopter

stained glass finally added to kitchen

Project 52 Week 4

This week was pretty quiet.  I had dinner with a friend on Wednesday and attended #BlogLove in Baltimore on Friday. Here are some other things that went on.

shae learning her letters


cookie time

Project 52-Weeks 1-2-3

Project 52 is an attempt to capture life in a couple shots once a week. I attempted to do a picture a day for 2010 and was quickly overwhelmed. This year I’m going to post a picture or two or three that gives you a quick glance into what was going, how I was feeling, what we did, etc….

I’m starting it today but in the future will post each Saturday to give you our “week in review”. Here is the last 3 weeks wrapped up all in one.

bigfoot lives in a little girls room

laughter between sisters

purple sunrise day before the snowstorm

evil smile

my girl turns 15

earning his keep

Catch up on Chrissy over at Life as a CEO, she gave me the idea and said I should join her on the fun.
