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Vicks #BehindEar Thermometer

vicks behind ear thermometer, #behindear, vapo rubA couple of weeks ago I was invited to a #BehindEar luncheon in Philadelphia to discuss kid’s health, flu season and to see some new Vick’s products in action.

The discussion was led by Dr Meg Meeker, M.D., author of “The 10 Habits of Happy Mothers”.  As moms we are told to listen to the doctor, but honestly I take all doctor’s advice with a grain of salt. As a mom I’m more inclined to follow my gut. Things like washing hands, taking vitamins, drinking plenty of water and getting outside for exercise and fresh air are tops on our list for staying healthy and strong. Medications are a last resort for my family.

Things like adding humidity in the air has always been a part of our lives. When Shaun was little he suffered with breathing problems and extreme eczema. We quickly learned that increasing the humidity in his room would allow for a more restful sleep. Six years ago our choices for powerful humidifiers were limited; we ended up purchasing a Venta Sonic for over $100. Today Vicks has figured out how to get the same powerful mist for a much more reasonable price.
vicks humidifier, cool mist humidifier
Shae came down with a cough/cold last week so we put the Vicks Germ Free Humidifier to work. Along with applying good old fashioned Vicks Vapo Rub and using the Vicks Plug In Waterless Vaporizer and using a trusted, age appropriate cough medicine Shae was sleeping better through the night and the cough lasted on a couple nights. While we stopped the medicine, Plug-in and Vicks Vapo Rub, the humidifier is still running.

behind ear thermometer, #behindearThe luncheon was primarily based around the new Vicks Behind Ear Thermometer. I’m not fan. Shae came into the room I instantly knew she had a fever. I ripped open the packaging of the new thermometer, read the simple directions and took her temperature. It was registering below her normal temperature. I then took my own temperature, normal. I took Shaun’s temperature, normal. I took Shae’s again and was getting readings of 99.3-100.7. I took out my trusty oral thermometer and got a reading of 102.4 that kept rising. For the next couple of hours I tested the Behind Ear Thermometer on the family, thinking I just needed to get the right angle or get it in the right spot. I never mastered it. I’ll stick with what works for me.

Vicks is a trusted brand in our home and I’m not going to stop using our staple of Vapo Rub. The humidifier has found a new home in Shae’s room and I’m stocking up on plug-in refills for those stuffy noses that will happen.

Find a possible Target Promotional Code for more Vicks products and other home health care items.

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