The toxic relationship of students with caffeine. The effects and withdrawal are a heartbreaking journey, which will eventually lead to students questioning -was this all worth it?
Caffeine levels seem to have increased in students over the last decade or so. As a student, one has to juggle between assignments, readings for classes, and immense pressure to maintain a social life. The idea that they are superheroes who need no sleep and rest to save their college life. The perception that a few hours of sleep is enough is a small price to pay to succeed in college. Therefore, the one thing saving these ‘superheroes’ from crashing is caffeine.

Other than Coffee
When I ask students about the amount of caffeine they intake, they say no, I don’t drink coffee that much. They forget that energy drinks, aerated drinks, tea, chocolate, caffeinated tablets like crocin, etc. are all considered caffeine. Therefore, students drink or eat caffeine like its water. Coffee is a medicine to cure the sickness of assignments, classes, meetings, and having a college experience. The intake of caffeine increases every time the students consume it, as the body gets used to the previous amount. This makes them dependable as they feel that without caffeine they may not function; they can’t stay awake active and have the perfect college life.
Dangerous Effects of Caffeine
It is further said that caffeine makes people so used to the energy that they work below par and cannot work with efficiency once it is taken from them. But, to gain this efficiency, they risk their health and sleep. Caffeine affects your body, you start to feel you are exhausted and can not work with caffeine in your system. But, if you do decide to stop the intake of coffee, you feel lethargic and have no motivation to get up or move around.
The dark coffee consumed has its dark side effects. The average intake of coffee per day is 4 cups of coffee. Any amount more than that would lead to headaches, dizziness, insomnia, vomiting. The stomach is one of the most majorly affected organs in the body. The consumption of coffee is said to release chemicals in your brain that can rewire your mind and have harmful effects on your mental and physical well-being.
Caffeine withdrawal after getting dependent is no easy task. When your body creates a bond with caffeine, it is tough to break it. It sticks on to you like a leach. But, once you decide to get rid of this leach, you will perform below par. You will have no energy to wake up and get to work, the muscles in your body will tremble and ask for caffeine. The effects of the addiction are real and no joke.
The way to rid yourself of this is by keeping tabs on your intake. Make a goal and stick to it. It will be difficult at first but do not give up. Move to decaf drinks, or herbal. Start meditation and never cut it out in one go; remove it slowly. I have noticed that students’ intake of caffeine increases during exams and assignments. They cut it out immediately when they no longer need it. This is not the right way to get rid of the caffeine addiction formed; cut it out slowly and gently.
Final Thought
The path is heartbreaking, as caffeine feels like a form of love, something that truly gets you. Like every toxic relationship, this too needs to be flushed out of your system, gently and with care. This toxic relationship has happy memories but focuses on the long-term side effects that it caters to, which affects no one except you.