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Raising Kids in the AI Era: How AI Detection Tools Are Changing Parenting


AI technology has changed countless people’s lives in recent years. Many journalists have talked a lot about some of the impacts that this new technology has had in the creative professions and education. However, fewer people have talked about the evolving role of AI in parenting.

As with any new technology, AI is a double-edged sword. There are a variety of things that parents need to consider when deciding how to embrace AI. They have to deal with concerns about safety, while balancing them against the potential benefits. AI detection technology is going to be more important than ever as parents try to shield their children from the dangers of AI, without cutting it out of their lives entirely. They can also use an accurate educational AI detector to stop their kids from cheating.

Parents Grapple with the Risks of Using AI

As they become more concerned about AI technology, they are starting to recognize the benefits of using AI detection tools. Some of the issues to take into consideration are discussed below.

Data Privacy and Safety Are the Biggest Concerns Parents Have with AI

One recent survey found that 72% of parents are worried about the risks that AI poses for their children. The biggest concerns are that it creates data privacy concerns and can be used to put their children at risk. The same survey found that 33% strongly agree with a statement indicating that AI makes these concerns worse.


AI also has the potential to put children at risk by malicious actors. A number of trolls have created harmful content on sites like YouTube over the years, which were initially disguised as videos designed for young children. Parents also have to worry about the growing number of predators trying to groom their children online. Many are likely to use AI to do this more effectively.

Some Parents Worry AI May Hinder Creative Thinking Skills

Parents’ views on safety concerns about AI are pretty consistent. However, they have more divisive views on the impact AI has on critical thinking skills. One survey found that 30% of parents feel AI can help improve these skills. However, another survey found that 25% of parents worry that AI will make it harder for children to learn to think for themselves.

There is probably a kernel of truth to both of these views. Whether AI will be beneficial for parents trying to promote critical thinking skills will depend on how it is used.

More Parents Are Worried About their Children Cheating on Assignments

This isn’t as much of a concern with younger children, but a growing number of high school students have started using AI on their assignments in recent years. One survey from the 2023-2024 academic year found that 70% of high school students reported using AI.

Of course, not all students using AI are trying to cheat. However, there are growing risks of students doing so, which can lead to them facing disciplinary action at school.

Some Parents Fear AI Can Help Radicalize Students

The Internet has always created a number of risks that parents have to grapple with. They have struggled to keep an eye on the content their children are consuming. This can be even more concerning as more content is generated with AI.


Some bad actors are trying to influence vulnerable children, especially boys. They may try to convert disaffected teens to join manosphere sites and other places that poison their minds with dangerous ideologies.

AI Detection Tools Are Going to Be More Important for Parents Trying to Protect Their Children

More parents are likely to start using AI detection tools to protect their children from the growing risks that AI poses. Here are some ways AI can be helpful.

Checking Their Schoolwork

Many parents are trying to use AI detectors to check their kids’ assignments to make sure they aren’t trying to cheat with AI. This can help them identify possible cheating at home before it leads to bigger concerns at school.

Monitoring their Online Content

Parents can also try to use AI detection technology to monitor the content their kids are looking at online. They can identify malicious content more easily, so they can block their children from looking at it.

Identify Suspicious People Trying to Connect with Their Children Online

A lot of predators are trying to use AI to take advantage of kids these days. Fortunately, parents can use AI detection tools to scan emails and other communications, which will make it easier to identify these people.

AI Detection Technology is Going to Be Very Helpful for Parents in the Years to Come

A growing number of parents are starting to recognize the benefits of using AI detection technology to protect their children. The demand for these tools is likely to continue to increase in the coming years.