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Joining the Million Mile Run to fight Childhood Cancer

I’m lacing up my running shoes again but this time it’s not for my own vanity. I’m joining Delaware Valley area bloggers to fight back against childhood cancer this September – National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month – with Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation!
Alex's Lemonade Stand Million Mile RunOur team was inspired by two local childhood cancer heroes, Lily & Maggie.

Lily was diagnosed with a brain tumor called ependymoma when she was 14 months old. Lily endured five brain surgeries and a month-long hospital stay at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Brain surgery left Lily unable to sit, crawl or walk. But now, Lily who is 7, is cancer-free. Lily can walk and she can dance and jump and rock it on the soccer field! Lily can run! Lily will be running along with our team as we work to reach our goal of 1,000 miles and $10,000 for a cure for all kids with cancer!

fighting childhood cancer with Lily Adkins

Lily Adkins

Maggie was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastomic leukemia (B-ALL) just a few months ago in May at 2 years old. All of her life, Maggie has been a whirlwind of giggles and red curls. And even though cancer and aggressive chemotherapy has temporarily stolen those lovely curls, they did not steal her tenacious spirit. Maggie and her parents fought this disease with everything they had. Finally, on July 5, Maggie was declared cancer-free! However, she will continue to receive a variety of treatments and testing to ensure that she stays healthy. As she works on regaining her physical strength, we will walk and run for Maggie!

fighting childhood cancer for Maggie

Maggie Sabora

Everyday 720 kids are diagnosed with childhood cancer– and everyday families begin the fight of their life. Childhood cancer remains the leading cause of death by disease for children under age 15. Research is consistently underfunded–but with your support, we can make a difference!

Running a few miles isn’t anything in comparison to the struggles these girls have had to deal with. I’m asking you to JOIN US by making a donation, joining our team, or forming your own Million Mile Run team!

Stay tuned for progress on the donations and the mileage we all complete.


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It’s An Empowered Spirit

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A Life in Balance

I Finally Did My First 5K

So I finally did my first 5k this past Saturday after about a month and a half of training and it felt pretty good. I stopped twice for about 15 seconds and feel I could have done a little better but over all I am pretty happy with my results.

Here are my official results:

Gun Time : 35:18.3 (11:17/mile)
Chip Time : 35:07.9
Overall Place : 161/443
Age Group Place : 26/50 (male 30 to 39)

I am already looking for my next 5k to run and hopefully I will be able to improve on my time and get better with each run.

I Disclose

Running on Cloudrunners

As you know Rob and I took up running a few weeks ago. Our progress hasn’t been as good as I wanted mainly due to some pain.  During the first week of running I was getting intense pain in my feet, they were burning, going numb and felt bruised.  I got some comfort insoles.  Then I was having issues with my ankles, twisting them with simple steps.  I then got a ankle brace to add some stability.

I realized I was wearing the wrong running shoes.  I needed something that was going to support and stabilize my steps.  Getting up off the couch and instantly running was hard on my body. Rob and I did some research on good running shoes and found a company that actually has a shoe that is perfect for overweight people.  On is a shoe company that specializes in running shoes.  That’s it. No gear, no clothes, no gadgets, just a focus on the feet.
on running shoes company
On’s Cloudtec  technology is designed to absorb the impact of  the landing and taking off of each step with these “clouds” of rubber on the bottoms of the shoes.

Rob was able to find his shoes at a local Foot Locker, I wasn’t so lucky.  I contacted On and they aggreed to let me try out a pair of Cloudrunners to hopefully improve my run.  I’ve had the shoes for a couple weeks now and while my endurance has improved my pain has continued.  A couple days before receiving the Cloudrunner’s I started to develop what I thought were shin splints.  Here I am 2 weeks later with the same agonizing pain unable to run more than a few minutes.  Now Rob thinks i could have a minor stress fracture so I’m am going to take it easy.
cloudrunner running sneakers
The Cloudrunner makes concrete easy. The patented CloudTec™ system absorbs not just vertical but also horizontal impacts, making this model ideal for intensive endurance runs or longer training sessions. Heavy impact is transformed into a light, natural run that stimulates your postural muscles. Run on clouds. The Cloudrunner activates the running muscles and transforms impact into a light and natural stride. An enforced CloudTec™ system enables excellent stress absorption, efficient energy transfer and fast recovery.

For the time I was wearing On Cloudrunners I did notice less pain in my feet.  I worked with a local running specialty store where they fitted me for an insole that corrected my pronation so I no longer need the ankle brace.  So that left me just me and my shoes. I noticed better running form, better breathing, better endurance. I feel like I could be on a good road towards running that is fun.

Today running is not fun, not something I look forward to.  I want that day to come and plan on continuing the training when my right leg cooperates. I’m signed up for the Blogher 5k Fun Run and will be there, running, walking, hobbling or even wheeling myself down the streets of Manhattan.

On to Week 2

Week 1 down and I’m kicking ass. Well that’s what I told myself last night. I have a habit of quitting when it comes to exercise and weight loss. If it isn’t easy than I’m done before I’ve even gotten a chance to see a huge change. BUT this week is starting better. I finished the entire day’s program. I started off strong, that’s probably my problem. Usually by the 20 minute mark I start to get some pain in my ankle calves I kept going whether it was walking or running.

I’m not one to keep time but Rob gave me these from his #Couchto5K app.
2.24 miles
13.5 minute pace (per mile)
30 minutes

This time Boy Wonder joined us. He starts football camp in the summer so it’s time to get his butt into shape too. He kept pace the entire time, skipping, jumping, hitting trash cans and kicking rocks. I’m proud of him.

I feel great after I’m running but during I just want to die. I literally ache the entire time, I’m that out of shape.
bloggers running, training for 5k, running as a family
There is a local 5k coming up, early June. We haven’t signed up yet but I’m wondering if we keep up this modified regimen would we be ready.

I Disclose

Day 1 Down

I started changing my life. Yesterday Rob and I began our journey of #couchto5K. I did ok, not as well as Rob but then again I didn’t stretch enough nor did I drink enough water before we started running. My Achilles was aching and I got a cramp in my side. I stopped at about 17 minutes but I instantly felt better about myself.

running blogger, #couchto5k program,

not me but I wish my legs looked like that

While my main goal is to run the BlogHer 5K Fun Run and do it well I have other goals too. There is this cute yellow top hanging in my closet. Its been there for about 4 years, I’ve worn it once. I want to wear it again, without a slimmer and look good! Also there’s this cute short black blazer hanging next to it. I wore it this weekend; it matched my outfit but didn’t fit perfectly. I want to be able to button it WHILE sitting. There are 2 pairs of identical jeans on the top shelf in my closet. No clue how old they are or even if they are still in style but they still have their tags on them but never fit. I want to wear them, comfortably. I’d also like for my thighs NOT to rub together.

Those are my mini goals. I don’t think it’s going to take much work to get there but it’s going to take effort and dedication, things I often lose track of. I lost about 12 lbs in the beginning of the year but have since gained 7 of them back. I want to get back on track and look and feel better.

I’m Gonna Do It

I’m going to train to run a 5K. I got my weekly BlogHer ’12 Attendee newsletter and in it was news of a 5k Fun Run. I thought for a couple minutes about it, asked Twitterland their advice and it was all positive. I decided I’m going to start running. Rob is behind me and said he would run with me to train. I’m headed to the stores this weekend to buy some gear and sneakers. I hate wearing sneakers so this should be fun.

I looked up the Couch to 5K program and hope that it works for me.
couch to 5k

I’ll keep you all posted about my progress and my staying power. I’m good at quitting things.