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Project 52 – Week 29

It’s week 29 for Project 52.  We are more than halfway through year and I’m glad I’ve kept up (for the most part) on Project 52.

This is where I give you a peek into what goes on behind the blog, the thinks that we don’t get around to posting about. Project 52 focuses around family, the activities that we do, the places we go and random silliness.

project 52, weekly photos


shae and sabreenas original tickle me elmo


travis pastrana of nitro circus, the only reason I went to monster jam


the moon just coming up

How was your week? What did you do? Do you participate in Project 52? Let me see your week in review.



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Project 52 – Week 28

It’s week 28 for Project 52.  This is where I give you a peek into what goes behind the blog that we don’t get around to posting about. Project 52 focuses around family, the activities that we do, the places we go and usually random silliness. I’ve missed the last 2 weeks and I’m bummed. I was really excited that I had kept up but life got really busy but in a good way.

project 52, weekly photos

This week was all about the 4th of July! The pictures aren’t great, I took them with my phone. The kids had a blast, there were hundreds and hundreds of people around with plenty of kids, ice cream and glow sticks to be found.
girls watching the fireworks

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Project 52 – Week 27

It’s week 27 for Project 52.  This is where I give you a peek into what goes behind the blog that we don’t get around to posting about. Project 52 focuses around family, the activities that we do, the places we go and usually random silliness. I’ve missed the last 2 weeks and I’m bummed. I was really excited that I had kept up but life got really busy but in a good way.

project 52, weekly photos

This installment is going to be playing a little bit of catch up. I’m not gonna flood you with details of the last 3 weeks but I’ll give you a taste of the things we did.
a couple weeks back I was invited to General Mills Nationa Box Top University. The entire trip was a whirlwind and extremly educational. Here’s a peek at what we did.

our visit started with a beautiful tour of Lake Minnetonka, no one got sick

kitchen supplies and photo props

if you know anything about me you know I love kitchen stuff. we were given special permission to tour the food stylist/photo shoot prop room. this is where I want to be buried when I die

general mills prop closet

baskets of every shape, size and color

Last weekend we went on a last minute trip to the beach. The weather was gorgeous, our hotel was on the beach block and the kids had a blast.

daddy, lets jump the waves

higher daddy !

felix #2, sabreena's 2nd sand turtle

they are so cute when they get along

Let’s see what your week was like!

Project 52-Week 22

Welcome to my 22nd entry into Project 52. Project 52 is my attempt to post weekly updates on family, life, whatever goes on behind the blog. This is where we give you a peek into what goes on that we don’t get around to blog about.

project 52, weekly photos

This week is a mish mosh of stuff.


war wounds of crafting-a hot glue gun injury


flowers, bows, skirts and skulls, isn't that what every girl wears

Shae’s Bedtime Routine


bubble fun, it's the little things in life




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Project 52- Week 21

It’s the halfway point of the year. This is my 21st installment Project 52. This is my weekly update of what if going on in our lives behind the blog. So in case you were wondering what we did this week here ya go!

Last week was awesome. We went to Reviewers Retreat at Great Wolf Lodge in Pocono Mountains, PA. We met a great group of bloggers made some friends, learned some tips and tricks and overall had a fabulous time. Here’s a peek at the cool people we met.
Social Media extraordinaire Ted Rubin
Ted Rubin
Renee from What Mommies Need, we clicked like we knew each other for years
Rachel Ferrucci, we would totally be friends IRL if we didn’t have so many miles between us
Rachel Ferruci
The Double Duty Divas in person, Cecelia from Cool Baby Kid and Bridgette from Experimental Mommy
Double Duty Divas
Scavenger Hunt Team Hydro Plunge, Liz from a Nut in a Nutshell, Xenia from ThanksMailCarrier Nichol from Kiddies Corner Deals, Heather from Girl Gone Mom, Jennifer from MommaDandDaBoyz and of course me and Rob.
Hyrdo Plunge
Me and Rob 🙂
Pajama Party
My old pal Nichol from Kiddies Corner
Nicole - Kiddies Corner

My bloggy hero BlueViolet, yes her name is Liz but I will always call her BlueViolet 🙂
Liz-Nut in a Nutshell

If you want to see other Reviewers Retreat pics visit the official RR11 Flickr account.

