YAY! We made it to summer with barely a showing of spring. We literally went from cold to hot in what seemed like a couple if weeks. Rob took the kids to buy bathing suits, the beach towels are washed, the sand toys are unearthed from the garage, the sunscreen supply is stocked and we are ready to hit the pool and beach.
We recently received another summer treat in the mail all the way from Australia. Terry Rich is a producer of some of the HIGHEST quality beach products I’ve ever felt. Shae was sent a Swim Robe that rivals some of my biggest, thickest, thirstiest beach towels. Each product from their swim robes to their towels to their beach totes are made with the best ingredients so their customers receive the best product available
Terry Rich, Whale Beach Australia
We haven’t gotten the chance to hit the pool yet but we have been playing in the yard with hose, baby pool and toys. The first thing Shae asked for when she knew we were headed out to play in the water was her pool robe. She has already been wearing it around the house because it was cozy and soft.
As she came out of the water she put the robe on, put the hood on, zipped it up and didn’t need anything else. Her feet dried in the sun so she was ready to head in the house. Normally I wouldn’t let the kids in the house wet but the Terry Rich Swim Robe sucked all the water off of her body. We set it out to dry like the other towels and it’s was hanging on her doorknob the same day.
I liked the plastic zipper. No metal to worry about rusting. The hood was deep and covered her eyes from the sun and the little pocket is a great spot for goggles. The colors are bright and will easily stand out in a crowd.
TerryRich Swim Robes some in sizes for toddlers to big kids and can easily be passed down from one child to another as they grow. The thickness and softness really impressed me.
Shop Terry Rich directly from Australia with super fast shipping at a flat rate.