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3 Ways to Stay Safe and Healthy at Work

Many of us spend a lot of time at work. Thus, it’s important that we take steps to ensure we’re safe and healthy in the workplace. We must also take steps to promote the health and safety of all other employees, particularly when we’re in management roles.

There are many ways you can do this. Additionally, the nature of your job will play a role in determining how you can promote workplace safety. However, there are some general workplace health and safety tips that apply to basically all occupations. They include the following:

Use Telehealth Services

This is a particularly important tip to keep in mind if you’re in the position to make certain purchasing or management decisions at your place of employment. Innovative telehealth services allow injured workers to remotely consult with medical experts from job sites. 

For instance, perhaps you manage a construction crew. It may not be possible to ensure your workers have immediate access to medical care if they’re injured. This dentist in Ballantyne also adds that aside from telehealth services, teledentistry is also gaining traction nowadays. So, it’s something that you can consider as well. With telehealth services, if a worker does sustain a minor injury, while they’re waiting for help to arrive, they can speak with a medical expert via video chat or a similar means. The expert can advise them on steps they should take to guard against additional harm in the immediate aftermath of an accident.

Naturally, your main goal is to ensure you and your workers are never injured in the first place. However, you can keep everyone safe by ensuring workers are able to speak with medical professionals fast if they do sustain injuries.

Ask for Help

Again, the specific ways in which you can stay safe and prevent injuries at work will depend on the nature of your job. In general, though, many jobs sometimes involve performing tasks that can be difficult to perform without additional assistance.

For example, maybe your work sometimes requires you to lift heavy objects. Although you can guard against harm to some degree by lifting properly, sometimes, an item is too heavy to lift on your own, even with the proper lifting technique.

Don’t try to “be a hero” and perform potentially dangerous tasks on your own if doing so puts you at risk of being injured. Ask for assistance when you need it, and refuse to perform any tasks that are unreasonably dangerous. No job can require you to put yourself in harm’s way. Employers are generally required to take all reasonable steps to promote workplace safety. 

Take Breaks

It can be tempting to show off to your employer by working long hours without breaks. However, this is a bad idea, regardless of what your work involves.

Some employees don’t realize just how significantly failing to take breaks can impact their physical and mental wellness. When you take breaks, you’re more alert and rested, making you less likely to make mistakes that could result in injury.

Remember, being involved in an accident at work can significantly reduce your ability to earn an income. You don’t want that to happen. It’s much less likely if you apply these tips throughout your workday.

Additional resources:
  • Injured at work? FVF Law recommends speaking with a legal expert to discuss work injury compensation