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Project 52- Week 20

It’s the 20th Saturday of 2011 and I’m still going strong doing Project 52. This is my weekly update of what if going on in our lives behind the blog. So in case you were wondering what we did this week here ya go!

project 52, weekly photos

This week was crazy hectic. My “job” is a daycare provider to my niece Madi. You’ve seen her here many times. But this week I had BOTH 18 month old nieces, Madi and Ella. What a handful but it was a lot of fun. They were so good together.


mother's day morning


sabreena and ella taking a ride

shae is just hanging out


the new ford flex-review coming soon

Share your Project 52 post, let’s see what you’ve been up to!





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Project 52 – Week 19

I can’t believe this is the 19th Saturday of the year. Anyway, welcome to Project 52, a weekly update on our lives behind the blog. This is where I fill in the blanks for what goes on that we don’t always post about; random pictures and video that I want to share.

project 52, weekly photos

This week was quiet. Rob had lots of after work things to do so we didn’t go anywhere. We had 1 really really warm day, warm enough that I got Shae and Madi (my niece) outside with the water table. Other than that, not much to bring you up to speed on.

she literally passed out where she landed

is this a shrimp?

bright blue skies

shining sun

here are my 2 neices, Madi (the blonde) and Ella playing at the playground.


Share your Project 52 post, let’s see what you’ve been up to!




I Disclose

Project 52- Week 18

Welcome to my 18th week of Project 52, a little late but I still did it. Project 52 is a weekly wrap-up of our lives behind the blog.  A couple pictures showing you what goes on with us and the kids and the things we do.

project 52, weekly photos

Guess What…..Last week was busy. So busy in fact I was barely on the blog, twitter and facebook. So busy in fact I didn’t have time to put up Project 52 on Saturday like I usually do. The kids were on spring break, the weather was nice and Rob and I were working on the garden. Saturday we had a cub scouts event with Shaun. We got a tour and boating lesson on the Kalmar Nyckel, a replica 17th century merchant ship from Sweden. They got to learn knots, setting sail, blacksmithing and loading a canon.

haul away


a bouquet of dandelions

naptime for big brother

yuck face....look who needs a nap

Do you do Project 52? Add your link in the comments below so I can come check out your week.




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Project 52 – Week 17

Welcome to my 17th week of Project 52. Project 52 is a weekly wrap-up of our lives.  Last year I tried to do Project 365 and I failed within a couple days.  This is a much better approach to give all of you a peek into our lives behind the blog.

project 52, weekly photos

A quiet week. The weather was spastic, rain, sun, rain, sun so we didn’t really go anywhere.  Last weekend Rob, Shaun, my bff Stacy and her husband and I went to a Philly Soul game; it was so much fun. The rest of the weekend was spent doing errands, taking Shae to soccer and me sleeping all day Sunday because I was sick.  Exciting HUH!

cuddle time with madi

this is our office space

shae named her rainbow alien


another alien and his transportation home

this is what happens when a teenager is bored




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Project 52 – Week 16

This is my 16th installment of Project 52, my attempt to capture our lives in a couple pictures once a week.

project 52, weekly photos

This week was a busy one again but not much that was picture worthy.  Last Sunday Shae, Sabreena and I went to see the Imagination Movers in concert and it was sa-weet!  I had so much fun but then again I love those guys and could watch them all day.  Other than that not much else to report, oh yeah except for our crafts 🙂

Imagination movers choo choo soul

final performance with choo choo soul


sabreena and shae dancing in the aisles


me and the lil one


the girl squad




more goofy


this is what i get when i give the 3yo the camera


dining room art gallery

What was your week like?




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