I remember when Shaun first started learning to ride his bike he would always ask why he needed to wear a bicycle helmet. I used to joke and tell him if he fell and hit his head his seeds would fall out. LOL. Looking back that might not have been the smartest thing to say but it was pretty funny at the time.
Shaun is the only kid in the neighborhood that wears a helmet while riding his bike and he always asks why he needs to wear a helmet. I tell him if professional cyclist as well as myself can wear a helmet then so can he. Heck, even his burly Uncle Matt wears a motorcycle helmet while riding his Harley. For the most part he doesn’t complain he just wears his helmet and pedals off to go do his thing. One day I hope he will look back on the time we browsed Helmet City for new bike helmets for him and I and thanks me for thinking of his safety first and his looks second. I tend to agree with Shaun that helmets aren’t the best looking thing but they serve a purpose and serve it well. It burns me up when I see people riding bike and not wearing a helmet. Most people wear a seatbelt while driving and should wear a helmet while riding a bike as well.
Do your kids wear helmets while bike riding or skateboarding? Do you as a parent set a good example and wear a helmet if you ride a bike?